Anything you try to possess, you don't really love. When you love, you allow freedom. In true love, two people are giving each other freedom.
Love and freedom. Aren't they the perfect pair?
Anything you try to possess, you don't really love. When you love, you allow freedom. In true love, two people are giving each other freedom.
I don't see how one is possible without the other.Love and freedom. Aren't they the perfect pair?
Anything you try to possess, you don't really love. When you love, you allow freedom. In true love, two people are giving each other freedom.
*curtsy* btw King, your signature is the bees' knees, friend!
"you must love yourself before anyone else can love you"
I'm screwed!
Just me, you say an awful lot of stuff in a short statement here. Yes, I understand that the "good luck" thing was like a flower or a gem in your heart that was just wishing the best for all of us. It's beautiful for people to be like that and feel that way. Perfectly beautiful in fact. Sometimes I really think that everything is just perfect as it is, but the perfection is like a hidden jewel to some of us sometimes. Perfectly hidden in plain sight!
How do you guys deal with it? Has anyone else ever had the problem where they feel they will never find someone who will love them, or feel as intensely as you do? Is this a common problem for INFJ's you think?
Something just occurred to me.
There is nothing wrong with us!
The only thing we need to realize is how to love people who fail to meet our standards, because they failed! This means that we have to love ourselves too when we fail ourselves!
If someone can't love us, then they're just unfortunate for whatever reason. That's their problem. Don't let it change who we are!
Don't stop loving people because they won't love us back. Love them more because they need to be shown love! But let them not return our love... for as long as they have to until they get it right, if they ever get it right. It doesn't matter if they do. It matters if we show them love!
Don't stop hoping because people fail us. Hope more for their betterment because they've only failed themselves! But let them fail us... as many times as they have to until they get it right, if they ever get it right. It doesn't matter if they do. It matters if we keep hope!
Don't let other people stop us from being everything we are. Be everything we are more because they need us to! But let them try to stop us... for as long as they have to until they get that we are right, if they ever get it right. It doesn't matter if they do. It matters if we stay true to the wonderful people we truly are!
It is not us who are wrong. It is the world. We only fail when we give up. Our awesomeness is stronger than the world's suckiness, and the world needs us to stand up for what is right because it doesn't know how to! If it did, it would work like it is supposed to. We can't let failures stop us from doing what we were meant to do. Failures need to bolster us to do what the world needs us to do!
This is our challenge as INFJs! In order for us to be what we were made to be, our battle is with ourselves. We have choose to forgive others and ourselves, and not let it weigh us down to the point of crippling us. We have choose to accept others and ourselves for exactly who they are when they are, realizing that we are all works in progress. When we stop trying to make these works in progress better, we fail because that is what we are meant to do.
I love you!
I love all of you! Exactly as you are!
No one has to change to be loved! Not even us! All we have to do is focus on the best of ourselves, and not let anything cause the worst of ourselves. Be who we are and do the good that we do, and everything will fall into place. It doesn't matter if we succeed at these individual goals. It only matters that we keep being true to the best of ourselves, and that is our love for everyone!
Happy Valentine's Day!
How do you deal with it?
If you're in australia, head on up to darwin and I'll love you something fierce.
I buy kitties and puppies.How do you guys deal with it?
I don't deal with it, I let it pass by because (after many experiences of brooding over it) I find that it usually goes away although it makes me very depressed while its there.How do you guys deal with it? Has anyone else ever had the problem where they feel they will never find someone who will love them, or feel as intensely as you do? Is this a common problem for INFJ's you think?
I feel unloved.
I try reaching out, but you know how it is... The ones you love never seem to reach back.
I've actually heard that kind of statement from a load of different people of different types ^^" It seems there's a whole load of unrequited love out there...Are you sure you're not an INFJ??