....."we are right and you are wrong"....
Are you being deliberately obtuse? Are you really acting like you cannot see the difference between
religion and an evidence based system for learning? Really?
Nope. To clarify, I'm saying that some people are treating science and rationality as religion. That's different than calling the entire science and rationality a religion.

It's a bit like, Jesus =/= Christianity, even when Jesus is supposedly the basis of Christianity. I hope I explained myself more clearly this time...
OK well I am not one of them, so we can move on from that point.
Dig under the nature of worship, Billy. What defines a worship? A worshiper?
I honestly think presence or lack of objective, quantifiable evidence does not play in whether someone -chose- to worship or not. Perhaps we are differing here.
No.... worship is not defined by the worshipper, its defined by the worshipee. Or at least his/her mouthpieces. You make it sound like there arent set practices already in place. In order for the worshper to define worship they would have to do it the way they wanted. This is not the case. Muslims dont individually think "why, I bet it would be a swell Idea to face Mecca while I pray 54959997 times a day. They do it because thats what they are trained to do. And if they dont do it, or try to turn from it its called apostasy. They kill you for that in many Islamic countries.
However, I'm getting it a bit back on track; faith does. Logic does. They both give something worthy of worship.
Wrong, you keep trying to make the point that Faith and Logic are the same thing, they are not. There is NO WORSHIP in Science or Atheism Get it? I don't know how to make this ANY CLEARER for you.
It does not, but you're generalizing the whole complex world of science. (Because as far as I know, even religious people believes 2 + 2 = 4 is true. If there are people you met who believed that 2 + 2 = 6 because God Says So, then I apologize and my deepest sympathies).
Your apology is accepted, there are people like that. There are also people who literally believe that the world is 6000 years old because the bible says so, DESPITE UNANIMOUS WORLDWIDE SCIENTIFIC UNDERSTANDING that the earth is closer to 5 billion years old. This surprises you?
And the rest, I wholly agree. It's a system of learning. What makes it (completely) incompatible with faith the way you seemed to insinuate, then? .___.; I don't understand...the strength of your statement. The black-and-whiteness.
But I'm afraid my point is also missed. I'm sorry, I'm bad at debating >___<;
Bringing up black and whiteness when talking about science and logic and acting like its a bad thing pisses me off. 1 sentence above and you are talking about 2 + 2 = 4, well maybe thats a fricking black and white statement. Maybe I would FEEL better if 2+2 = 4.6
Faith and Science are incompatible because 1 looks for answers. And the other supplies fake answers. If you cannot see how thats incompatible I dont know what to tell you.
What I'm saying in effects works like people of old age who turned Jesus' words and virtues into a religion on their own.
Bear with my explanation for a second :
Helios' chariots are real life objects (chariots) used as an explanation about something else; it could very well be Helios' Doves or Helios' Nipples for all its worth.
Prayers are previously songs, chants; something used as a recreation, something used as a meditation and something that's used to, again, explain.
Magics are....not part of religion, at least mainstream ones (Wiccan and such, well, yes, but.); Miracles are. In that aspect, a miracle is used to again, explain something unexplainable at that time; something that was good and beneficial for a person and/or community at large.
Magic is the same thing as a miracle. Its called a synonym. Helios as we know is just the Earth spinning on its Axis around the Sun, there is no Helios. The Religious aspect of explaining the sun via Helios is both Wrong and Stupid. Wrong, because ... well its just wrong. And stupid because there were other greeks at the time who did not buy into the Ptolemaic idea of an Earth centered universe. Aristarchus of Samos for example. He also proved the Earth was round.
It is not that scientific mechanism -is- religion, but remember that religions are ultimately social constructs.
People are turning them into a certain form of heightened consciousness.
Chariots are useful. Kindness is useful. Prayers or rather songs and chants are useful and entertaining. Old religions turned them into something 'holy'.
Now it's both Logic and Rationality which are being upheld the way religiously virtuous people were glorified, once. The way Christians were flourishing over Greek and Roman followers.
This is all conjecture.
From my perspective, what is being worshipped is this particular chain of belief: that science will lead people to a better age by killing religion / spirituality and rendering it obsolete. By helding to science as indelible proof.
Then I would say you dont understand the nature of the word worship. ANd now you are telling me I worship a possible future without religion? No I don't worship it that doesnt even make sense by way of syntax, but I hope to hasten it.
Only that.
.....Straw men
Ungh, Mengele?
Again, I think we're seeing different things with the word worship. See above question.
What? Yeah, you are not understanding the word worship or are deliberately being obtuse about its usage. You worship God(s) you DO Science.
And this is my personal opinion.....I was talking about enlightenment; in my own understanding, is that it requires both faith (or at least, conscience) and logic (or at least, awareness). I found science ultimately helped religion (or at least, the spiritual belief in God) a lot. By shedding falsehoods and things that were unable to understand back then, by creating shifts in paradigms, we moved away from dogma. And start walking towards the truth.
Really thats what you see? What I see are the death throws of religion. Even the pope and the Arch Bishop of Canterbury believe in Evolution now... The God of the Gaps theory is so old and tired... I cant wait to put it to grass.
(A bit digression here: I found dogmas to be essentially sociohistorical in element; a rule was made because what happened during that time. A power was given in reaction to events. You mentioned below that religion doesn't evolve. I would say that dogma doesn't evolve.)
I disagree I think its the other way around. Dogmas change with time, but the root of the religion. The need for a father figure and all that, the need to believe, that stays the same.
And before one can go anywhere, one must know, believe, feel that the truth exist; that there are answers for everything. That nothing is ultimately unexplainable.
That is faith.
Yeah.... its wrong... hello. Truth exists regardless of us. Unless you meant subjective truth.
...Is your reaction proving my words? >___>;
You tell me, you made the claim, be sure to highlight it for the rest of us.
Again, I personally believe dogma doesn't evolve. Religious belief on the other hand....The fact that in the present we have so many denominations and their own peculiar beliefs -are- proofs of evolution to a certain degree, I think.
Except that you have it backwards. The tenets change, thats the Dogma, the religion is essentially the same.
But the fundamentals doesn't change. Yes, I agree, and I do agree that the backbone of science -is- the openness to change.
But notice the scientific standard.
That openness to change only when they are speaking the same language is the Catholic equivalent of decrees and stuff. You know, 'updates' within the church...but rarely 'beyond' that.
They are both ultimately inclusive. A case of 'speak our language or forever be banished'.
Maybe for Religion. Not so much for science. Again remember Science is dealing with Reality as it is, as we can see and sample it. Not as we wish it to be "Faith". Faith is the closed minded system that says, if you work on Saturday you will be stoned to death, Faith is the system that says Gays go to hell, no exceptions unless they repent and refrain from homosexuality. It is Faith and religion that creates and enforces FALSE morality based on literally nothing. Science doesnt do any of that, Science isnt something you adhere to like a scripture, its something you DO and sample the world with. Its incompatible with religion and faith only because it deals strictly with what is real.
So you disagree that both science and religion ultimately seeks answers?
Yes completely. Science seeks answers and Data, religion does not, religion closes down the discussion and says "we have our answer and its TALKING SNAKES!"
Faith at other people, faith at yourself...
faith can be used in other things other than religion, and people can have faith for other things aside from a divine being.
Again; Christianity has been historically pretty advanced in developments of certain science.
Really? Like what?
Islam philosophers and scholars have developed a great understanding of medicine, logic, and biology that were ultimately also used in medieval Europe at that time;
The term "Dark Age" itself derives from the Latin saeculum obscurum, originally applied by Caesar Baronius in 1602 to a tumultuous period in the 10th and 11th centuries.[SUP][4][/SUP]
Originally the term characterized the bulk of the Middle Ages, or roughly the 6th to 13th centuries, as a period of intellectual darkness between the extinguishing of the "light of Rome" after the end of Late Antiquity, and the rise of the Italian Renaissance in the 14th century.[SUP][5]
just please read up on this.[/SUP]
And presently, the existence of the supposed 10% of the religious scientist tells that religion can still be compatible with science.
That does not mean religions has never refuted certain theories that goes against their understanding (and really, where does their understanding of the world came from?); but on the other hand, refuting things that doesn't fit with the previous, established theory had also happened within the scientific world...
Not it doesnt tell us that science and religion are compatible. That 10% are largely the laughing stock of modern scientific history. They tend to be the guys who try to prove the existence of Noahs ark or that the Garden of Eden was real. Its a joke.
I would not say anything about your statement that most scientist are atheists / unbelievers, mainly due to a) I feel it's quite a generalization, b) matters of beliefs are ultimately personal choices, and c) I admit I have no idea beyond generalization and stereotypes.
SO youre saying you doubt that most scientists are Atheists? Thats a generalization really? You might want to look into that.
I'm not going to respond to the "They are SECRET ATHEISTS that were forced to hide themselves!" part unless you can give further citations because there's no way to know the truth of that statement.
Just take it on Faith, that should be easy on this forum. You dont need citations when you just feel its right.
Because I can use the same logical pattern of 'they are there, they were only hiding and you just don't know it' to claim that aura, energy etc is just God's work that science has not been revealed at this time....that logic train is a tad problematic, I think? :| :| :|
Yeah I know... magic vs history is always a good match... I mean comparing a fact like "the church killed off people all through history, including heretics" is just BS like Auras.
And....as far as I know, the Dark Ages were called dark because of the lack of historical writings. Not necessarily due to 'light of science'; there are also a noticable lack of art, culture, and other writings. Now you can argue that the church secretly oppressed all that and such, but I suspect this is a complex matter. The Church's power grows together with the expansion of Roman Empire -AND- its destruction, and the resulting powerplay that results. I shall refrain from making further judgment beyond my understanding. I sincerely doubt the church controls the people; if anything the people are working to appease the Church; some for the genuine need for 'divine right', and other for the political protection. From my perspective they are less the stealthy oppressor and more of the lazy fatass only thinking about their own self-importance.
Yes there was a noted lack of art and culture because Europe was being swallowed by Christendom.
Originally the term characterized the bulk of the Middle Ages, or roughly the 6th to 13th centuries, as a period of intellectual darkness between the extinguishing of the "light of Rome" after the end of Late Antiquity, and the rise of the Italian Renaissance in the 14th century.
here it is again
For the other side of your arguments.....I'm sure historical situation played a part, and I'm sure there are people who are questioning their beliefs and are secretly refuses to believe in God, and that might be good. But the point is, science and rationality and logic still able to shine through. And they are able to shine in a way that gets accepted by the Church.
Can I ask you something? Have you ever been to the USA? Where do you live? Because you are severely ignorant on some cultural shit that we got going on over there. They're waging a battle to ban Evolution from many classrooms, this is not "Accepted".
WHOA. Billy. I hope you're aware of how black-and-white this particular view is.
Your view of it being black and white is black and white.
He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.
I adore this quote and its utterly true. However it does not justify the statement you made earlier that Logic is just like Faith. I can become the worst atheist Shade of David Duke or the Westboro Church and you will STILL be wrong on that point.
This matter goes twofold, and importance only plays in one of them:
one is a personal concern. I still respected you as a person. And in this aspect, the how is important.
This one has zero relation to the topic in question. I noticed that while seeing you being all argumentative is something usual, there's always this....burning flame, whenever religion is within the equation. It appears to be your hot button, and you..almost always...had an extra oomph whenever you're arguing about this topic. More dismissive, more sense of superiority. And slowly it seemed to burn you more for some reason. I'm all for you being atheistic or anti-religion, and I'm not exactly the religious type either.
This is not true, I think that you could see this with a check of my posts on this forum. Its all we have talked about lately because it seems like that's all anyone wants to talk about. I dont make these threads up. But I feel I am pretty consistently dismissive and superior regardless of the discussion. Thats just me. I browbeat people when they do stupid shit *shoulder shrug* I suppose I could stop, but then I have to live with being inauthentic.
I don't even disagree with some of your points, just the intensity / the scope of it.
but...let's just say I'm concerned about your mental state, your scars and its effect to you.
How we believe affects how we live. At the very least, we can agree with that, can't we?
Yes and no... Again... strictly speaking I am an Agnostic, that what you would say I believe. However I live as an Atheist because the world needs less god and more atheism. As for my mental state, don't you worry about that. I'm nuts, I will be the 1st to admit it. You have to be nuts to live by your own methods and to go around all the feel good bullshit society keeps trying to slow you down with. I made a choice long ago, that I would rather be hated than live a lie. I would rather be Sad than live a lie. I would rather have the truth, the real truth... not subjective truth, but the shit I can quantify so as I can make better decisions in my life. And my life has been better as a result. Much more compatible emotionally to accept the world as it is, than to persist in idealism that just rob me of my heart as the idealism are proven wrong time and time again.
two is that how something is said affects what is said.
These has two effects : First is... Biases, clarity, and all that. It does not change the elements inside your argument, but it changed the strength of the argument.
Essentially, the more attached someone is, the less clarity they have? I just applied my particular view on that to you.
I disagree on this one. What is said is what is said. If someone tunes out because they dont like what they are hearing then they are free to continue to delude themselves, but it is not my job to worry about that. I research, I learn, I study and I share the data I find. That is who I am and what I do. I wont change that for anybody.
If you are writing this to state your opinion / feelings / beliefs / thoughts; you did it well, the point was received and I can see the contents.
But you are doing nothing to convince others reading your post. Nor are you giving the people responding against you proper respect, and notice how I said à find your words hard to believe and/or listen. I don't say your words are invalid, or you're giving lies and nonsense. I just found it hard to be told to believe something I was supposed to believe in such a patronizing, dismissing way.
I understand your point I just honestly don't care dude... I don't know why you cant get that. I am not going to don kid gloves for a serious discussion with a fucking adult... I wont do it. I do that for my Nieces because they are 3... If I have to do that for someone who is 20+ then they are clearly out of their league fucking with me. People say backhanded shit to me ALLLLLLL the time. I roll with the punches and take it like I should. I don't get all butthurt because you're not respecting the bubble of protection I surround my meager little feelings with. My point is this, you cant talk people out of a belief in God... you cant do it. You can only make a stand, spit the data out and hope that you enlighten at least 1 mind. And even if you dont get that 1 mind... Googles Cache is eternal practically... this shit will be on there until the internet dies. My battles on this, arent just here and now, they will rage on through time long after I am dead. People will be reading the archives of this forum. I believe that history will judge what I am doing fondly and see me more as a social pioneer than anything. Most people must be led some pulled, some pushed. I will leave all the inspirational speeches and feel good crap to someone who likes it, I am the hammer in the tool box. Let someone else be the scalpel.
black and white thinking, coupled with straw men.
This is a black and white statement.