Fellow infjs-i have some questions regarding relationships.

1) Did you date during your teenage years? If so, how did you find that experience?
Umm, I did not haha. Well I think because I was not out as a queer person so it was pretty miserable for a lot of my high school career. Plus if I knew what I know now I don't think I would've wanted to date anyways because I didn't really know myself in high school and I would've picked someone that would not have any potential anyways. Also I come from a very ghetto place, there weren't many out queer ppl in general to date.

2) When you're interested in someone, or realise that you're attracted to someone, does that inner voice ever go, "You should totally go for it!" ?
I'm rarely truly attracted to someone. I probably have crushes based on physical attraction, but I think I crave deeper connections. Therefore I usually have to wind up in a relationship first to see if the connection will last. I don't really have a problem asking ppl to a date, but I have to truly like them which is rare. So it usually happens the other way around first.

3) Have you ever dated someone you've just met, and who you don't know that well? What was it like? Did anything substantial develop
from this?

I think this is usually how it happens for me. I meet ppl randomly and then we go on dates to see if we have any real connection. I see the dates as trial runs and just getting to know each other, their fun for me. I've never been committed to someone because it takes me awhile to really figure out if I want to be in a relationship. but if I'm dating someone then I am monogamous for that time. I once dated someone for 3 months, is that normal?

4) Do you find that for you emotional attraction comes before physical attraction? Do you think that perhaps this is the reason why infjs end up falling for their friends?
I think they come to me at the same rate/speed, but I value emotional attraction more than physical attraction.

5) Do you think that maybe we're destined to be alone?
I don't believe in destiny. I think we're capable of change and have the ability to maintain a relationship. I'm sure INFJs find themselves in committed relationships. Perhaps it just takes us longer to be in one because we value different things, we know what we want, and I believe we're patient. Plus we're never truly alone, we just have to see love differently (which I'm sure a lot of us do). For example I love many things and many things love me, they don't even have to be people. I think we're attuned to being alone, but we're open to relationships and they are possible.
Here's a blast from the 2009 past.