Gender Role Test

I don't know why, but I wish the result had more feminine percentage; I don't think I'm THAT single gender-roled.

Gender Role Test
Your personality is:


Your scores:
Masculine: Very High

Feminine: Very Low

This makes you Extremely Masculine
Huh. Intriguing - I knew I wasn't 'masculine' in the traditional sense, but to have it displayed so clearly is quite surprising.

What I'll make of this, though...I'm not sure yet.


Your scores:
Masculine: Very Low

Feminine: High

This makes you Extremely Feminine
33% Masculine 75% Feminine

This makes you Typically Feminine

Well played ^^ I knew ive been born into a wrong body :D

Your scores:
Masculine: Average

Feminine: High

This makes you Casually Feminine
Getting closer to balanced masculine feminine energy ;)

well... i was casually masculine back then.. still got higher masculinity in me. maybe i need to be more feminine. -.-