Gun lobby rather than how a demented person can go so far unquestioned and answered, again

The main reason why nothing works, might be laypeople not understanding what AI and Deep Learning does or how it works.

One thing that correlates very well with intelligence is alternative communities and interests, as the average person are less able to navigate into a direction with useful knowledge and insights.

We are not talking goths and metal as likeley things to run AI on, but rather the fallout and manifests and the "interests" involved that usually entails logical fallacies and appeals to intellectuals and philosophers.

If you are interested in philosophy, and other higher pursuits, get tattos, piercings, perhaps even become a hipster.

Might help, as otherwise its knowledge of dangerous things like classic litterature used by these morons due to nobody understanding it.

Credentials: a B in AI algorithms, philosophy of mind and experience in High Performance Computing and followed the research the last 15 years. industry experience which means I know most things like this are bought as appliances, no matter how simple.

1984 is retarded and anti social as expected.

Philosophy department have been spied on since Sartre and other cultural phenonema, so perhaps even started with matching expectations.

As with a previous question, there is a good question how this mistakenly correlates with types due to unusual interests, and in addition intellectual ability and intelligence as it correlates much more. Whether this research question can be answered and given to someone to investigate is not likely due to this most likely being black box appliances with agreements, so results based on data mining are likely classified. This also problematic for the NEED to categorize people that do these crimes as different from the norm, so likely to even get unintended help by the less able to administer tests.
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PS: I am a gun owner. So, please consider my POV and gun ownership before you jump down my throat making assumptions because I am anti-Trump.
I own a BB gun! And I was the best sharpshooter in my platoon as a conscript in the army.
(correction: 200m was max that we shot, not sure it qualifies, did ask durin the year about trying anti material things).

I can hit lightpoles with a BB gune like mofo! (so shot quite a bit with glock P80 or whatever, and personally think i was better with a rifle or close combat mp5 than that).

Apart from trying a military anti material thingy, my biggest qualm about having done that.
Is during close combat training, the guy that could hit nothing was discovered to be a lefty.
And when I pointed out it applied to me as well, I could choose thereafter weather to have the mp5 on my left or right during close combat training. And I BEGGED there after to try two at a time and were never allowed to, so my reaction time was faster using my left, accuracy better with my right; and can shift dominance at will but never trained it.

Close combat what it is with reaction, i went lefty most of the time. And right for accuracy for 7.62 especially, this being the artic there was also an aspect of thumb action on safety switch and mittens.

Yes, so more than half were using my left eye, where fine motor is right, due to safety being on the left, small hands cold weapons and mitteens/hands.

So why didn't I go further? Well, those that had me in close combat and barricade training loved me nd tried to get me to stay on longer for corporal. But my injuries in boot camp and during trials that prevented me from pursuing scuba diving was a prick and a previous second in command of:

And while I had recommenndation from a Royal marine Major saying, "amazing guy" in more words, he pegged me at below average and some time in "military jail" for refusing to pick up crap with injuries. (crap being poles at the side of the road that tells snow mowiing cars to not drive off road -- not my job). And to complete the argument, no, was not in his or that unit, but he was the HR officer, and others were for example a major in the british royal navy and others were for example logistics officers that did parachite training previously for special forces. I was office support for my injuries during boot camp and initial trials.
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All of the things mentioned, given what I understand and can do.
The primary qualifying critrium for special forces is spite and cooperation.
What follows net for someone not tied to a desk, is, "I fold".
These qualties mentioned are accelerating career factors, and I know semiconductors and politics.

And I may not care about failures to provide an answer, two sides that do not go far alone.
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A little bit tounge in cheek, but I did point out glaring security problems in the It infrastructure around me while preferring scuba diving related things, not impressed by lack of interesting with my associations with well known incidents leading to arrests and fines as a teenger while on NATO classified clearance.

Edit: To reference another thread, yes I have. And it is too far.
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Just kill all the people who are undesirable. The reality is no one wants them around anyway. You want to take away their guns. Get their cars too. They drive like shit anyway. The only way to effectively deal with the American gun problem is round up and kill all gun owners. And criminals. And start over. Make sure you kill enough like Russia did so no one can come back and complain later. Genocide is a great way to control the population. Plus it really makes people feel better that they are doing something. Some people just have to die to get shit done. Hillary would have zero problems killing off the white trash that resides in America. We need a dictator in America not a constitution. The constitution just gets in the way of progress. It's time America has a leader that can do anything. Fuck congress and the senate. Fuck democracy and freedom. We don't need either of those ideas. Look at how much damage people have been doing with freedom. Freedom does more harm than good. People can't think for themselves. They need government to tell them how to live.
...and that is why I will always have guns.
Sickening case, after Breivik I remember wondering if it would be good to slaughter the copy paste work it cost him a lot to produce, a professor of philosophy kind of discredited it.
So never bothered as one generally need to pay for treatment and processing of crud and muck.

And this guy looks to have been inspired by it, down to step sister and family history.

Reports, theories and explanation seems to be largely disconnected, down to the guy that called the police explaining that the dialogue and exchange gave the impression of the police not understanding what had happened or not beliving it.

Only reasonable thing is to rant about how silly things are, and surprising nobody has lost their jobs yet, do suspect it is in large part due to indoctrination and teaching of politically correctness to try and deal with this, lessons learned from the US.

Like after 8 hours, trying to ask an order someone in a deranged state of mind to surrender and attempt to use dogs. Then decide to shoot, rather than stun gun, rubber bullets og tear gas.

Now, getting a professor to write a book about all the things wrong about these thngs, that can be difficult to work out without the right education would provide a book that can be requested read. Not getting rid of the drivel, but can be stepped on and address many of problems and errors in the line of thought. But the good and evil mentality probably involves deep fears that there could be something to it, and that they need to be soldiers for good to fight ideologies.

Police is well trained, tear gas is for population control. If you are disagreeable without a propensity for normal attitudes towards one direction or the other you get invited to jail and are generally unwelcome. Those with ideological leanings and attitudes known to be toxic, just need to be shown normalcy to get better and arent a risk factor. Now that we know tear gas is for protestors and population control, one cannot use these things against someone that has barricade himself, and paint bombs can't be used to deal with gas masks either. As it's better that one police officer after the other get shot while trying to solve the case with lethal force, as it's only one person and not the public that one can use tear gas stun guns and rubber bullets against. A few rounds of tear gas, flash bangs, and perhaps paint bombs, it shouldn't take 8 hours.
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As it's better that one police officer after the other get shot while trying to solve the case with lethal force

I disagree. If a man takes up a firearm after me, he knows he will be greeted with a firearm. There is no need for rubber bullets and tear gas. Lethal force is what people get when they wield a lethal weapon. When civilians are in danger, it is time for one shot one kill. Protect the citizens. If I had a shooting solution and was told to take it, game over. I have no bleeding heart for those dealing in death.
That would just make it even more Hell for those who can think for themselves and live civilly in a Democratic Republic.
You do not know me. I've never interacted with you on this board. So it's zero surprise to me that you missed my sarcasm. I like freedom. And freedom requires you to protect that freedom. That requires weapons. Because bad people will use weapons to control their opposition. Russia killed millions of un armed civilians after ww2. The iron curtain fell on the heads of the free thinkers. The native Americans of the USA discovered that Superior weapons were the only way to fight the white man. And if they would have gotten together with their Winchester rifles as a group they would have kept their land until the technology existed for the white man to use a bomb to make them submissive. Guns were never the problem. People are the problem. Always have been and always will be. If we solved every problem in the world what would we do? By design we are built to create problems and then solve them. If we really desire to change. Then we will have to step into that way of thinking. Society as a whole is obsessed with murder. The majority of television and entertainment glorifies violence. Society at large thinks about killing daily. The most popular games are ones that involve eliminating the other. Hollywood has made a business out of killing. They never take credit for what they have done to society. Just because you can do it does not mean that one should. And the consequences of actions last a very long time.

I'm not sure if humans could ever live in peace with one another. When they cannot even come to peace with themselves first. How will they learn how to do it with another? We make an assumption that we are peaceful first. I say we are violent first and peaceful second. First we had to survive this world. Now we are surviving each other. The question is can man overcome all those years of survival that are built into the human mind automatically. Or will he continue on as he always has. And what happens to the species if there is a collapse. And man has to live in the natural world once more. Will he be able to pull from his ancient mind the skills that got man to where he is now? We are not just the here and now. We are everything that has come before us. We are all recipients of what has preceded us.
@efromm I know you and have been here for years. I loved the earlier post. Some people don't realize how many actually think that way, though. Had a police Sergeant talking with me couple of weeks ago. He is all for taking away our semi autos and hicap mags. Blames the guns on why they cannot keep police to work the weekends. He said the worst time is when they close all the bars down at night. I personally don't care for his attitude. He is blaming dumping a bunch of drunks into the streets at the same time and the violence that ENSUES on hicap mags and semi auto guns. Anyone ever hear of drunks and dopers? Testosterone and pride? If the police cannot keep the peace, maybe they have lost their respect? Taking guns away will not stop the problems. Take the booze and drugs away and it might help. Anyone ever think about closing down the bars to prevent violence when people are leaving them? No, let's take their guns. sarcasm

I dreamed night before last a man walked up to the car. I was in the backseat. He shot the woman passenger side up front and dragged her from the car. He had a J frame Smith & Wesson, which usually carries five shots. As I was opening the back door to get out, he shot at me. I paused, noticing I did not feel the shot, then continued. This happened two more times, while I was out now and grabbing for my gun. I think he may have missed me and now had only one shot left. He was about to die. I awakened.

Guess it meant someone has tried to kill me three times. Guess it may have meant the fourth would be useless. I should be able to protect myself and my wife. People do not understand everyone else. I was about to kill a man. I don't miss from 15 feet away. Ever.

Look at Hurricane Dorian. Without the news media, people would not even know it is there. Without cell phones, people would not even know about it. If there is a shooting, it is on the news for the entire country to see. We have a right to see, but advertising can cause copy cats. Years ago, we did not have this problem. Forest Gump and Lt. Dan were out on a shrimp boat and doubting Lt. Dan asked about God.

Well, God is sitting off our coastline again. Millions of people are preparing or leaving, so the news can be good. People do not know what it is going to do. I do....anything it wants to. So, lets start a northward motion and turn Northeast into the Nor'eastery winds. I understand God as best as He wants me to understand Him, and understand a lot about mankind. If we are being given a warning, people don't know what it means. If we are going to have mercy, people don't understand what it means. We have a right to hunker down or leave, and our government is telling some people of mandatory evacuations. I have responsibilities and cannot leave. I hear Him. Repent.
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From what I'm seeing Americans want a nanny state. They cannot think for themselves. Nor can they police themselves. We have lost total respect for our government. Because the folks running it are no longer respectable. America is dying from the inside out. And it seems they would rather frustrate us so we turn on one another instead of them. Every single congressman should be arrested for not balancing the budget and tried for it. If we the American public allow them to continue on the path they are on we do it at our own peril. Our country should not be running deficits year on year. We have no leadership or ethics in government any longer.

The police work for us. At some point we became the enemy. And they have decided to harass the citizens they say they protect. Our cities and towns are now full of cops that look like military more than they look like police. All steroid ripped and gung ho to kill. There are good cops out there but they are few. Most will go along with what they are told.

Alcohol is a terrible drug. I had a friend killed in a bar this year by a guy with a 45acp. First you cannot carry and drink. Which he was. My buddy got punched in the face. They went outside and started fighting and the guy shoots my buddy because he's losing the fight. Stands over him and empties his pistol into Topher. He didn't have to die this way. Between the booze and testosterone he died for it. It's best to chill at home. Going out is not safe anymore. I avoid crowds and group gatherings. It's obvious to me these shooters have been set aside by society. So they feel nothing lashing out at society. They have been left behind and ignored. There is a price to be paid when humans ignore and ostracize other humans. Our political leaders enforce this belief with their own hatred of Trump. They are driving one side to hate the other. And we are seeing the consequences of their speech unfold across the country. As far as I am concerned both parties are terrorist organizations against the American public. With the media helping spread hate and propaganda against those they deem deplorable.

We should be turning against both these parties. They have gutted and sold off our economy to China. How was our industry going over there going to help us here. It didn't and it never will. America is going to have to throw off the two party system and get back to being an American first not a political party. America first! It's our country not theirs. The laws were set up for us to govern them not us. And somehow they have decided that they choose the winners and losers in life.

We have lost the ability to stand up for ourselves and we are letting them take us over year by year. Eventually they will run us over with legislation to bind us permanently to their way of governing. That's not freedom. That's not American. American was based on personal freedom. And that freedom is under attack under the guise of safety. Funny how liberals follow the Nazi playbook and call others fascists when they themselves want to remove your ability to self govern. Their entire agenda revolves around telling you that you cannot care for yourself. Your not intelligent enough for freedom. Only we are. We know what's best for you. Now fall in line. We cannot let these people ruin what it means to be free. They will if given the chance ruin and destroy America. And leave us with chaos and death. Americans need to smarten up. Apparently college and public education has failed to turn out citizens who understand how their government works. And the government loves it. Hell they support it. We are in dire times. No one is safe as long as we keep dividing Americans into groups. We all no matter what color or creed are Americans first and foremost. Terms like republicans or democrats have zero meaning. They are both turning against the electorate. Who by law governs them. We the American public are America. We decide not them. To win this fight we must turn our backs on these parties. And jail every one of them who has broken the law to keep us under their foot. If we do not. America is lost.
what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? let them take arms. the remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon & pacify them. what signify a few lives lost in a century or two? the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants. it is it’s natural manure.
doesn't mention the majority of the blood is of the completely innocent.