[PAX] Graphology

I'm game! I hope I wrote enough words for you to have a sense of things. I tried to write fast without considering to be careful so whatever characteristics that are there are shown without self-conscious neatness.


From the script, it can be said that aeon is intelligent and reasonable. Aeon also seems quite capable of handling details and is efficient, as well possesses a great deal of discipline. In addition to this discipline aeon seems to possess organisational skills- whether it be with thoughts or something else-yet retains an ability to be spontaneous. Aeon is likely to have a copacetic level of intuition and is likely to be introspective; there is also indications of perceptiveness and artistic ability coupled with a cultured attitude towards life. Aeon is likely to be patient, humble, conscientious and to be able to communicate astutely.

Sorry for producing these profiles at such a slow pace :( I guess I have not been feeling so "well" lately
First off, I would like to apologise for taking so long with these and to thank you all for your patience.

sorry for the crappy quality, all I can muster right now with a pen and a schedule sheet that's been sitting in my butt pocket for days.


From the script provided, Ergo Christobal is intelligent and abstract. He is intuitive and even though he may not be able to discern how he arrived to his conclusion initially, he is also logical and thus can justify his intuitions and apply them in a logical fashion. He is also organised and efficient, yet at times may have a liking of change and variety. These traits together with conscientiousness and independence of mind can help Ergo Christobal to forge his own opinions. At the same time he is also reasonable and honest with sincerity and courteousness thrown in.

Try mine please! :D
I kind of have two types of handwriting, so I just uploaded both for you to see.

This one is when I'm note-taking. This is also my normal handwriting.

This one is when I'm in a hurry, or when my hands are tired from writing too much haha. This is my handwriting in rough drafts, and when I'm just writing for the sake of writing without any care to how my penmanship will look like afterward.

Yumii is intelligent and analytical; she an excellent ability to concentrate and is efficient. She is also intuitive and independently minded as well as philosophical and so it is likely that she prefers to forge her own opinions. She is reserved, honest,courteous and diplomatic. She is also likely to be conscientious and cautious and possesses a good head on her shoulders. She is likely to be organised and sincere and is introverted yet likes to be around people.


exactly 50..

Raccoon Love is intelligent and analytical. He is also likely to be philosophical and independently minded and thus prefers to forge his own opinions. He shows a great deal of conscientiousness and diplomacy which is compounded with a good head on his shoulders. He is also likely to be intuitive and agile minded and is constructive, he may however be low on physical energy. He is organised and prefers to always put thought before actions. He is likely honest, sincere,courteous and to take a cultured approach to life. He is likely to be honest and reserved.

Also your welcome Raccoon Love :)
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I'm game! I hope I wrote enough words for you to have a sense of things. I tried to write fast without considering to be careful so whatever characteristics that are there are shown without self-conscious neatness.


I LOVE your handwriting. So neat and full of personality and character. I am very self conscious about handwriting and envious when others have nicer handwriting then mine, and are more consistent with theirs.
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Here's my Sociology notes. I think it's important to note that my handwriting not only changes within the time frame of one note taking session, but also changes from day to day. It's odd and frustrating. I'd love to see your analysis. I don't feel bad for resurrecting this thread if I get a reply! :)
