Happy Independence Day


Infamy, infamy.. they've all got it infamy
Retired Staff
Hi all,
Happy Independence Day to all american members. (One of my favourite springsteen tracks too)
I didn't really do anything special for it, but it was still nice. effing hot as hell out though (goddamn heatwave). I am going to a waterpark tomorrow with my friends though, so that is the celebration to me. And it's going to be a high of 101, I am gonna be cooked and twice baked!
Thanks ^.^ Anyone else planning on blowing stuff up tonight?
I didn't really do anything special for it, but it was still nice. effing hot as hell out though (goddamn heatwave). I am going to a waterpark tomorrow with my friends though, so that is the celebration to me. And it's going to be a high of 101, I am gonna be cooked and twice baked!

o.O Montana about 10 degrees hotter then Miami? never thought this would come..

This was not very special for me, just made me realize my fear of fireworks even more. I wished I could have though..
Hi all,
Happy Independence Day to all american members. (One of my favourite springsteen tracks too)



Only joking, I kinda like independence day the film anyways....the whole 4th of july thing iiiiisn't too bad :P I spent one up at the boston harbor, they had a terrific light show, gotta say, credit where credits due.
I think its important that I drink in celebration of this day. And because I'm bored out of my mind.lol
It was actually a small american part that failed causing the spill.
Blaming BP for that is like blaming American Airlines for 9/11, after all, I saw them do it.
Blame BP those stupid morons.

I wish the president would lay down the smack down.

If we had a wrestling match between Obama and the BP board, and sold the show on pay-per-view, we MIGHT be able to get a good fund going on...

Solving problems the AMERICAN way :D

Oh, or we can force the BP board to walk onto a plank and fall into the Berkely Pit... sell that on pay-per-view...
If we had a wrestling match between Obama and the BP board, and sold the show on pay-per-view, we MIGHT be able to get a good fund going on...

Solving problems the AMERICAN way :D

Oh, or we can force the BP board to walk onto a plank and fall into the Berkely Pit... sell that on pay-per-view...

What an ingenious way to raise money. Lets do it.
Happy 4th! The fireworks were the same as any year. I didn't do much else and don't plan to because, well, I've been celebrating for the past week. Time to take a break!
I celebrated the American way. I went tubing down a river with some cousins, some beer, and too little sunscreen. We stopped and watched young kids jump off a 25 foot railroad tressel into about 4 feet of water. I found a bottle of sunscreen (full), sunglasses, and a paddle as I floated lazily down the river. Good times...
Happy 4th everybody!

I worked from 1:30pm to 10:15pm central time. Day was slow, can't sell alcohol in Alabama on Sunday. Was nice though, had three women come onto me tonight. I think beer goggles were involved, still a nice boost to the ole ego. One wanted to drag me off to the walk in cooler. On my fourth Blue Moon wheat ale, I'd say this years fourth is allright.
I celebrated the American way. I went tubing down a river with some cousins, some beer, and too little sunscreen. We stopped and watched young kids jump off a 25 foot railroad tressel into about 4 feet of water. I found a bottle of sunscreen (full), sunglasses, and a paddle as I floated lazily down the river. Good times...

@James -- Thank you!!!!!

@ QP -- this is more or less what I did too, except without the beer (I was driving) and without the jumping. My river was very rocky, and really a bit too shallow, so we kept getting stuck on the rocks, and I now have a huge bruise on my collarbone from having slipped in the process of dragging my children's lime-green inner tube off the rocks. YEAH BABY! It was so much fun.

We drifted past all different groups of people who were grilling at the various parks alongside the river, and it was like drifting past an international cookoff: one group would have something that smelled like warm corn tortillas roasting on the grill, and then the next group would have their smoker going, then the unmistakable smell of Memphis barbeque would fill the air, then someone had the Korean barbeque going, and then a group with standard typical hot dogs and hamburgers on the grill, and people had watermelons cooling in the river, too. All sorts of people were there, too, including a Muslim lady in a headscarf and some kind of head-to-toe outfit floating down the river. There was an Indian family, too! (Hi Roger!)

There is nothing better than floating down a cool river in an innertube on a hot summer day.
I got sunburned, and managed to keep all of my fingers. Quite a successful 4th in my book.