Famous characters you are most like (take test)

Fuck yeah! I got Yoda!

Yoda: Yoda is one of the most renowned Jedi Masters in galactic history. Intelligent, competent, and skillful, Yoda is known for his wisdom and dexterity in lightsaber combat. Holding the title of Grand Master, he trained famous Jedis such as Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker. Regarded as caring and giving, Yoda is revered as not only one of the most legendary, but also most beloved Jedi Masters of all time.

Your personality is very similar to that of Yoda, and you are more similar to Yoda than the average person who took this survey.

You are most similar to:

Spiderman (Peter Parker)
Lisa Simpson
Samantha Stephens
Brian Griffin

You are least similar to:

Jenna Maroney
Sammi (Sweetheart)
Greg House
Stewie Griffin
The Skipper
Fuck yeah! I got Yoda!

Yoda: Yoda is one of the most renowned Jedi Masters in galactic history. Intelligent, competent, and skillful, Yoda is known for his wisdom and dexterity in lightsaber combat. Holding the title of Grand Master, he trained famous Jedis such as Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker. Regarded as caring and giving, Yoda is revered as not only one of the most legendary, but also most beloved Jedi Masters of all time.

Your personality is very similar to that of Yoda, and you are more similar to Yoda than the average person who took this survey.

You are most similar to:

Spiderman (Peter Parker)
Lisa Simpson
Samantha Stephens
Brian Griffin

You are least similar to:

Jenna Maroney
Sammi (Sweetheart)
Greg House
Stewie Griffin
The Skipper

From what I've seen of your posts & other convos, I think this is pretty accurate lol

So I'm intelligent, wise, skillful and caring? I never knew >__<
Lisa Simpson: Lisa Simpson is very bright for her age and interested in intellectual activities. She works hard at school and takes pride in it. She also has a strong moral sense that leads her to try to help humanity and do what she believes to be right. Her intelligence and awkward social skills contribute to her lack of friends. Lisa is characteristically upbeat and views the world positively, and loves music and the arts, and is dedicated to playing her instrument, the saxophone.

Your personality is very similar to that of Lisa Simpson, and you are more similar to Lisa Simpson than the average person who took this survey.
See Lisa Simpson's Profile
You are most similar to:

Lisa Simpson
Spiderman (Peter Parker)
Dr. Donald Mallard
You are least similar to:

Sammi (Sweetheart)
Allison (The Basketcase)
Jenna Maroney
Tracy Jordan
Han Solo

This is cool. But I've never watched the simpsons lol!! =)
jethro gibbs.jpg

Jethro Gibbs: Special Agent Jethro Gibbs is a no nonsense kind of guy. He has very little patience for laziness and is oftentimes very sarcastic. Despite initially coming off as cold and unfriendly, Special Agent Gibbs
You are most similar to:

Spiderman (Peter Parker)
Luke Skywalker
Lisa Simpson
Joey Tribianni
Phoebe Buffay

You are least similar to:

Han Solo
Mike (The Situation)
Jenna Maroney
John (The Criminal)
Stewie Griffin

I dont know what Joey and Pheobe are doing in the 1st list. Hmm
Wants friends to take test....:md:
Albus Dumbledore: Albus Dumbledore is considered the most powerful wizard in the world. Supremely talented, he is also benevolent and eccentric. He is extremely intelligent, but not at all arrogant or self-important, although he is confident. He believes in the good in everyone and insists on giving second chances. He is a very good judge of character, and has a whimsical sense of humor. His personality flaw is his desire for power; although he desires power for good, he recognizes that power corrupts. He is deeply kind and believes in the power of humans to be good.
Your personality is very similar to that of Albus Dumbledore, and you are more similar to Albus Dumbledore than the average person who took this survey.

You are most similar to:
Albus Dumbledore
Superman (Clark Kent)
Abby Sciuto
Dr. Donald Mallard
Last edited:
You are most similar to:

•Abby Sciuto
•Lisa Cuddy
•Lisa Simpson
•Eric Foreman
Most like Spock, least like Han Solo.

I'm not all that logical.
You are most similar to:

  • Dr. Donald Mallard
  • Yoda
  • Spock
  • Lisa Simpson
  • Brian Griffin
You are least similar to:

  • Stewie Griffin
  • John (The Criminal)
  • Claire (The Princess)
  • Lord Voldemort
  • George Costanza
I'm the only who got Stewie inter alia?:D

You are most similar to:

Greg House
Stewie Griffin
John (The Criminal)
Simon Cowell

You are least similar to:

Mike (The Situation)
Dr. Meredith Grey
Roger Sterling
Spiderman (Peter Parker)

I'm so proud of myself!:m096:xD

Albus Dumbledore: Albus Dumbledore is considered the most powerful wizard in the world. Supremely talented, he is also benevolent and eccentric. He is extremely intelligent, but not at all arrogant or self-important, although he is confident. He believes in the good in everyone and insists on giving second chances. He is a very good judge of character, and has a whimsical sense of humor. His personality flaw is his desire for power; although he desires power for good, he recognizes that power corrupts. He is deeply kind and believes in the power of humans to be good.

You are most similar to:

  • Albus Dumbledore
  • Spiderman (Peter Parker)
  • Joey Tribianni
  • Phoebe Buffay
  • Lisa Simpson
You are least similar to:

  • Pete Campbell
  • Meg Griffin
  • Jenna Maroney
  • Stewie Griffin
  • Greg House

Fuck yeah I'm a wizard!
Lisa Simpson: Lisa Simpson is very bright for her age and interested in intellectual activities. She works hard at school and takes pride in it. She also has a strong moral sense that leads her to try to help humanity and do what she believes to be right. Her intelligence and awkward social skills contribute to her lack of friends. Lisa is characteristically upbeat and views the world positively, and loves music and the arts, and is dedicated to playing her instrument, the saxophone.

Your personality is very similar to that of Lisa Simpson, and you are more similar to Lisa Simpson than the average person who took this survey.

You are most similar to:
Lisa Simpson
Luke Skywalker
Spiderman (Peter Parker)
Dr. Derek Shepherd
Dr. Donald Mallard

You are least similar to:
Sammi (Sweetheart)
Jenna Maroney
Meg Griffin
Severus Snape

You are most similar to:

  • Allison (The Basketcase)
  • Brian (The Brain)
  • Meg Griffin
  • Spiderman (Peter Parker)
  • Batman (Bruce Wayne)
You are least similar to:

  • Simon Cowell
  • The Skipper
  • Jethro Gibbs
  • Iron Man (Tony Stark)
  • Dr. Cristina Yang

[TD="width: 20"][/TD]

Allison (The Basketcase): Allison is the most socially isolated of the group. She is extremely timid and quiet, saying nothing to the group for several hours. She seems to have no friends, and is in detention because she had nothing better to do with her Saturday. Despite her seeming timidity, she does enjoy getting attention for being offbeat and weird—stealing Andrew’s wallet, and using dandruff as snow on a picture she’s drawn (LOLwtf???). She doesn’t want to fit in, and is probably the standout social misfit of the group.
You are most similar to:

  • Brian (The Brain)
  • Lisa Simpson
  • Chandler Bing
  • Pam
  • Timothy McGee
You are least similar to:

  • Captain James Kirk
  • Ryan Seacrest
  • Roger Sterling
  • Sammi (Sweetheart)
  • Claire (The Princess)

this is a true shame. I really like Captain Kirk.
Most like Spock
Least like Princess Leia.

I suppose that's true. While I'm not a fan Star Trek, I find Spock to be relatable.