Hillary Clinton's Prison Term

See, no sex.
Its because I only let myself get a little bit riled up :p

I definitely lament my lack of someone to at least make out with at this moment. I guess I can add aggravating politics to the list of weird things that kinda turn me on (along with Bengay and Historical Dramas).
Its because I only let myself get a little bit riled up :p

I definitely lament my lack of someone to at least make out with at this moment. I guess I can add aggravating politics to the list of weird things that kinda turn me on (along with Bengay and Historical Dramas).

What are your feelings on Preparation H?
Too lazy and sober to go on an in depth rant .... but basically trolls (not even subtle ones, 4Chan ones) were able to concoct this conspiracy theory that is easily disproven (I mean the place doesn't even have a basement) and it was so easy for people to believe and freak the fuck out because they are so riled up with hatred and I am honestly surprised that the gun man who went to the place didn't kill anyone.

I have such disgust for so much of humanity and the whole #pizzagate just served as depressing proof that I am right to think so poorly of my species.

Also, after it was proven false and folks made a joke out of it they attacked poor innocent pineapples (which are awesome on pizza).

Not to rain on your parade/rant, but the owner of said pizza place did admit to there being a basement in an interview last year. I can prove it if you like. I am not claiming Pizzagate holds merit, but it can not be dismissed based on the notion that there is no basement. He was clearly lying or joking when he said it didn't have a basement. So check yourself before you wreck yourself honey.
This is about Hillary going to prison. Please focus.
While I am deeply disappointed in her performance as a candidate, and angry at the nimnods who put her in the catbird seat with little to no opposition, and who refused to see that the youth of the Democratic base had no use for her. I remain unconvinced that the crimes she is accused of are real. It would appear that she is guilty of being a Luddite more than anything else. That said, I believe that an independent prosecutor should be unleashed upon her and be given a budget of what they wasted on the Benghazi investigation. It would be the best thing for those moronic Democratic Party higher ups.

I also believe that what actually went down in Libya will never come to light as it was more than likely a series of major international crimes that the US would never live up to or admit. Along those lines, I also believe that the two parties have abandoned their traditional covering of each others asses when it comes to covert operations overseas, which may have the beneficial effect of curtailing those operations, but I doubt it.
Make The Apprentice : Prison Edition. Martha Stewart and Snoop Dogg will be the other judges.

Donald Trump will guest star. In a bondage suit. With Ivanka as the dominatrix.

Michelle Obama will win. Hilary Duff comes second; but people will call nepotism (they have ALMOST THE SAME NAME!)
The most popular contestant will be Hideo Kojima. Later he will make a game out of the entire experience and it will sell billions. Konami will publish it.
I like the direction this thread is going in, which is no direction.

Its because I only let myself get a little bit riled up :p

I definitely lament my lack of someone to at least make out with at this moment. I guess I can add aggravating politics to the list of weird things that kinda turn me on (along with Bengay and Historical Dramas).

I require details