Happy Independence Day: Egypt, too.

I like a religion that goes around burning Sunni mosques and Christian churches when they don't get their way. Guess that must be the Zionists, huh.
I like a religion that goes around burning Sunni mosques and Christian churches when they don't get their way. Guess that must be the Zionists, huh.

Extreme islam for example wahhabism is funded by the royal families of the gulf for example the saudis. These families hoard the oil wealth of their nations and sell their oil in petro dollars to the zionists. The zionists sell them lots of military hardware eg tanks and jet fighters and station thousands of their troops in these gulf countries to guard the oil and the corrupt royal families

The zionists fund the extremists for example the mercenaries fighting in syria at the moment becuase they are also monarchists who believe in centralised power

The zionists and the islamic extremists are both opposed to nationalist arabs. The zionists put the royal shah of Iran on the thrown after creating a coup. This has been recently declassified so you can check this out ie the CIA have publically acknowledged that they did this ( it was called TPAJAX Project)

Even after the islamic revolution in Iran they fed the new regime information about the members of left wing groups in Iran for the regime to hunt down with death squads

The zionists are opposed to nationalism and they are opposed to communism (any workers movements)
This has been recently declassified so you can check this out ie the CIA have publically acknowledged that they did this ( it was called TPAJAX Project)

There is no doubt the oil fields that the Saudi family claimed as their own were the "prize" of WWII and the the US has guarded them with any resource deemed "appropriate". As you are well aware the shift in wealth from the US to the Saudis is unprecedented. But calling the US a "Zionist" power is pure opinion.
There is no doubt the oil fields that the Saudi family claimed as their own were the "prize" of WWII and the the US has guarded them with any resource deemed "appropriate". As you are well aware the shift in wealth from the US to the Saudis is unprecedented. But calling the US a "Zionist" power is pure opinion.

Ok i'd like to give my opinion on that but to lend a bit more factual foundations to what i am saying regarding this zionist alliance i strongly recommend you read the following book. Honestly Stu if you can pry yourself away from Jung for a little while this book WILL reward the time invested in it.

It is extremely well researched. It is not conjecture but simply uses the old journalistic approach of following the money. It explains where the money comes from, who it comes from and who it goes to

The book is: ''Big Oil & their bankers in the Persian Gulf'', by Dean Henderson

You might find as you begin reading it that it is almost too much to take in because it is literally fact after fact after fact. It is not humanly possible to remember every detail for example it will give you a break down of who the board members of a corporation are before explaining all their business and familial links.

It really is not about remembering every fact....what the book does with all the facts however is create a clear picture over the course of the book of who the players are behind events, how they operate and why they are doing what they are doing

In between the incredibly factual passages are more esoteric sections where he talks about secret societies and all that stuff.

He maybe sounds less crazy then me when he does it because he has already given the reader a huge amount of facts which builds their trust as they can see that not only does he have evidence to back up what he is saying, but also the reader too can now begin to see the outlines of the larger picture

So he builds a picture over the course of the book and backs it up with an incredible amount of information regarding the names of the people who make up these corporations and groups, their links to each other and their involvement in wider events

So just to lay down one piece of the puzzle lets look for a moment at the Rockefellers. You can check very easily online to verify their connection to the chase manhatten bank. Then you can check their connection to Rockefeller standard oil. Then you can check their link to the Rockefeller University. Then you can check their link to the council on foreign relations

You could do all this pretty easily using the internet in about 20 minutes and right there you already have one of the key families and their connections to big oil, education and banking. Their link to banking goes even deeper as the chase manhatten bank actually owns many of the shares of the federal reserve bank which centrally controls the US economy by controlling interest rates and the printing of money

The 4 big oil companies, which have all consolidated into giant corporations despite at various times in US history being broken down into smaller entities through anti-trust laws are now MASSIVE and weild unbelievable political clout

Oil is intimately linked with manufacturing for example cars and it is also intimiately linked with warfare as all armies need oil. This is why hitler broke his army against stalingrad because he was desperate to access the oil fields in the region. Without oil, armies grind to a halt. So oil is also linked to weapons manufacturing and through that to the 'military industrial complex' (as president eisenhower called it)

Big oil wants to control the oil in the middle east and uses the US military to do that. It suppresses new technologies so that everyone relies heavily on oil. In the Uk all the railway branch lines were closed to force everyone into cars to boost oil revenue

The US need the world to trade oil in dollars (petroe dollars) to keep those dollars out there in circulation . If people stop using them the dollars will flood back into the US economy causing hyperinflation and a collapse of the economy like germany saw before world war 2

Saddam Hussein had been a client of the US (eg buying weapons off them) but then decided to start trading his countries oil in euros to get a better deal so the cabal got the US military to steamroll him

Gaddafi was setting up a pan african bank that wouldn't need to use the money of the central bankers money (they like to lend money through the IMF to get poor countries into unpayable debt ie debt servitude and they will threaten and bribe foreign officials to achieve that) so they went in to kill him

Iran wants to set up a market trading oil in non dollar currencies so Iran is now the US's number one enemy! Hence all the energy expended in the US corporate media (owned by families like the rockefellers) to demonise Iran

Russia, China, Brazil, India and South Africa are the worlds big emerging powers and they are tired of being bullied by the US so they are goign to trade more amongst themselves and that will undermine the dollar, hence all the demonisation of China and Russia in the corporate media and why snowden ran to them for protectection

I want to stress this is not a nationalism issue. Some people might say 'i am an american and therefore i will support the zionists' but i'd like to point out to them that the zionists (big oil and central bankers) have ruined the US economy, got many americans dependent on food banks and got them in perpetual war (ie hated around the world). I would also like to point out how the zionist government is being exposed as spying on the american public.

This is not a nationalist issue....this is an issue of the working people around the world from all countries being controlled and exploited by big money elites who seek to control the worlds commodities ie oil, weapons and drugs whilst also controlling the worlds money

This is why they are always desperately against workers movements whether it was occupy wall street, or the egyptian protests, or the spanish indignados or the british student protests or the Bahrainian protests (another protest against a corrupt royalist elite who are in business with the zionists ie the business of getting rich while screwing the workers)

We are all united in this. It is not jew versus palestinean, or american versus russian or birtish versus german....we the average working people are ALL being exploited by the same group of people

The US is deeply under the control of the central bankers. The central bankers operate out of their headquarters in EUROPE called the Bank for International Settlements. The bankers are a group of families who originate from germany. I've listed them a number of times on the forum. These families for example the rothschilds were the driving force behind the creation of Israel in order to better control the oil of the middle east

Its my opinion, that they don't give a damn about the average jew and are in fact using them as pawns in their games. For example you only have to look at how crazy they are behaving in syria right now to realise how much danger that puts israelis in. Why would they do that if they actually gave a damn about the average israeli?
In fact many israelis protested against the rising prices in israel resulting form the actions of the central bankers

So the central bankers most definately are zionists and at the core of the 'zionist' movement is a secret society which has plans to create a global centrally controlled government

Once you tune into this you will begin to see how they are trying to achieve this in many ways. You can see it in the films they make in Hollywood (which they control). You can see it in their military manouvres. You can see it i their political speeches and you can see it at work in the media in many forms from commentary in magazines that they publish to posts made online by their minions

Their aim is to undermine your country, destroy its economy and replace it with a more globalised, more centrally controlled system where the people have no say in the running of things

The UN was set up as a prototype world government by these guys. One thing the emerging 'BRICS' nations i mentioned above are demanding now is reforms of the UN so that it is not just a vehicle of the zionists

The saudis are a client state of the zionists. That is to say their royal family is in league with the zionists but the average saudi does not get to see any of the wealth. Much of the oil money goes towards buying US military hardware in a mutual back scratching exercise where the saudi royal family get protection from the zionists whilst the zionist coporations in the military industrial complex make lots of money

Oil and money.....they're central to the conspiracy at this level
I like a country that can have it's first democratic election and military take overs within a years time

The Egyptian people are generally the most liberal (in the western sense) in the middle east, probably from the British, ironically.

Nowhere else in the middle east will you find a country that considers a person who called Khomeini a terrorist and extremist thug to be a national hero.

It's from the tension of rural conservatism opposed to the much more liberal major cities, perhaps like north vs. south in the U.S. In the case of the middle east, violence breeds more violence. Since Nasser, Egypt has become more comfortable with the idea of the military taking a political role. They overthrew the monarchy and did popular land reforms for the well-being of the Egyptian people, among other things thus more acceptance of a military role in politics.
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The Egyptian people are generally the most liberal (in the western sense) in the middle east, probably from the British, ironically.

Nowhere else in the middle east will you find a country that considers a person who called Khomeini a terrorist and extremist thug to be a national hero.

It's from the tension of rural conservatism opposed to the much more liberal major cities, perhaps like north vs. south in the U.S. In the case of the middle east, violence breeds more violence. Since Nasser, Egypt has become more comfortable with the idea of the military taking a political role. They overthrew the monarchy and did popular land reforms for the well-being of the Egyptian people, among other things thus more acceptance of a military role in politics.

it doesn't change the fact that if you want to have an elective representatives run your government, you can't just point a gun at their head and tell them to leave when you don't like the decisions they make after you elect them.
....maybe not.
it doesn't change the fact that if you want to have an elective representatives run your government, you can't just point a gun at their head and tell them to leave when you don't like the decisions they make after you elect them.

I think a lot of people boycotted the election so there is an argument made by some that the choice of the muslim brotherhood is not representative of the will of the people

I do share your concern though about how the democratic process can just be thrown out of the window like that but this is not just the case in the middle east

Similar military coups were almost carried out in the USA and the UK and of course were carried out in germany!

The BBC produced a programme about this where they explained that conservative, right wing elements in Britain, including members of the royal family planned a military coup to grab control of the government, the BBC, the airports, the queen and so on

This was because they believed the elected leadership at that time were too left wing (Harold Wilson of the Labour party)

In the USA the bankers lead by J.P.Morgan hired a marine officer called General Smedley Butler to march an army of mercenaries to take over washington in a fascist coup! Check out the youtube clip below if you want more info

Instead Butler exposed them in the press and the coup collapsed! Of course none of the bankers were imprisoned

This stuff happens in industrialised countries all the time for example Hitler pulled off a coup

The population of each country is split in two between the haves and the have nots. The haves are the big investors who live off the proceeds of their investments. These form a tiny percentage of the population but they hold most of the wealth. The have nots are the workers who actually do all the work.

The workers want better living conditions and a fairer society and the investors want to increase their profits by owning and controlling ever larger pieces of the economic pie. This creates a constant tension in society between these two groups

The investors really run things because they pay for the political campaigns of the politicians. But they allow the 'democratic' process to continue because they have control over both the big political parties and this gives the workers the illusion that they have a say in society

However if the workers ever use that democratic system to elect radical groups into power that look like they might actually radically change things then the investors will use private armies to step in and take control

They have shown again and again over human history that they will use VIOLENCE to control the workers and maintain the balance of wealth and power that they want

This is why the workers need to be smart and why the occupy movements have been discusing new ways to try and get a better deal for the workers. The workers need to educate themselves about this dynamic in their society and they need to start getting more street wise if we don't all want to end up completely dependent on the investor controlled corporations


''War is a racket'' - Smedley Butler
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