Family's types

ESFx by four... O M F G :faint2:
(Mostly guessings - mom has done the test)
Dad - ESFP
Mom - ESFJ
Older sis - ESFJ (26)
Younger Sis - ESFP (20)

I love em all.. but sometimes I wonder if i'm adopted...
They can't understand me at all.
"Why are you sitting in your room? Go out and play!"

God i hated that sentance when i were younger >.<

oh, wow.

i admire you.
Thank you thank you...
Guess what a relief it was to move to another city to study when i was 16? :)

(Even though my mother ALWAYS call me atleast once a day checking if i'm alive... even now when i'm 22 and been living by myself for 6 years)
Well I found out my dad is an ESTJ.

Interestingly, I look up to him a whole lot. We get along and connect very easily, and have a mutual understanding of each other.

I think I said this mum is an ISFJ, and we love each other, just aren't as close as my dad and I.
Mom - ESFJ
Dad - ENTJ
Son (16) - INFP - He just loves Jax to pieces!

Significant other ... Jax/INFJ - That's why I joined the board, by understanding other INFJs I feel I have learned to understand him better.
Mom-i think ENFP

My Father can be an obstinate fellow.He only believes that he is right!(PREPARE FOR VERBAL WAR)

My mother is an extrovert so sometimes she can't understand certain things.She says we are difficult children.

Brother-Likes to disturb me and calls me "fat head".I used to be chubby when i was young so he tries to irritate me.I called him bubbles in return because i couldn't pronounce his name properly.

Sister-One messy one!Clothes are thrown and stringed everywhere.Tissues hidden under sofa.Basically you get an idea.At least she is a softy and understands people better.I just hope she stops telling me i look like the aisha from neopets!

Mother (took test) INFJ
sister (Guess) INTJ
Brother (Guess) INTJ
Brother (Guess)ISFP
sister (Guess)ESTJ
Sister (Guess)ISFJ
Dad (Guess)ESFP

Husband (Took Test) INTJ
Child (very young/ Guess) ESTJ (Like a little version of my sister, OCD tendencies included)
Child (Guess)INFX
(I'm an only child, parents divorced when I was 4 years old)

It goes without saying that my mom is pretty much my best friend, and my dad an I do not get along. My mom an I understand each other better then anyone else. We have realised in the past few years that we think about things almost EXACTLY the same. It's kind of scary. We both can read each other like a book, and pretend that we can hide something from one another. I love my mom to death and care about her more then anyone else. She has done so much for me and taught me so much. I had a rough childhood because of my dad, and she helped me through it.

My dad an I don't get along very well. For one, he is extremely strict, unforgiving, and "traditional". All three of which do NOT fly with me. He is still under the delusion that I am going to be just like him in the future, even after shattering so many false images he had of me. I'm a pretty sensitive person and he never catered to that. If I cried when I was young he would always say "Stop crying or I will give you something to cry about!" (though he never hit me.), always playing into fear. A tactic that I have told him was very harmful to me. He has such a high sense of "honor" and a huge ego. We just don't mix at all in any way. We have reversed values of each other. He frequently has called my relgious belifs (I'm new age) "crap" and "dangerous", which I find very offensive.

At least I have my mom :)
That's interesting IndigoSensor, as my dad is an ESTJ also, but we click really well in an almost incredible way. Your mum sounds like a fantastic person, it's great you're both so close :)
(I'm an only child, parents divorced when I was 4 years old)

It goes without saying that my mom is pretty much my best friend, and my dad an I do not get along. My mom an I understand each other better then anyone else. We have realised in the past few years that we think about things almost EXACTLY the same. It's kind of scary. We both can read each other like a book, and pretend that we can hide something from one another. I love my mom to death and care about her more then anyone else. She has done so much for me and taught me so much. I had a rough childhood because of my dad, and she helped me through it.

My dad an I don't get along very well. For one, he is extremely strict, unforgiving, and "traditional". All three of which do NOT fly with me. He is still under the delusion that I am going to be just like him in the future, even after shattering so many false images he had of me. I'm a pretty sensitive person and he never catered to that. If I cried when I was young he would always say "Stop crying or I will give you something to cry about!" (though he never hit me.), always playing into fear. A tactic that I have told him was very harmful to me. He has such a high sense of "honor" and a huge ego. We just don't mix at all in any way. We have reversed values of each other. He frequently has called my relgious belifs (I'm new age) "crap" and "dangerous", which I find very offensive.

At least I have my mom :)

Unhealthy ESTJs are the worst. :doh:

I feel for ya.
Yeah, my dad is a bad ESTJ. He was treated badly when he was young, and because he does not belive in therapy (yet another point we dont agree on) he never healed from it.

I wouldn't say new age beliefs are "dangerous" :ml:

I know (so long as it isn't black magic) :). But you see he is a traditonal baptist christan, and thinks it is evil.

He has given me the talk about it before. He says "It is illogical to not be christan. If you believe then you can go to heaven, and if it turns out not to be true, then you are still fine. But if you don't believe then you will go to hell, it is so risky. not olny that new age belifs are condemed!" When I point out the flaws of the argument he just says "no, christanity is the right one! I am trying to be a good father and protect you, I want you to go to heaven, I wont be a good father if I don't!" *rolls eyes* I understand he wants to be a good father. But he will olny feel that way unless I am a carbon copy of him. Oh well, I'm happy, and that should be enough for him, and if it isn't, it is his loss :)
Black magic isn't new age. I was calling new age stupid :D
Traditional Baptists are just as stupid. Especially if he's a Southern Baptist.
Black magic isn't new age. I was calling new age stupid :D
Traditional Baptists are just as stupid. Especially if he's a Southern Baptist.

My roommate is Southern Baptist...I don't mind that so much as her cemented political affiliations though
My roommate is Southern Baptist...I don't mind that so much as her cemented political affiliations though

One of my best friends out here at college is southern baptist. But, She sure doesn't act like one. She is actually very open minded and rececptive to other peoples religions and belifs. What was a shocker was when she asked me to read her tarot cards for her (yes I read tarot cards). I was like :eek: , mostly because she was genuinly interested and wasn't one of those asses who wanted to "test" me to see if I was a phony.

I always like it when people throw you for a positive loop like that :)
One of my best friends out here at college is southern baptist. But, She sure doesn't act like one. She is actually very open minded and rececptive to other peoples religions and belifs. What was a shocker was when she asked me to read her tarot cards for her (yes I read tarot cards). I was like :eek: , mostly because she was genuinly interested and wasn't one of those asses who wanted to "test" me to see if I was a phony.

I always like it when people throw you for a positive loop like that :)

Yeah, I agree :D I don't mind any belief or religion, so long as they actually make a true attempt to be open about other beliefs or religions. The world would be a much better place if everyone could just be a bit more thoughtful
My immediate family (husband and children) is INTJ or INFJ, I believe.
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