- Adolf Hitler, When talking about the jews as a tribe being all like
Why would hitler say that? That doesn't make any sense
The 'goy' are people who aren't of khazari origin
- Adolf Hitler, When talking about the jews as a tribe being all like
The thing is, most players aren't actually toxic. Even in the games where the largest amount of toxic behavior happens, like dota 2 and league of legends, there's a vocal minority of genuine unironic asshats and people who troll without provocation. What has been done in the media, and by you, is to talk like they are the majority and somehow define "gamer culture", which again stigmatizes everyone who plays video games.
Then you see prejudice overflowing like muur using terms such as "basement dweller" misogyny, blissfully unaware of much of a hypocrite he is for stereotyping "basement dwellers" (also known as neckbeards, nolife video gamers, etc) in a similar way to how he imagines many "basement dwellers" stereotype women and the category of people who refer to themselves as feminists in particular.
I've seen way more shit and bad behavior in video games than you probably ever will, but I've found multiples more genuinely nice and cool unhateful people, and that's not counting those who simply say nothing.
Stop referring to toxic behavior within video games as "video game culture", and people won't rightly feel wrongfully targeted by your hatespeech.
Also there's a whole subculture to this subculture which is racist against Brazilians.
Just look up something like 'huehuehue br'. Exclusive gamer speak which describes stereotypical Brazilian MMO players. It's so much of a culture it has its own words to slam other cultures.
The thing is, most players aren't actually toxic. Even in the games where the largest amount of toxic behavior happens, like dota 2 and league of legends, there's a vocal minority of genuine unironic asshats and people who troll without provocation. What has been done in the media, and by you, is to talk like they are the majority and somehow define "gamer culture", which again stigmatizes everyone who plays video games.
Then you see prejudice overflowing like muur using terms such as "basement dweller" misogyny, blissfully unaware of much of a hypocrite he is for stereotyping "basement dwellers" (also known as neckbeards, nolife video gamers, etc) in a similar way to how he imagines many "basement dwellers" stereotype women and the category of people who refer to themselves as feminists in particular.
I've seen way more shit and bad behavior in video games than you probably ever will, but I've found multiples more genuinely nice and cool unhateful people, and that's not counting those who simply say nothing.
Stop referring to toxic behavior within video games as "video game culture", and people won't rightly feel wrongfully targeted by your hatespeech.
Would you say they are misrepresenting brazilian video game culture in a joking manner that hurts people's feelings?
I would agree with that. I wonder if there's any irony to be found here.
Cross-region MMR problems is actually a thing.
Playing vs europeans who are ranked 4000 in dota is harder than playing against americans who are ranked 4000 in dota. This is not controversial. It happens because of the way mmr works results in people being semi-regionally rated relative to each other, but not strongly so against other regions, because there is lower inter-region interaction.
Yet a 4k NA player will still be matched with a 4k EU player.
If there is a similar or higher schism between what SA server and NA server mmr's indicate in terms of objective skill levels, then this could result in the experience of that person without him necessarily being a racist moron who only see what he wants to see.
In Dota 2, one also specifically searches by language in addition to server via settings on the search page, so I would have to agree with him that it was discourteous of them to search for english servers without being proficient in english, or without being willing to speak it.
That thread is not a strong example of pervasive racism.
Edit: Reading comments. There is cultural overgeneralization in that thread, yes. The worst against russians by one guy. Probably due to a "judging the whole by a vocal minority" mindset similar to that displayed in this thread.
gamefaqs... *puke*
Then there's something wrong. The second one has distaste and possibly also hate for brazilians and sees them through overgeneralizing eyes. The first one thinks statistically, doesn't seem to have any ill feelings, and doesn't de-individualize them into a monolithic blob.brazilian people are like this in other games and real life as well. they only speak portugeese but can speak english perfectly and act like we were in their country when not. Just deal with it or walk away from them, theyre not worth it.