Yeah. Wondering can cause craziness and paranoia too, though.
I some times wonder, what's the point of being safe if accomplishing it puts you into paranoid misery? I've been there where I don't trust anyone and after a while it gets old. Yeah I'm protecting myself, but what kind of life do I have as a result?
Good question!
It's not exactly the kind of safety that's...ideal, isn't it? safety that's born by mistrust and anxiety and paranoia.
To some point that is different than being careful and is to some point certain anxiety masqueraded itself as carefulness.
On the other hand, I also want to be careful. I learned that I do have a right to protect myself and not be so open all the time. What I find problematic is too often, people want you to be open and reveal yourself to them.
And yes. I too feel like it's a right to reveal yourself on your terms (and assuming it was truthful...).
But as I'd wondered in the other thread, sometimes rejection can jolt you back as well.
The difference between being careful as a defense mechanism and being careful as a political/social maneuver....that might be interesting.
One thing I am remembering is that-- well, I think we tend to be careful because we don't want our weaknesses to be exploited.
And at the same time-- if we reveal our weakness open and proud-- few could really damage us.
But at the same time-- it does not mean people won't attack us.
Sorry, a bit random?
People have done it here where they keep expecting you to share personal things about you, and let them in so to speak but they don't know what they are asking. For one, it assumes that you owe your privacy. It also implies you have an obligation to be an open book to them just because they are curious. They don't consider the consequences of their expectations.
And sometimes, they don't understand it's also a matter of boundaries.
I understand this. I admit I might have been on the other side too often (mostly because I don't mind talking / revealing most parts of me), but yes; our burdens are no one else's obligation but your own.
I think a lot of people 'wants' to be helpful.... ? Like, tell me your life stories and burdens so that I could help you! kind of feel,
but a lot of times people are not that altruistic :| the motives tend to be somewhat impure, if not self-serving (let me find our similarities so that I could talk about myself)
but when trust is broken, you're not going to be as "here I am!" anymore. You're going to be more cautious and careful. I think when you realize you're one of the few if not the only one who is not in on whatever is happening and that you maybe the joke behind everyone's back, you lose interest in being seen as being in on anything. You don't care as much about being open anymore. You feel less obligated to explain your right to protect yourself. Too many people have taken liberties with openness, so yeah, I stay away. Too much abuse. No thanks.
..*hugs* I know the feeling. The choking feeling.
For me it becomes an urge to push myself forward; to stick with the group just so THEY CAN SEE HOW I AM.
Or, at the same time, to participate in those things; a self preservation kind of thing-- people won't talk about you when you're in the room (whether literally or metaphorically), and if they do-- then you have truly done something wrong.
It's....not nice, honestly. I JUST DID THAT AND THAT IS NOT NICE *screams to self*
*hugs again*