Finish a sentence; start a totally different one

just me

Well-known member
The sun.....

The sun appears to come up and go down every day.

My best friend....
My best friend is a one legged pirate named Casper.

Im going out dancing on Saturday night...
Im going out dancing on saturday night with the devil in the pale moon light.
The atoms....
The atoms are coming.

Last night, we
After the police arrived, the intruder slipped out the same, mysterious way he entered.

A young man.....
A young man turned into an old man within the blink of a trees life.
Cold fusion was a
Cold fusion was a codename for a data collection algorithm developed by the NSA back in 2006 that scanned the deepweb for INFJ's who were collaborating on psychic communication and light healing.

Johnny Knuckles and his horse, Buckshot,...
Johnny Knuckles and his horse, Buckshot, were ridden down by the riders of Rohan and slew when the worlds of J.R.R. Tolkien and Frank Bonham collided in a tragic Con Event.

Margaret sat at her dining room table staring at the smoke stained walls...
Margaret sat at her dining room table staring at the smoke stained walls contemplating the merits of suicide.

Aunt Hermenegilda was in the kitchen hastily preparing a potato salad, and yet Margaret's lingering...
Try to keep the questions short and simple, please.

Margaret's lingering smell told of her presence.

I can.....
I can fly.

If I had a brain. ..
If I had a brain, I could study it.

His decision...
Korg, a negative thumb? Really.

His decision made no sense at all.

Negativity denotes...
Negativity denotes a poor sense of humor and weak bowels

The first person to arrive....
The first person to arrive lit an organic cigarette and opened a 22 oz can of Pale Ale.

With only a flashlight and pair of chop sticks.....
With only a flashlight and a pair of chopsticks the doctor attempted quadruple bypass surgery on a dying person much to the horror of bystanders in the area.

He attached laser beams to sharks and...
He attached laser beams to sharks and changed the course of the Universe. if... if....the moon was made of cheese.

If the moon was made of cheese, then the....
If the moon was made of cheese, then the cows could relax for a while.

Infinity cannot be measured without time as a ....