Have you ever seen a ghost?

I don't think I've ever truly seen something.

I've felt things but honestly it could have just been my mind and not the reality of the world.

I don't see auras I feel them and auras is just another way of saying what I feel about the person. Who are they, what do their deepest ideals/ideas represent and how does it relate to what I think is just.

I feel the presence for things all the time. Sometimes I feel like something is trying to choke me in my sleep.

When I was younger I thought there was a presence protecting me, one felt like a angel and another was something more of a demon.

Among other things some were intense, some are too personal to share, some are too traumatic to explain. If you want to talk about some of them, seek me out for a 1 on 1 chat.

I neither deny or prove any of the things I might have felt, seen, heard, or thought.
It has Patrick Swayze. I hear they're making a sequel.

hahahaha man your relentless with these jokes, well set up and delivered!

I don't believe in spirits or ghosts, I think humans will believe and take meaning from everyday phenomena whatever way suits their means and desires
If I've ever seen a ghost, it was when I was a young child.

I'm going to have to answer no though.
When I was in high school I woke up one night with a fleeting wave of dread passing through me that was so brief and shocking that I wasn't sure what just happened. The next day I found out that my great aunt had died over night.
I have the sneaking suspicion from time to time that she is watching over me.

The house I grew up in had a bedroom that was always consistently cold in comparison to the temperatures of the other rooms. As a child I thought it was the presence of an 8 year old Aboriginal boy and the older I got the more certain I felt of it though I don't know why.

I have a friend who is a medium by trade but also a psychic and she had a vision of me in the bath tub slashing my wrists up a few months back when I was going through some rough emotional stuff she had no knowledge of.

I have experienced a lot of strange things that are difficult to view objectively, but I still never know quite what to make of it.
No, but I wish. My intj sister is terrified of that type of thing.

As for me, I say, bring it on. I'd love to communicate with the dead.
I had something very unusual happen when my dad passed away. I was not there at the time he passed. Even though I did not know exactly what was going on, I had "a visit" at the exact same time as he died. Not a ghost...a presence....very deep, real....beautiful.
Once, in the mirror. In the place of myself, I saw a little blonde girl. I know I'm not imagining things- I am neither blonde nor 7 years old. It was pretty terrifying, to be honest. I wouldn't look in the mirror for quite some time.
As for me, I say, bring it on. I'd love to communicate with the dead.
Haha same here!
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I was sitting in my living room alone one night when I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. I looked but didn't see anything. It happened again and still nothing. But then all of a sudden the shadows of people appeared and they walked across the walls, about seven or eight of them. Then they slid around the corner and out of sight.
I sat frozen for a minute or two thinking, "What the heck ..... people .... shadows .... shadow people ... what the ???"
I ran over to the computer and typed in Shadow People and up came sites with loads of people talking about exactly what had just happened to me.
It happened again at work in a room with no windows about 6 months later.
That was about 2 years ago and since then nothing.
No clue what that is all about.
Yes, i believe in ghosts, there is supernatural world. We can't see them. We can feel their presence if we believe and really go to feel it.

I have never seen any ghost. But i would like to go to see any ghost with my friends. Want to take one experience.