Forum Marriage.

Consider me floored... and surprised. Congrats guys! :m085:
Woah, woah, woah.

... Woah.

For real? That's awesome and completely came out of left field! Congratulations! I hope for the best for both of you! That's absolutely wonderful!
Forum Marriage

WOW. I had the pleasure of meeting Naxx face to face last winter. You're a lucky woman, Lucifer, is all I gotta say!
ok, lucifer, what about puerto rico?

Well...:md:..the pics say it much better than I could ever maybe I'll ask Naxx to post them.

Naxx and I met on New Years Eve 2009. We went to the Met kind of chilled till it closed then we went back to my house and spent news years eve together. We sat talking till the we hrs of the morning and well I remember being blown away, I mean like spiritually blown away, it was stunning. Eventually we went to bed but neither of us could sleep we knew something was up.

I woke up the next day to find that he had left. I was still in a state of shock, I spent new years day just hanging with my sister. Around fivish I got a phone call, I knew it was from Naxx before I picked up the phone. He rather blithely asked me if I wanted to puerto rico with him. Well I had some reservations about it but after thinking about it for a second I said yes.

I mean my parents weren't happy about my going to puerto rico with someone I just met. They tried to talk me out of it but my sis thought that this was a great idea and convinced me to stick to my guns.

I owe her a thank you note.

Well two days later I left.

It ended up being the most beautiful experience of my life thus far. I still find it overwhelming.

I could say A lot more about it but I am sick of typing. And I would probably start crying if I sat and thought about it.

I guess we'll call that part one.
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That's SO exciting!!! Congrats!!!
Congratulations, both of you! That's so wonderful! :m045:
Oh, Space Time

Yes, sorry. My brain is befuddled with hops. I need to say these things in my head. You get the gist I suppose though. Nice work......
You know what this means?

We need to make a INFJ dating section.


Watch out for those pesky ENTP girls, who knows what they will try and do. :m081:
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:mlove2:WOW!!! cool cool cool
*can I be an imaginary flower girl!?!?!?* :m045:
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!! AND may God Bless your marriage :) :) :)
I wish you love and happiness!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) :)
WOW. I had the pleasure of meeting Naxx face to face last winter. You're a lucky woman, Lucifer, is all I gotta say!

And we had delicious pizza that night too. =)
That is awesome :D

Are you going on a honeymoon too? :)
If you two film it, we can sell it to the forum members as our very first forum product


When was the ceremony? Details, please :)

Ohh yes I'll give you the details.

The alarm sounds, we're tired but know what we must do.

We get into the Prius and the car starts, the military police appears to be running an exercise.

I tell the MP, "how long is this going to last? I need to get out of base. I am getting married. I am not kidding."

They let us through and we leave base heading to the DMV.

I complain about the way people driver on the way to the DMV.

We arrive at the DMV for which I've never seen a DMV so nice. There were no lines and each section was carpeted and had indoor cafe like tables and chairs.

We go to the marriage section and I run back out as the DMV only accepts cash. I punch in my pin number and I put in 100, 20's began to spit out (exactly 5).

I walk back to the section after a quick stop at the bathroom. I noticed the bathroom sinks are nice and the table top had a green marble look. I agreed with their choices for bathroom decor.

I walk back the section and we asked about passports, the lady was nice and very positive.

We get our information punched in and made sure everything was correct.

We were then married.

of course in between all these things, I've watched the smiles on her face, held her hand and talked about how unreal everything was.

The spiritual marriage vows between us will happen in the near future and that is far more important than any legal document. That is what I am truly excited about.
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Would you like an Order of Shai Gar (Satanic Sect) Marriage Celebrant to do the ceremony?