Funeral Song(s)

This one, definitely. <3

Jenni Vartiainen - ''Where my sweetheart is''

''I went to sleep on the balcony again tonight
so that he/she could be closer to me
I can see the sky from my bed, I began to wait
to see a falling star
They say that if you see a falling star somewhere
you can wish for anything you want
I whispered a wish up to the sky tonight
I wish the wind would start to blow soon

Wind, blow to where my sweetheart it
Play a moment with his/her hair
Tell him/her how I love, tell how I long
Tell how I'm still waiting just for him/her

Last night was calm but still soon
The wind gave a breath and I got to feel
Someone was moving close to me
Touched my cheek
I felt a familiar hand on my skin

And I no longer doubted
instead I knew that I could
Fall asleep like a small child
The air we breathe is the same air
And the ground beneath our feet is the same ground

I went to sleep on the balcony again tonight
so that he/she could be closer to me
I can see the sky from my bed, I began to wait
to see a falling star
They say that if you see a falling star somewhere
you can wish for anything you want
I whispered a wish up to the sky tonight
I wish the wind would start to blow soon.

Wind, blow to where my sweetheart it
Play a moment with his/her hair
Tell him/her how I love, tell how I long
Tell how I'm still waiting just for him/her''

Some could see that more as a love song but I think it could fit well to a funeral too.

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This is really going to damage my street cred, but:

<3 This was one of the songs that we played at my little brother's memorial. It was a fun day, or rather as fun as it can be for morning a life gone too soon.

The other song was The Adventure - Angels and Airwaves :

As for me ... I want the people to play what they want to hear. My death should not be about what I want, but rather what my loved ones need to help them move on. All I ask is that my body be donated as much as possible and the rest cremated. I don't want to be buried.
When I die, I want to be placed naked and buns up on a table so everyone that comes to my funeral can have their turn at packing wildflower seeds into my butt with this song playing indefinitely...

Then I want to be thrown into a hole on top of a hill so I can sprout... it will be lovely.
@Milktoast Bandit ... decomposing flesh can actually be quite useful in fertilizing soil. However, I don't know if the insertion of the seeds would kill them during the decomposition process, you might have better luck with bulbs... there is also the issue of needing to bury the body deep enough to prevent it from being dug up and eaten by critters, but not so deep as to prevent the seeds from sprouting.
@Milktoast Bandit ... decomposing flesh can actually be quite useful in fertilizing soil. However, I don't know if the insertion of the seeds would kill them during the decomposition process, you might have better luck with bulbs... there is also the issue of needing to bury the body deep enough to prevent it from being dug up and eaten by critters, but not so deep as to prevent the seeds from sprouting.

Thank you. Your realistic botanical knowledge has totally ruined my fantasy. Lol

Naw but really this one comes to mind. I posted it in my old blog. It was Obokuri Eeumi by Ikue Asazaki. It's in Japanese though.

Arayashikiku no dei - (in search of a new land)
Harasaku baku no dei - (let's build a new house)
Hare fushigyurasa nejyuku - (by neatly gathering hay)
Surajifushiro yondo - (to thatch the roof)
Hare fushigyurasa nejyuku - (by neatly gathering hay)
Fushigyurasa nejyuku - (neatly gathering hay)
Surajifusero yondo - (to thatch the roof)

Kirishigaki ku no dei - (at the stone walls)
Kuganeya be tatei tei - (let's celebrate the golden house)
Hare momo tobyuru wakya - (that was built)
Ya uriba yuwa o yondo - (by a hundred carpenters)
Hare momo to byuru wakya - (that was built)
Momo to byuru wakya - (was built)
Ya uriba yuwa o yondo - (by a hundred carpenters)

Hateigachi ya naryuri - (august draws near)
Tobibani ya neranu - (but i have nothing to wear)
Hare utou katabani - (i want to dress up)
Ya karachitabore - (brothers, lend me a sleeve)
Hitotsu aru bani ya - (i want to dress the children and those i love)
Kanasha se ni kusuitei - (with the single kimono i own)
Hare wanu ya okuyama - (i will wear vines)
Nu kazuradasuki - (that i picked deep within the mountains)

Ojyuugoya no teiki ya - (the full moon shines)
Kami gyurasa teryuri - (far and wide like the gods)
Hare kana ga jyo ni tataba kumo tei taborei - (when my lover comes to visit, i wish the clouds would hide it a little)
I won't be having a traditional funeral...i'll be having a "ceremony of life". And oh, no church service. Which will piss off my parents if they're still alive whenever the day happens.

First off, I would have Tool and A Perfect Circle playing in the background on a loop. People would be invited to attend a ceremony where there would be a slideshow of my travels...mixed in with the poetry i've written...they could also listen to songs ive recorded. They should also be drinking beer and/or sipping wine and eating canapés...haha

I feel like i should be printing this out and putting it in my will lol

This is what would play when they first walk in...followed by the next video.

...But it's probably going to be boring with no one saying anything and nothing playing.
i'm walking on sunshine. :p
The two strangest funeral songs I've heard used at funerals I've attended were "the lady is a tramp", for a lady and friend who liked cabaret; and "eternal flame", chosen by the young widow of a former colleague.

During this song, everyone kept on looking around uncomfortably at the verse "is this burning an eternal flame?" Lol.
I've told everyone that this should be my funeral song with real cannons as it was originally played. Should be pretty obvious as to why. Because it's friggin awesome.

These are also contenders

Been thinking about this lately and considering making a whole playlist.
I'm also circling around the idea of getting other people to add songs they would "contribute" to/for me.

Anyway, here's another one
Oh wow!
I have thought about this before, quite a lot, and shared with my wife that I would like this played at my service.

There have been a couple others that materialized at various points over the past few years, but they're escaping me right now. I may circle back to this thread if/when they bubble back to the surface. This is the one that always springs to mind when I think about this though.