From Sith Lord to Jedi Master

  • Thread starter Thread starter Shai Gar
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Shai Gar

I've not encountered any books or games that deal with a Sith Lord going to learn from the Jedi, becoming a master.

There's numerous stories about Jedi turning to the dark side, but I've never encountered one where the Sith turned to the Light side. I'd like to create a story that'd be translated into a game series about a Sith who has just recently slaughtered his master, and became the Dark Lord. Ever a curious fellow, his passion and thirst for knowledge at any cost drove him to study his enemy the Jedi, where he decided to enter the Jedi Temple on Coruscant and declared his intentions to become a padawan learner to a Jedi Master, so that he could learn the mysteries of the light side. This is where the game would begin. He would be accepted on the condition that he discards his lightsaber for a simple wooden staff, and he'd be trained by the Grand Master.

He'd already have honed his body as a weapon, with mastery over the dark side of the force in all its insidiosies. His aim would be to learn how to conquer his dependency on the dark side, and be his own man. He'd be trained by travelling with the master on a series of missions until he reached Jedi Knight level, and then would travel constantly with several Masters, sparring with them, and gaining wisdom.

Eventually he'd have to fight several dark jedi, and other dark force users (no sith). Before taking on a Jedi Padawan as an apprentice, and then leaving the temple to study on his own, a force apart from Light or Dark. Becoming one of the twenty lost masters.

His Sith Lineage would be
Darth Bane
Darth Zennah
Darth Cognus
Darth Millennial

What sort of ideas do you have? This would be an adventure game spanning a few DVD's with a length comparable to a Final Fantasy.

The problem is how to make it an entertaining game, going from the dark side as an already powerful weapon, to become a peaceful wise man.

Bleh, played it. I didn't like it. He went from Amnesiac Sith to Jedi Apprentice, to Sith Lord when I played it...

My game is a little better than that pedestrian piece of filth.
Bleh, played it. I didn't like it. He went from Amnesiac Sith to Jedi Apprentice, to Sith Lord when I played it...

My game is a little better than that pedestrian piece of filth.

Technically he went from Sith Lord to Amnesiac guy to whatever you chose for him to be after that.
I assumed this was a forced unleashed thread at first glance. Don't buy it by the way.

And yes KOTOR.
KOTOR didn't have the necessary background I want for this game. Force Unleashed wasn't a Sith lord, he was a Sith Apprentice... Hell he never even turned good, he was setting up a Tarp.

KOTOR was about 1 - 3 years after an all out galactic war where half the Jedi were slaughtered, and the republic had almost been brought to extinction. This game will be a few generations after an all out war between the Sith armies and the Jedi's army of light where bane unleashed the force bomb and brought about the rule of two. There'll be plenty of Jedi about, the might and reputation of the Jedi will be almost absolute, and They won't be stuck on a crappy grassy plains temple, this will be Coruscant. And no, He won't need to constantly level his powers like all the other Jedi games, because he's already a dark lord of the sith, about as high as powers GET. He's just learning new ones and mastering wisdom.

Completely different games. Mine would be more involved.
Mara Jade would be the closest I can think of to that.

Also, Luke turned to the dark side in order to take out a powerful Sith person, and was turned back, though I can't remember what story it's in as it's been several years since I read it.
:P again and again, not the same settings, nor the same situation.

Mara Jade was never a Sith Lord. Just a Sith Assassin.
I know, that's why I said "the closest I can think of to that."

In other words, I doubt that such a scenario already exists.
:D I know. I want to create it :D

The ideas I'm after, are how to make gaining wisdom fun.
The ideas I'm after, are how to make gaining wisdom fun.

Oh that is easy. Each time you gain wisdom it changes your perception of the world. Things that were once invisible to you become visible. It's like ascending to a whole new world of possibilities.
yeah and wisdom doesn't always just appear in your mind either, there are times you have to work very long and hard to attain a certain wisdom. Never a dull moment in wisdom learning land!
Great description Satya!
Haha nerds. ~_^

You should make the main character try to split the Prophets of the Darkside for selfish purposes, ultimately leading to the creation of a new sector with fairly neutral principles and have the main character frequent the Valley of the Jedi which allows them to gain positive insight.

...or something.
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Why would the Jedi trust him?
Why would the Jedi trust him?

They wouldn't. In fact, I bet they would be really divided on the issue. Some would argue that it is their responsibility to try to bring him to the light side and others would probably want to imprison or destroy him for the safety of the galaxy.
Because they can feel his mind, sense deception. As to not fully trusting him, that's why they are making him learn from their best, and travel with a few jedi masters, who also happen to be soresu masters.
...and make him a Djem So master so they are always bickering with each other which would ultimately teach him patience.