high school experiences, please

I'm back to say that I feel exactly the same way Apone ^ does.

I did learn many things that aren't so academically related. Many "academic things" were learn online or outside of school.
I was from a large town and moved to a hillbilly school. I was very used to walking around town without supervision, but at the new place I had great difficulty getting out to where everyone lived. I got really popular really fast. By senior year I was so fed up with all the people at my school. I would just tell people who were trying to be friendly that I hated them. Part of the problem was I lived at the far end of the county and no one would ever drive out to hang out. Plus I didnt live by anyone offering work, I didnt have a way to get to a work either (no car, and no way to get a job to buy a car). I went into a phase (an escapist phase?)where I just smothered my g/f at the time (then soon to be wife, then soon to be exwife). It was all a bad ordeal that if I had been allowed to be around people more freely, my life wouldnt have taken such a turn for silliness.