Hello there, this is my first post here,..

Well in the previous disasters Ive had that I laughingly call relationships, I seem to have flipped between being ridiculously idealistic, and doubting of my own worthiness, to periods of immense apathy and being quite confident, and happy with my own appearance and persona.
I could never seem to find a balance beween anxious perfectionism, and apathetic lassez faire.
Nowadays, I try to start off quite relaxed about the whole thing of meeting someone,.. if I find the old self doubts and self negativity creeping up on me, I tend to just repeat my old mantra to myself.. 'They're just human too'
It works to a certain extent now. I think with age, these sort of doubts about appearance and worthiness do fade, as you see the eff ups and mistakes that these Adonis'es we call potential partners also make.
G. x