Variable Hybrid
- NFJedi
I'm mostly left-handed, except when I play the guitar or use utensils. Why, what does tell you? I thought there was no such thing as "left brain" or "right brain".
Technically, no there isn't. However, the brain tends to store types of memories in either hemisphere. The right and left brain assumptions came from loss of these sorts of capacities when parts of the brain were damaged in patients. Think of the outer part of the brain like a pair of hard drives, the limbic system the motherboard and RAM, and the cingulate system the processor. If a hard drive gets corrupted areas, certain softwares can stop working if their files were in those areas. In time, the software can be reloaded somewhere else.
That being the case, it's starting to appear that certain functions tend to reside geographically in either hemisphere. Te is left frontal lobe, while Fe is right frontal lobe. Si seems to show a tendency for left hemisphere activity, while Se shows the opposite. Ti and Fi seem to reside in both hemispheres nearer to the center of the brain. There tends to be a correlation between handedness and hemisphere activity. However, about half of all 'lefties' are actually ambi-hemisphered, rather than predominantly right hemisphere users. It sounds like you're one of us. That would imply that as an INTJ, you've likely got a fair amount of Te (left frontal lobe) and Se (right hemisphere sensory regions) development to augment your Ni dominant cingulate system which seeks to synchronize all of your cerebral activity if possible (and is apparently succeeding in your case).