Falling in love: weakness or strength?

Falling in love: weakness or strength?

Both. Weakness in a sense that you are letting yourself be vulnerable to love. Strength in sense that you have the courage to make that leap and "be vulnerable" for the sake of love.
Weakness. I say this from a logical perspective, I don't see how loving someone could make you stronger? Happier, yes.

I am becoming an INTJ. XD
^ going off that, I think that happiness equates to brain chemicals which measure amount of meaning in a lot of ways. So being able to love something or someone just provides more colorful meaning, and being open to upgrading amount of meaning is a kind of strength
If you have a lot of money and are a man, then it is a weakness cause women use that to take all your money.

If you are a women with a lot of money and fall in love then it is a strength, because it means you found a man who is in love with you.

IDK how it is for homosexuals.
If you are a women with a lot of money and fall in love then it is a strength, because it means you found a man who is in love with you.

Or the guy could be thinking, "Cool, I'll never have to work another day in my life!" Think it's just women who date guys for money, think again.
Or the guy could be thinking, "Cool, I'll never have to work another day in my life!" Think it's just women who date guys for money, think again.

Thought it over again, sticking by my original statement.
It's a good thing. Feeling things is a good thing, it imbues life with meaning, or something like that. Usually the dudes I fell for were not worth it, in the end, however.

Although it's my experience that spending a lot of time with someone who you are attracted to, in a non-physical way, tends to teach you things about yourself. I know that's vague, but it's true. Relationships suck, but we can grow so much from engaging in them. The trick is to make sure that the growing outweighs the suffering.
Cars: ferocious predators or harmless herbivores?

Seriouspost: I have confirmed that love is the cure to my disease...but I have a very particular way of going about it. I can see how it could be a problem for someone else.
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I don't have a problem loving someone and going full force. It's when the other person holds back and doesn't give just as much which makes it more difficult. Today, people are reluctant to put their all into love or relationships because of the risk of hurt, manipulation, or abuse. We focus so much on protecting ourselves from being hurt, that we never truly enjoy our relationships. Even if we are given a great love, we think it's trap, we so treat it cautiously and sometimes too casually, and sometimes lose something meaningful because we didn't take it seriously. Love and relationships have become this casual, trivial thing today. It's not considered a good thing to care too much - that just makes you weak. I can't blame anyone for feeling this way, but it's sad because it takes away our ability to really fully enjoy the experience of caring for someone without having to hold back.
Weakness... but I don't think love is about strength. Love allows weakness. Strength is not a requirement for love to flourish. I was thinking that I am stronger outside of love, but that's really just walls built out of fear. Masks, and risky behavior to hide how weak I really feel inside. Being in love WITH a partner has caused me to let facades fall away, and live in truth.

I think love is about allowing someone to know your weaknesses, without fear that they will use them to spear you. It's about being scared, yet trusting.

I'm not sure I believe in strength at all, really. I see it as a word used to indulge the ego. It is entirely subjective, and can keep one resting on their laurels, without further motivation to improve.
If the Superman movies taught me anything it's that love is definitely a weakness!