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Dubravka? What a cool name! :)

Thank you. It has a cool meaning:
The name comes from the old Slavonic word for oak tree, "dub." Dubrava is an oak grove, and Dubravka is name for an oak fores nymph, a sprite-- "clever, mischievous, and possessing magical powers"
I'm already there and have you on my list of friends, but I rarely use it. I might activate more if more people are for it, and an INFJs book club sounds good.
books kill more people a year than flying spoons each year. i deem this topic unsafe for public consumption and with that i thusly request this topic to be banned.

books r bad. or, brb for short.
I'm already there and have you on my list of friends, but I rarely use it. I might activate more if more people are for it, and an INFJs book club sounds good.

I will make one if we have more people who are interested.