happy sad happy sad happy sad????

happy, sad happy sad happy sad????

cool... i think it's some kinda :m096: INFJ thing too.. it's like we're all sort of the same!!!!! whoa!!!! that's cool!!!!! i can imagine what could happen if we all live in the same house... bwahahaha

thanks for the site!!! maybe most of them are INFJs too!!!!!

i find it kinda funny though... there are time when i'm super super super aggressive, and voice out whatever i want to say not :m167: thinking of the consequences, and then when i'm really really mad, my friend suddenly laughs at me because of my super :m030: aggressive tone of voice.. then i laugh after...:m187: GOSH!!!!guess we're really PASSIONATE people

It might well be a kind of an INFJ thing, though I don't believe it's as simple as that. Still, some people are taking a look at the correlation, if any, between bipolar/depression and MBTI types and I found it pretty interesting. For a look, see http://www.mcmanweb.com/personally.html