Gun Control and the Second Amendment

Honestly, I think that every healthy adult should be required to own a firearm to defend themselves and others from danger.

Danger is too frequent not to be prepared. It's unfortunate that the world is like this but it is.

We've got to be ready to defend the people we love and the innocent from evil.
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Dems need to push for an australian reform:

Less than two weeks after the Port Arthur massacre, all six Australian states agreed to enact the same sweeping gun laws banning semi-automatic rifles and shotguns - weapons that can kill many people quickly.

They also put more hurdles between prospective gun owners and their weapons.

Australia has 28-day waiting periods, thorough background checks, and a requirement to present a "justifiable reason" to own a gun.

Unlike in the US, self-protection is not accepted as a justifiable reason to own a gun.

In the 21 years since the laws were passed, about one million semi-automatic weapons - roughly one third of the country's firearms - were sold back to the government and destroyed, nearly halving the number of gun-owning households in Australia.

The number of Australia's mass shootings dropped from 11 in the decade before 1996, to one in the years since - the murder-suicide of a family of five in New South Wales in 2014.