“And when at last you find someone to whom you feel you can pour out your soul, you stop in shock at the words you utter— they are so rusty, so ugly, so meaningless and feeble from being kept in the small cramped dark inside you so long.” - Sylvia Plat, The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath
Yeah that is very true - but I think that's why it's super important to do something that is probably unnatural to INFJ - learn strongly how to love yourself, or at least go over your thoughts and emotions about yourself and try to be self compassionate. I struggle with that too, because in such an unideal world we live in, with people around who seem to be happy with the way the things are, it's difficult to just stop and be kind to yourself (whilst there are still so many things to do). Maybe imagine you're in a relationship with yourself and care about yourself as you would about another person, or at least try. And who knows - maybe you'll find love, maybe you won't. But I think if you don't look out for yourself, you can get hurt easily.
I've always dreamed of that perfect love - where you don't have to set boundaries, because another person will respect you anyway. Where you don't even need to say words to feel close to another person. Where another person won't have to learn how to love you, they'll just do.
But then I got hurt. I was involved with someone who was hurt himself - and I partially wanted to help him, but on the other hand I kept waiting for him to take some interest in me; to see me for who I am and not even understand, but try to give me some kind of depth. And I ended up hurt (and hurting him, too). Because not everyone feels the world the way you feel. Because not everyone's first way to respond is to feel 100% of other person feelings. Because for some people the fact that I take doesn't give an idea that maybe I should give also. And then you end up with feeling not only hurt, but disappointed with yourself that you weren't able to make it work. Even though you ended the relationship as an ultimate act of having to help yourself, because you couldn't go on "running on empty".
I got a dog after I ended my last relationship and only recently I realised that I got the dog not only because I always wanted one, but also because I was so desperate for that unconditional love that I was able to give, but never received. Of course it was one of the best decisions in my life
So what do I know better now? When you meet someone, give them a little bit more time than your intuition tells you (cause otherwise you'll always find something wrong about them

), but ultimately try to feel how they treat you and ask yourself - if I were that person, would I treat another person like this? Because past certain point, it's almost like a no-return journey. Because it's nice to have someone who passed "the intuition test". But it's also easy to get hurt, little by little, until you become a shell of a person. And then you suffer - because you're hurt and you think you failed to make it work.
Hopefully, I'll find that love - or at least I'll do my best to be ready for it, whether it comes or not. And I want to think that's something