- Enneagram
- 9 Mediator
I'm really uncomfortable with the sexual objectification of men via the "gray sweatpants season" memes.
Yes, I get the old joke about gray sweatpants. Why are we doing to men what women have been asking men to stop doing to us?
Someone I follow on social media posted that a woman approached him at the gym and told him he shouldn't be working out in gray sweatpants because he has too much to offer. WTH? He said he was uncomfortable and self-conscious for the rest of the workout.
While this is a "taste your own medicine" moment, I'll never be comfortable with objectifying people.
Thoughts? Agree? Disagree?
Agree wholeheartedly. I try...and I emphasize the word try....to see men(and women) as Human Beings first. They're people first with Human Thoughts/Emotions/Beliefs/Soul BEFORE they are gender.
From what I'm seeing men are going through their dark nights of the souls just as women are doing these days. Every one of us is hurting in some way or the other.
Good call! I am not familiar with this idea of grey sweatpants but it must be promoted in social media....otherwise where would that woman get the idea? Just shows how deeply the programming is for those that watch.
That woman deserves a WTH.
Another action I've been taking is working on forgiving....and then letting it go. I have a challenging time understanding why men(my peers specifically) just cannot let go and admit they are wrong. My guidance came through and told me it's because I won't forgive them for being wrong. So...I've been working on that within myself....walking the valley of shadow as it were....forgiving the oppressors in my long life. In this way I can let all the past wrongs go and we can move forward with lighter ease.