Free Personality Test at Personality Max

I'm not.
I've taken too many of these tests online to get an accurate result I think.
Like usual my J and P are pretty close. Still on the J side though.


Edit:Fixed image
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I'll bet the site is overwriting the same temporary image over and over

It looks like some of you are copying the preview image address instead of clicking "Get Embed Code". That's not a unique URL. It's for your session only. I'm glad you guys noticed this. I'll have to make the preview image inaccessible like we do on so that people are forced to get the proper code.
That fix it?
Looks like you got yours fixed fine. RememberWhenItRained, ~jet and NeverAmI can do the same by going to and using "Get Embed Code" if their sessions are still alive.

Now if somebody tries to grab the live preview image it'll cause the embed code dialog to appear. Unfortunately we didn't think to have it work that way from the start.

I seem to be becoming more INTJ as time goes on. Sigh.

Fear the borderline ENFP-ESTP. Muhahaha =O


That says INFP.
I am confused, yes.

Okay, and ENFP.
Now I am less confused
but still confused as to
why you have dos.