Quill Newbie MBTI INFJ Enneagram 9w1 sp/sx Nov 28, 2014 #21 People of the World Unanimously Decide to Make A Conscious Effort to Be Excellent to One Another
Cornerstone Well-known member MBTI Pisces Enneagram Metal Goat Nov 28, 2014 #22 "Mission Accomplished" - Arcturian Ambassador to Earth
Quiet i know nothing MBTI infj Enneagram 1w9 Dec 14, 2020 #25 Santa returns to Earth after centuries long holiday on Saturn. Reindeers now honourary, present delivery outsourced to uber Meh...A bit too long.
Santa returns to Earth after centuries long holiday on Saturn. Reindeers now honourary, present delivery outsourced to uber Meh...A bit too long.
Gaze Donor MBTI INFPishy Dec 15, 2020 #26 All communicable diseases have been eradicated! Extra! Extra! Read all about it!
slant Capitalist pig Donor MBTI None Feb 20, 2021 #28 Brave retiree does nothing extraordinary in retirement and instead relaxes after a long life of work