High School Horror Stories

I was on good terms with everyone, but in all the schools I went to I only had a few really good friends. I was lucky enough to have people that were mostly understanding and reciprocated the kindness I showed them. I had a good few self esteem problems then, and bullying probably would have compunded those, so I'm quite thankful that I made it through high school (mostly) unscathed.
That said, good times and bad for everyone, and I've had a few bad times as well.
Early in the year the teacher showed us the film Peter and the Wolf and before it started, loudly told the class he had picked it because there was a duck named Sonya in it. It was on!!! So for the rest of the year, everything I wrote I made really, really, really, tiny. I used to sharpen my pencil all the time to better write really tiny. The teacher constantly complained about how small I wrote and I used to give him my wide eyed innocent look and say that was how I wrote.
I was drinking coke when I read this and the laugh was so sudden and unexpected that it came out my nose (not something I'd suggest btw >.<), that's a pretty awesome and creative revenge.
I was teased pretty much throughout middle school. There were times when I didn't want to go to school and wanted to changed schools, but I didn't. There was one boy who usually picked on me, and no, I don't think it was because he had a crush on me. I was a quiet kid, always did my work, most of the teachers liked me; perhaps these had to do with it. High school, not so much, but some of the girls (they were friends with the boy) who didn't like me ended up coming to the same high school and they were very gossipy, so I had to endure being the subject of gossip sometimes. I was never comfortable at school. In middle school, even though I was teased, I still had people I hung around with, but I lateron found out most of those friendship weren't genuine, same with high school. It wasn't until the 11th grade that I made a good friend and another one I sometimes studied with, so things were a little better, but I still always felt alone. That feeling is something I'm trying to accept because I think as INFJs, we're always going to feel that way -no matter how many people we've around us/how many friends we have, or maybe it's just me. It probably has to do with finding people we can truly connect with.
Anyway, thankfully those days are over. :m096:
High school wasn't all that bad for me. I was never popular, but thankfully I sank under the bullying radar. It was mainly just an endless parade of awkwardness.

During my senior year one of my friends decided to try to play matchmaker for me for the junior/senior banquet. I got stood up and (according to the account of an old friend, I didn't remember this) ended up sitting at a table full of people I hated.

Oh, and even though this doesn't relate directly with high school, during my early college years I got in touch with a girl I knew from high school (we had common friends) and struck up a friendship. I think it was over the course of some months that things started to get hot and heavy, and I happened to mention in passing a reference to my ethnicity. It turned out that the whole time she had thought I was another person from our school with the same first name. The next time we saw each other I got a patronizing "aww" and a hug as a consolation prize. =P So, it was kind of like unintentional Roxanne FAIL.
He told me I was stupid to ever believe he would like me and the whole thing had been a joke.

This is a lingering fear I have whenever someone approaches me.

It's hard to believe people actually have it in them to something like that.
High school wasn't horrifying for me at all. I thought it was great and loved my teachers, classmates, the physical school itself and the culture of the school. Then a few years passed and I started running into old classmates/friends. Somewhere in the conversation they'd go off on a long speech on how much they hated me in school. Of course, I wanted to know what I had done that justified their feelings but no rational explanation was ever forthcoming. After that happened a couple more times, I started avoiding them. Ducking behind a supermarket shelf sort of thing. I haven't been to any high school reunions because I just want these people to ruin my very good memories of them.
Other than one particular group sexual assault, in general high school was enjoyable for me. :noidea:

Other than one particular group sexual assault, in general high school was enjoyable for me. :noidea:


aww aeon... I'm so sorry.
I have a good middle school horror story. lol

So in my adolescence I lived a very sheltered life and didn't get out much, so there were some well known pop culture icons that I didn't recognize off the bat. One of my cousins gave me a shirt with a bunny printed on the front, and I loved my cousin so I wore the shirt to school as soon as possible. At first I thought all the looks I as getting were compliments, since the shirt had a bunny and I loved bunnies and the shirt was new, but then one of the Queen Bees asked me if I made a habit of promoting Playboy, aaaaaand so I ran straight to the locker room and wore over the shirt my gym sweater shirt and never took the thing off that whole day.

Nearing a decade later and I no longer cringe remembering, but give it five years until I can wholeheartedly laugh about it. :mhula:
I got sent to an alternative school. We had a kitchen and a dog we could play with if we were sad. We called our teachers by their first names and once a week we met in these little groups like families and once a month we ate breakfast, potluck style. My group always made bacon and the smell made me throw up so I went to another group to eat froot loops. Once a week we had a big meeting to talk about school issues and vote on them. We painted murals on the walls and our lockers. Mine was a maze through an enchanted forest. We had to share lockers, and most of us were comfortable not using locks. I cut out sunshine girls for my lockermate and taped them to the inside of the door. Once a year we all went camping and got credits for it. On friday afternoons, unofficially, about half the school smoked pot together on these bleachers down the street.

I didn't get my highschool diploma because I failed gym
fuck those bastards.
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In home ec during my first semester of senior year, i was paired up with three other guys. One of them I have know since I was like 9, another I just met and the third one I met in middle school. The two who weren't my old friend played football, so they were kinda big and my friend played baseball.

So the guy from middle school I knew, named Joe was a real fucker. He got made fun of quite a lot but it was a "jockular" school so most of that stuff was friendly. Anyways, he would throw flour in my face and hair at least once a week for the whole semester. He also punched me square in the chest a few times. I'm not going to lie, he's a bigger guy than me so the wind was taken out. And, he called me gay every day. That was great because I was struggling with that my first semester. I actually knew the teacher and she was family with my older friend and she kinda let it go for the most part.

It's alright though because I rejected his facebook request to be friends. I also called him captain hook a few times. (Legend has it, he has a bent thingy, if you get my drift).
Socially, HS was pretty easy - just boring. For whatever reason, I've always been well liked although I didn't fit into any particular group or have close friends. I was perceived as an interesting social anomaly, I think; I just did my own thing, was my own person, didn't let anyone fuck with me. That earned me a degree of respect but, at the same time, I wasn't similar enough to any clique to be invited to activities outside of the classroom.
When we got to highschool my best friend since the 5th grade decided she wanted to be a cheerleader and hated me. To prove her merit to the popular crowd of teen bimbos, she started rumors about me that I masturbated with pickles.

I punched her in the face, ripped off her necklace, pushed her to the ground and kicked her in the stomach. It's the only fight I have ever gotten in, I usually control my rage much better.
I absolutely HATED high school. I went from high honors to a 0.0833 GPA due to my habitual truancy.

Had I been able to maintain my focus academically, I would've liked it much more. However, when there are people who constantly want to kick your ass for no good reason, hs is a miserable place to be.

Being pregnant in hs made these issues so much harder for me, because the bs never stopped. I ended up dropping out and eventually getting my HSED.
For whatever reason, I've always been well liked although I didn't fit into any particular group or have close friends. I was perceived as an interesting social anomaly, I think; I just did my own thing, was my own person, didn't let anyone fuck with me. That earned me a degree of respect but, at the same time, I wasn't similar enough to any clique to be invited to activities outside of the classroom.

I kind of had the same thing except for people did mess with me, a lot. It was because the high school I went to was only interested in sports for the most part. Half the school wore sweats from the team they were on to school every day. It was bad. I wish I would have went to a different school.

I made friends with almost everyone yet I was always very different from everybody. I couldn't identify what it was and am still trying to figure it out (less than a year later). I think it was cause I was so far in the closet, I shoved my true self to the back of my mind. It's obvious now though, looking back on it. And it's even showing up in my dreams, now that I have started to listen to them.

So much change...
Reviving because it's suddenly relevant:

I was okay in high scool for the most part but the lady Vice Principal made a scary pass at me, pushing a broom up between my legs with an attempted kiss, and years later, I am still traumatized.
High School was not good to me. Sophomore year was super easy, junior year was easy but I was a hormonal wreck, then it all went to shit anyway senior year because I had to have surgery. Luckily I was so far ahead I had basically already graduated so I could majorly slack off. That wasn't my intent though because I wanted to get a jump on college credits but that went out the window.

Socially I never gave a shit. I hung out with goths and stoners, metalheads and nerds and had friends from every group. I had a good friend who was in football and a track runner and another that played soccer. Also two friends that were band geeks.

Overall it was a pretty basic experience I think. I went to prom with a girl I asked out (and didn't really hear from at all after hah) and one other dance by myself just to fuck around with friends. I only went because I didn't want not going as a regret, which people asserted to me would be the case. I probably made the right choice going but I don't think whatever amount of regret I would have by not going would have been very significant. Still, it is not a regret I have at all and I don't regret going in spite of things not working out at all with my date.
ah well what can I say it's a classic story:
- No friends
- plenty of people who had it out for me
- lot's of people who made an otherwise fine school's teachers unable to teach
- A bad home situation.