Seeker at heart
- Enneagram
- 146
If you ask a truly happy man what makes him happy, he will most likely tell you about the things that make or have made him happy.
What he won’t tell you is that he has done much good, was proud to have lived and to live now, lived and shared happiness, loved his life like others and had achieved peace.
Being good
You can tell if the things you have done were somehow wrong, some what right and those you didn’t do at all. It leaves you sometimes wondering whether you are a good or a bad person. I think the simplest answer for that question is to ask yourself if you want to be and do good. If not, you aren’t. If you do, you are. I dare to say that you know if the things you do are good or bad, you just need to find the will to change, to be better. Judging yourself in bad just like you would appreciate yourself in good, will always improve you. It shouldn’t be that serious though, improving. You will eventually accept the life you have lived this far, and the now that you live in.
What helps in being good and staying that way is to first respect people as people, love them and don’t judge or measure them for their actions or being. Understanding that people have become what they are due to the circumstances they have been living in is the key to respecting them. Not all are born the same way, everyone feels and acts different. We are all human beings after all just like you are.
The bad and the good in your past effects your behavior, your thoughts and feelings. Previous experiences and the things that have repeatedly happened in your life tend to change the way you think. You start expecting the same outcomes as you have received before. You think you know what is going to happen. This is imagination combined with logical conclusions and the reason you make these things up is to protect yourself from the emotions you received then. A mind is like a shell, it’s never truly open. Every emotion, impulse, thought has their own source, asking for help to find them and to seek for people you can trust on is a good idea, be among people you admire, the people you can love and open up if you want help. Keep asking yourself if these are the ways you want to feel. You will eventually answer yourself that it most definitely is not no matter how difficult it might feel like. Trust yourself enough to be able to change in any way you want. The people who don't understand why you act, are and think the way you do can call you whatever they want. At that point your faith in yourself is always tested, life will test you. Just believe in change and that people can understand you and love you. If you don't, no professional can ever be able to help you in any way. Accept your feelings, good and bad, feel them, change them if you need to, and then you know who you can be, who you really are.
Having pride
Might sound a bit arrogant, or at least it did to me for a long time. To me it means that you appreciate yourself as you are, what you have done, what you have become, what you have achieved, the whole shebang that is called your life. When you can find pride in your life, you have found the key to happiness. You have the courage to be yourself.
You can't be proud of everything you have done and actually you never should be nor try to be. The thing you need to know about your actions is that you couldn't have done it any other way then. Not what you are, because you get wiser every time you do wrong. Memorizing and noticing all those things is the difficult part. If you do your best to improve, it will be something for you to always be proud of.
There is no luck. There are good and bad things in life and the rate of their occurrence is unknown. This creates the excitement of life too, so it's something to be very glad about. All you need to do to handle this excitement is to be ready for it. What makes you feel ready is courage, knowing that you can survive anything. Courage is found eventually through the realization of your ability to adapt. You have to face every fear you have and know that they were purely imaginary all along to find this courage.
Living happy
Now that you are, you want to be the best you can be and appreciate the life and others that has been given, be proud and to do good, I think you should just do, be everything you can be. I think this is the only way to understand what you truly are, what makes you proud to have lived, to be and have been you. Not like everyone else, but like you, but as different as everyone elses.
Destiny is something that you make for yourself eventually when you know what you can do, and feel like you must do because of your intuition. No one can tell what your destiny is, and never you should let them. The emotion you need to find in yourself and embrace is intuition, and to trust it above anything else.
You aren't alone. You will never be if you don't want to.
People will understand. Learn how to explain. To love. To be happy, to do good and to be at peace.
Love. I believe there is not a single soul on earth who doesn’t or hasn’t felt love. What is it then? Has your love drained and replenished over time? Has anyone helped you even though you hurt them? Have you helped back? That is love. Forgiveness, sacrifice, you name it. It’s a feeling we depend on. You’ll know when you’re all alone without it. You have got the feeling at some point. It’s like a rollercoaster with it’s ups and downs but it doesn’t end.
Someone told me once that love is a sacrifice. What’s the cost? It has no limits. Ultimately, you would do anything. So much that it hurts but you’d ignore the pain. Love is to give away all that matters if needed.
On the other hand when you learn to love every soul, new born child, and people as they are you can drown in it. Be your own best friend and learn to love that friend in you, then you can treat others in the way you treat yourself. You begin to notice the things you do to yourself, and you notice that you do the same things towards others. Everyone has their own reflection.
Being at peace
What is peace? It is a state of mind. Where you know you can trust the people you live with, where and how you are. Thinking about the future sometimes can tremble that peace. No matter if you had optimistic or pessimistic thoughts about it, it most often isn’t how it happens. One of my favorite quotes is from Albert Einstein who said that “Don’t worry about the future, it will come soon enough”.
If you do know how to love, you can trust. And if you love the people wherever you go, you can trust everyone. There’s no reason to worry if you do good, are proud, happy and love while remaining a peaceful person. People like people like that. And even if they wouldn’t, stay remorseful to yourself and others. Forgive, let go and learn.
-Erkki Rainamo
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