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No, I mean whether it affected them beyond what is...acceptable, I guess.Just from experience, I would say that most (more that 70%) of women' PMS does affect them and those around them. It is almost as though the people close to them either have to "tip toe on egg shells", or become "emotional door-mats".
As per most mental health issues, those subject to them may not reliably acknowledge the extent of their mental health issue.
For example, the tiptoeing on eggshells; if it had, for example, broken one's marriage / friendship, or cost one their jobs, then I would say it can be a problem because the symptoms manifested itself in a destructive way.
It's the like other syndromes, I would say; even things like OCD behaviors or paranoia are monitored based on their effects; if they had affected one's life negatively and significantly, then it's worth trying to go.