Lurker said:
Shaz- said:
I don't think I could date a J. Even an NFJ...
I don't understand. Why?
Because I need someone who is relaxed, who takes things as they come, I don't know, I really need a P to balance out my J. Js stress me like crazy. I feel judged very easily in general, maybe it's part of that too. Besides if I don't agree with someone on something and they're as stubborn (and don't want to be wrong) as I am, we are likely to have many arguments, I think.
This said this is partly hypothetical. I've only dated one J and it didn't work out, as I said. I'm always attracted to Ps. Strong Ps. There is the exception of my ENFJ best friend I used to be crazy about (because it was the first time I had met someone like me, and we agreed on everything, we have an extremely similar outlook on life and experience it in very similar ways), but with time, knowing him much better now, I don't know if it could work in the long run. He is often too categorical about things. Js tend to be more categorical don't they? I don't like that.
Part of it is just visceral, you know...
frozen_water said:
He's an INTP. Very healthy one.
Out of curiosity what do you mean when you say healthy INTP? What makes them healthy?
To be honest with you, I'm not sure what I meant :mrgreen: since I haven't met any other INTPs. Actually a friend of his is an INTP and I don't really like him that much. I find that guy has too much blind faith in science. I believe there is something bigger than science, or at least complementary, though I can't tell what, or whether I'm right. I'm just a limited human being, just like that guy is. But this is beside the point, sorry. (what I do love though is when they are both drunk and argue for hours about things I couldn't fathom myself as brilliantly as they do, about time and the universe and uber abstract stuff, it just fascinates me completely.

). That guy also had no tact with an INFP girl he had had sex with, and who was I think in love with him.
My boyfriend is more open minded than that him, to begin with. I'm his first girlfriend (he's 19) so I don't know how he would be with someone else, because we have quite a big influence on each other I think. We make each other grow. But still.
He can't really put words on his feelings easily (but he's so cute when he tries), but I read him so it's OK. What he is great at though is listening to me, my frequent display of (sometimes extreme) emotions don't bother him because he doesn't get affected by them (unless he is involved in the problem, in which case we talk and things get better). I think he feels useful when he can comfort me.
He is self confident but still very tolerant. He is not full of himself. He has ideas and is able to follow the good ones through and go from idea into realization. He loves his concepts but doesn't think he is more right than someone else (well, sometimes maybe :mrgreen: ). He is always sure that everything's gonna work out, but if it doesn't he doesn't care, what's important is that he tried.
Then again, I don't have much INTP experience, and I probably wrote he was healthy because I was writing with my F :mrgreen: .