Fully immerse in Ni


On Holiday
We have the thread "Examples of Ni" and the section for imagination exercises. But I would like to collect practices with which one can fully immerse in Ni in the real world. I'm sure all INxJs do this or cultivate a specific activity for this and they probably do it in their "alone time". Please tell me.

My favorites are improvised writing and freestyle rhyming.
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Your subconscious and conscious mind are not exactly benign either. Full immersion when one's not ready will cause on serious shit and a big waste of time.

But if you asked, meditation? Or at least turning your mind into either '0' or '100'.
damn it technics! why did you have to go and post before i could get a screenshot of trifoilum completely taking over.
damn it technics! why did you have to go and post before i could get a screenshot of trifoilum completely taking over.

[MENTION=4137]technics[/MENTION] : in that case, what you need is a relative silence. No distraction (people, devices...anything)
in that case, what you need is a relative silence. No distraction (people, devices...anything)

No, because silence is not peak. Silence is neutral. It is, as you say, "0". I need the "100" intuition. I've always felt most comfortable at peak intuition. Meditation for me is the other peak, the "-100". I don't feel at home there.
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wachu talkin bout, aint no such thing as Ni, shits a myth. now hand me the remote, the news is comin on
No, because silence is not peak. Silence is neutral. It is, as you say, "0". I need the "100" intuition. I've always felt most comfortable at peak intuition. Meditation for me is the other peak, the "-100". I don't feel at home there.
no, it's to achieve either 0 or 100, silence (or solitude) is needed.

But even if you have silence, if the voice in the head still talks, screams, wanted to be heard; it'd be harder. SO you also need a relative inner peace.

'100' in my terms means complete focus. Select an activity* that you enjoyed doing and enjoyed focusing on, then do it in a relative comfort (not distracted, able to think for an uninterrupted period of time). It's basically a recipe for good concentration. XD

*I would say the activity is related to what you want to 'think' on. For instance, I do some writing or drawing. But I'd tried cooking once, and it does work -- in a way, but cooking needs specific concentration to the task, it may actually distract your Ni.
I find that it comes out strongest in writting. . there are times that something takes over and words appear from "somewhere" I dont really know what they are until after it passes.then I go back and read it. . it's a strange sensation . . calm comes over me and the words just flow.
I also have found meditation useful to get better in touch with this inner self that seems to be where this all comes from. .
however, having said that . . you can also waste a lot of time searching for intuitive things only to find that the search semply gets in the way. . if that makes any sense. . .I think it is a very elusive thing. .
To fully immerse oneself in Ni, one must detach from each of the other functions. One is to
enter a state of pure perception, of pure vision, detached from the external, detached from
the constrains which judge all that is thought against that which is thought true. Duality is
disintegrated, the two becomes one; all that it exists is the moment, and the eternal, and
the two are the same. One departs briefly from the world of appearance, and delves deeply
into the world of the Forms, the world of pure nous. Through such a departure, through such
an entrance, one is able to let loose the chains which shackle the mind, which bind thought
to the relations of causality and nah fuck that i'm just kidding lol Ni isn't that great.
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To fully immerse oneself in Ni, one must detach from each of the other functions. One is to
enter a state of pure perception, of pure vision, detached from the external, detached from
the constrains which judge all that is thought against that which is thought true. Duality is
disintegrated, the two becomes one; all that it exists is the moment, and the eternal, and
the two exist as one. One departs briefly from the world of appearance, and delves deeply
into the world of the Forms, the world of pure nous. Through such a departure, through such
an entrance, one is able to let loose the chains which shackle the mind, which bind thought
to the relations of causality and nah fuck that i'm just kidding lol Ni isn't that great.
To be fully immersed in Ni involves a paradox: the less you think of immersing yourself in Ni, the more you're using Ni.
I get most of my ideas while vacuuming, doing laundry, or riding in a car. I am really "not home" during these activities, but if I'm going to draw, absorb information, or write, I need no people, no noise, no distractions.
I would put forth the idea that as a Ni Dom, you are fully immersed in Ni in real life. The problem is trusting and listening to what your Ni is telling you. The way you see the world is thru your Ni function, it creates the map. I say that Te is how you navigate the world you see.

I would say what sharpens the impressions I receive from Ni is immersing myself in Se. Mindless activity allow my brain to shuffle, shuffle, shuffle and filter the data without conscious effort interfering with the process.
I find that it comes out strongest in writing. there are times that something takes over and words appear from "somewhere" ... calm comes over me and the words just flow.

Exactly, that's the state I was looking for. I used to have it when I brainstormed ideas or solutions. For me it always felt as if I was challenging my intuition. It was as if I was taking it on a ride. Nowadays, I don't have to brainstorm that much anymore. My job is more about Te. And I really miss that state. I was also thinking that maybe it's the state that Csikszentmihalyi calls flow.

I think it definitely differs from everyday, normal use of intuition. Because during everyday use, intuition is somehow just in the background and delivers a hunch now and then. The state I mentioned is somehow forcing your intuition into a bottleneck so it delivers an idea. It's like a crucible.

This technique is used among artists, for example in writing classes. They force the students to write a complete film script in, say, one hour. And confronted with that, you somehow enter this state where everything is clear, as if the world is spread like a map in front of you and you could pick film ideas as easily as pointing on islands on a map. The script for The Lives of Others was created with this method, by the way.

@I would say what sharpens the impressions I receive from Ni is immersing myself in Se. Mindless activity allow my brain to shuffle, shuffle, shuffle and filter the data without conscious effort interfering with the process.

I think this sounds right. Because when I did a lot of photography, I think I also had a sharper intuition.