Hating people

I have hated. I could won a gold medal in hate. I have found that hating someone is letting them to continue to win over me.

My Aunt who is a Christian nun told this to me. She was relating to me through my Buddhist practice.

She told me of an old story.

There were 2 monks that were traveling
They come across a beggar woman.

One of the monks offered to put her on his back to cross the river.

They did this. The monk picked up the woman and carried her on his back through the river.

The other monk was mad at this. He was boiling over. The woman left and for 2 miles the other monk stewed on this.

After 2 miles had passed the monk could not take it any longer. He said to the first monk.

"I cant believe that you carried that woman on your back to cross the river!"

The first monk said "I only carried her to cross the river. You have been carrying this woman on your back for 2 miles."

I have crippled my life with my hatred of people who were cruel to me.

Now I realize that through my Buddhist practice. That when people act in this way they are really creating negative causes for their life.

When people act in this way that are miserable and unhappy. They will continue to create misfortune and bad karma.

There are two things that my friends in faith have pointed out to me. First, it is through this person that I recommit myself to my practice to shine my life and be happy.

Second, I should have compassion for them . I have my practice to help guide myself through my difficulties and overcome the obstacles that in reality end up strengthening my life.

Now I chant and have had such fortune this year. I know that my life will manifest happiness. Indestructable happiness that when I encounter people I will have solid roots of faith planted so that I will be able to overcome their unhappy actions.

Thanks for sharing this.
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I'm with Sookie on this one. Actual hatred, while it does flare up now and then, is too much energy to waste on a person. I prefer to move past that emotion to either pity, mistrust, or simply not caring...just letting them stew in their own juices. Folks like this are living in illusion for some reason...who knows, there may be some woundedness going on that has turned toxic. Either way, they are responsible for the damage they do and I am not charged with rescuing them. Getting to the end of their own illusions is the best thing for them and for everybody.
I'm with Sookie on this one. Actual hatred, while it does flare up now and then, is too much energy to waste on a person. I prefer to move past that emotion to either pity, mistrust, or simply not caring...just letting them stew in their own juices. Folks like this are living in illusion for some reason...who knows, there may be some woundedness going on that has turned toxic. Either way, they are responsible for the damage they do and I am not charged with rescuing them. Getting to the end of their own illusions is the best thing for them and for everybody.

Who says that a Buddhist and Christian can't be united!!!!

You are awesome!!! Very like minded!!
Fortunately, my hate list is very short.
But they are mostly people that for some reason I hated from the moment I met them, and when I see them my heart rate goes up.
It's almost as if it is a pheromonal reaction.

There is a lot of truth in what you said.

One of the best lessons my late Father taught me growing up was that if someone is picking on you, don't give them the reaction they expect.
If you don't react, they will get bored and move on.

I recall in school 10th grade or thereabouts, there was a bully who for some unknown reason wanted to kick my ass while we were in gym class.

I laughed at him to his face. Repeated threats only resulted in more laughs.
He was clueless as to how to react to this. "He's not afraid of me?"
Which turned into an awkward, embarrassing moment for him since he was calling me out in front of everybody.
He never did pay any attention to me again.

I was willing to risk getting into a fight had it not worked, but I just found him so damn funny!

hihihihi this happened to me when I was in 7th grade.. except they didn't want to kick my ass because I study in an all girl school... ahahaha :) :)

actually.. I didn't know what they wanted me to become.. maybe a loser or something so they all gossiped about me and everything
and sometimes, I just laugh:m175: about it and I was surprised that when they talked to our adviser about it... they said they were irritated when I don't comment when they bad mouth me or something .. they said something like it's like she doesn't:m080: have emotions :) :) :) ahahahahaha i was surprised by how tough :m030: I can look outside.... but I was ALMOST:m167: ruined inside... but they didn't win over me!!! yeah!!! it's called inner peace...:m073: <--- always one of the best weapons!!
I end up hating people too. All the people that I hate I do not see anymore, so it isn't much of a problem. I try to forgive them, but that is not easy.