First impression thread

... No Heather. It was my first impression of him.
I just checked the title to make sure I didn't post
in the wrong thread, and I didn't. It is the first
impressions thread.

Feel free to skip me and do Sonya, next poster.
I don't want to ruin the fun for her.

I went back to see what you could be confused
about and why you thought that applied to you
and I now understand your confusion. I never
thought you were an asian man soliciting forum
women for attentions. I thought this of Korg when
I read his first post from hiatus which was "well done"
in the member's pictures thread. I sent him a negative
rep about it letting him know I did not appreciate
this behaviour. Turns out he's totally not an asian
man soliciting forum women like I had thought. I quoted
his post because he is the person I was giving my
impression of. I wasn't implying that that's what he
really thought of you or that I thought that of you.
Okay, thanks. I thought you were referring to you thinking I was out to lunch's fake account.
Passionate and a little too enthusiastic about intjs o_0
Ooooh, I like this one...
Scary? Really??

Young and naive was my first impression of you
Uber nice, spiritual, killer wit.
I have not, nor ever have been called "nice".

A bit flighty and damn this woman likes to rep
to be honest, my first impression of you was that i thought you seemed dumb LOL

but then it improved a lot once i read more of your posts :D
Cheerfully buoyant
Someone who used to be on this thing a lot, began to wander for a bit, and has found her way back.

And her avatar is cool.
another kid, but less kid like than most.
Hmm...Not too sure about this one...