Silently Honest
Retired Staff
Well, I figured I only have five minutes to live.....its take much longer than that to achieve an orgasm...
Speak for yourself female.
Well, I figured I only have five minutes to live.....its take much longer than that to achieve an orgasm...
Well if that's the logic we're using Alcyone, I might as spike everyone with some X and fuck for the last five minutes of existence on the mortal plane.
Exactly! I know it doesn't take a male long to achieve climax. Thats why sex in five minutes would be a waste of MY time!
Exactly! I know it doesn't take a male long to achieve climax. Thats why sex in five minutes would be a waste of MY time!
Hahaha! Really? Maybe I shouldn't post...hahaha...too adult, hahaha!
The earth will explode in five minutes, where are you? Who are you spending your last moments with and what are you doing?
I'm at home, alone, playing X-box 360.
Somehow...I cannot tell if you are laughing with me....or at me!
Oh no, I'm not laughing at you. Hahaha! I was laughing at my thought...orgasming in 5 minutes. Trust me, it's very possible, even for a woman...but it's probably too adult to get into here, lol.
- The rocket is only temporary, we're just prolonging the inevitable.
- We're just getting front row seats to see the earth go bang from space, the best view.
- We're not going anywhere anyways, I mean the moon is gonna be effected somehow.
Why yes I do, thankee. Hey waitup... THE WORLD IS GOING TO EXPLODE?!? OMG WHO WOULD DO THAT?!? WHY?!?
At the spot that will have the best view but isn't crowded.
I would google "how to prevent the earth exploding".
Well, while I do expect this to happen around six Billion years or so 9 (could be longer) when the Sun finally Novas. I don't have any clue who I will be with or what I will be doing. I don't even know if I will have a humanoid type of body as we know it by then. I will more likely be made of spirit and light, and dreams by then. Actually, I think I already am.![]()