Seraffa Community Member MBTI INFJ Enneagram 3 Mar 19, 2011 #1 I'm not one to go and check on these things regularly, but it seems starting today we are passing through some hard aspects that are leaving people scattered and drained as Pisces fades into Aries?
I'm not one to go and check on these things regularly, but it seems starting today we are passing through some hard aspects that are leaving people scattered and drained as Pisces fades into Aries?
bickelz BOINK MBTI infj Enneagram 4w5 Mar 19, 2011 #2 Hmm... well people are always scattered and drained like pretty much everyday so I wouldn't go as far as to say this is startling news.
Hmm... well people are always scattered and drained like pretty much everyday so I wouldn't go as far as to say this is startling news.
EyeSeeCold Community Member MBTI Human Enneagram 5w4 Mar 19, 2011 #3 bickelz said: Hmm... well people are always scattered and drained like pretty much everyday so I wouldn't go as far as to say this is startling news. Click to expand... True. Also, full moon.
bickelz said: Hmm... well people are always scattered and drained like pretty much everyday so I wouldn't go as far as to say this is startling news. Click to expand... True. Also, full moon.
J jane369 Four MBTI sdfsdaf Enneagram sdfsadfdsa Jul 12, 2011 #4 it is good !! ______________________ Warehouse 13 dvds