Have you ever...


Permanent Fixture
I forget
looked at a really hot person, talked to them, then realized that they're not anymore? When they talked to you, why did you find them less attractive?
same as Troisi, but I have met a few people that their voice alone is enough to knock them down on the a scale of attractiveness
Yes, sometimes I will find someone very attractive until I get to know them and see that they are rotten to the core, and then they don't seem so attractive anymore. The converse is also true. I might not find the girl physically attractive initially, but once I get to know her and see she is a great person then I do.

There are some people who I always find physically attractive or unattractive regardless of their personality, but most people have wiggle room.

Too complicated.
looked at a really hot person, talked to them, then realized that they're not anymore? When they talked to you, why did you find them less attractive?

Happens all the time. What they say, how they say it, their intelligence, their body language, mannerisms, how they treat me or others, etc. all has an influence on whether I continue to find them attractive.

It's all the useless unintelligent garbage that comes spewing out their mouth; it's when I realize that they just want to get into my pants or have other dishonourable ulterior motive.

On the flip side, the other situation has also occured. I'll talk to a guy that's kind of "meh", and he'll say something so riveting and insightful, I just can't help but be drawn in.
Yes, If a girl thinks I owe her something or that she's better than me because she's subjectively physically attractive or simply because she's a woman it's a major turn off.
[MENTION=4322]Troisi[/MENTION] speaks it eloquent enough.

also, body scent. ;|
looked at a really hot person, talked to them, then realized that they're not anymore? When they talked to you, why did you find them less attractive?

I generally don't engage people in conversation because I think they are "hot". I am normally terribly flirty with men anyway. Realistically, I am generally not interested in a relationship nor receptive to such signals. Most men start at "no" and never work their way past that category. Doesn't mean I don't like them, just means I'm not interested. I normally only find a man attractive after speaking to them, not before.
looked at a really hot person, talked to them, then realized that they're not anymore? When they talked to you, why did you find them less attractive?

Hmm. Yes I've had this happen. I think that the problem is that when people look at someone who is physically attractive they're hoping that their personality will match up to their perceived physical attractiveness. And then when this "hot" person doesn't meet their expectations then disappointment occurs, maybe even a little dissonance. It's not even fair to the "hot" person to assume that they're going to be super intelligent and witty and charismatic and everything else. They're just people who happen to be aesthetically appealing.
Yes, though I usually consider someone attractive only after I've spoken with them enough to learn about them personally. It's like people become more radiant every time I see them, or embody the heart of darkness the more I learn and am repulsed.

I don't usually look at physical form, though. It starts degenerating after the teenage years, if I remember correctly. Granted, foul behavior and lifestyle contributes to said degeneration.
I find people that constantly curse less and less attractive the older I get. Maybe the life circumstances I have recently lived through have placed me under so much stress, the less I have been able to deal with what I used to overlook more readily. Same with people that are constantly saying negative things regarding others and other things. Constantly being around a negative attitude and cursing used to be easily overlooked. I find it very, very stressful at the moment in my life. Guess this would agree with what comes out of their mouth, as it reveals their true heart.
Yes... and then some. It doesn't just have to be what they say, but it could easily be what they do.

I went on a cruise a couple years ago surrounded by a bunch of beautiful women in bikinis. Hell, most guys I know would just spend all day sitting by the pool for the "view"! The problem was, anytime I saw one of them stuff a burger or a rack of ribs down their throat, their personal appeal rating dropped several notches.
looked at a really hot person, talked to them, then realized that they're not anymore? When they talked to you, why did you find them less attractive?

Happens a lot, usually with the stereotypical bimbo. What turns me off is usually their crude language. Also their lack of demeanour. A level further it's the lack of intelligence and clear thinking. But I think it boils down to the first point... that is so not sexy. It kills everything.
Yep, once. I decided she was a nice person but behaved like a guy in personality, which didn't really turn me on at the time. Now it might... just depends. It was a long time ago, though, this happened.
Nope, I don't really notice their "hotness" level or not until I speak to them... but then, I don't fall easily or often, it takes a very special guy to make me "look twice." This does not mean I don't notice aesthetics though such as are they dressed with clothing that fits them, do they take basic hygienic care of themselves, and the like. Faces that look arrogant or conceited immediately disqualifies. People that lie within the first minute of meeting them immediately disqualifies.