Rothchildian Agent
- Enneagram
- 9
I'm no martyr. I assess a situation first. If it's someone I care about deeply, that MIGHT be a different story. Then, it's like you said, instinct.
I've actually only been in like 3 physical confrontations in my adult life, and that was AFTER trying to talk, or letting the drunk asshole get away with a little more than he should. Violence has always been a last resort for me, but it doesn't mean I don't know how to inflict it, and may possibly be a reason why I am able to avoid it, for the most part.
I'm sorry to hear that man, I've been luckier than that, maybe, although I've consciously avoided situations where that sort of trouble arises and I'm discounting any work related aggression I've experienced.
I'm glad that you're hear to post about it and hope you're alright