Hitler's Type


I don't think there has been a thread about Hitler's type, could he have been INFJ?

Here's a passage about him possibly being ISTJ:

*PsychologicalType expert and Jungian Dr. John Beebe makes an excellent case in the book JungianAnalysis, 2d edition, 1995 (pg. 329-330), that Hitler's preferences were for ISTJ. And I quote
Hitler was originally probably an introverted sensation type, whose inferior extraverted intuition, carried by a hypomanic but inspiring anima (von Franz 1971), had led Germany in the 1930s to a miraculous economic recovery. On the verge of his starting World War II, however, encouraged by the fascination and lack of limit-setting of other world powers, Hitler's inflated, but unstable, extraverted intuition seemed to give over to its truly demonic shadow, an undermining introverted intuition that assumed the form of a distorted religious vision. Hitler's use of a falsified, "bedeviled" version of the old Germanic god Wotan (Burri 1978) to stir up archetypal support for his vengeful project of world domination and ethnic purification was like introducing a virus into the collective unconscious of the German people: he did succeed in producing a genuine religious disturbance, a caesura in the spiritual history of Europe, from which the West is still trying to recover (Lacoue-Labarthe 1990). Hitler's case, as no other, illustrates the dangerousness of the demonic function, that area of primitive compensations and uncanny possessions that is in all of us, but is an especial threat, through the collapse of the inferior function, to decompensating individuals.

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This is an interesting topic. Several online sites claim he is an INFJ, and just as many claim he is another type. It's difficult to weed through the information to type him. And what do we base that on- his journals, his habits, his actions? I'm not entirely convinced that's enough to properly type him, but it could be.





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I wouldn't be very surprised if he was an INFJ. He was obviously very passionate about his country and who he saw as his people. Throw in some hugely traumatic war experiences, the blow to his psyche from the loss of WWI, and the struggle and alienation he must have felt for example being in prison over what he saw as his patriotism, a lack of valuation for peace, and whole bunch of kooky ideas and there you have the road to it. Obviously, that doesn't excuse it, but everything has a cause. WWI, understandably, messed a lot of people up. There's something there. If it isn't clear yet, war often traumatizes people into being future traumatizers. It's comfortable to think that it doesn't happen to us, but the truth is that if you put people into war situations, people end up doing awful things, and it doesn't matter what colors are on your flag and has quite a lot more to do with what you are taught. Social war fervor teaches us that war and killing aren't so bad.

Fluffy INFJs strongly preferred.:-)
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thinking about him and the people who worked for him is so chilling that its like i cant even say his name out loud. if he was fictional the story of him would be maybe kind of like a hideously ugly parody of Robin Hood, and its horrifying to contemplate that he was not fictional. whenever i read any holocaust literatures i just start crying, i cant stand thinking about it. there are heaps of photographs you can look at of the people who worked for him, you can look at their eyes and faces and try and figure out what was going on in their heads, but i think you cant really figure out what they were thinking about why they were doing the things they did. it makes me want to be sick.

i definitely think that there is a side to infjs where we can become so obsessed in our vision of an ideal world for people that we actually lose sight of what people are going through to bring that vision to realisation. that is a very dark side for us and i dont think many people go there. but in a way, i dont think it is necessarily difficult for us to go there, under certain circumstances. i think we need to look at ourselves and our objectives in a sober way if we can, and ask ourselves, "what is the true cost of my objective?"
thinking about him and the people who worked for him is so chilling that its like i cant even say his name out loud. if he was fictional the story of him would be maybe kind of like a hideously ugly parody of Robin Hood, and its horrifying to contemplate that he was not fictional. whenever i read any holocaust literatures i just start crying, i cant stand thinking about it. there are heaps of photographs you can look at of the people who worked for him, you can look at their eyes and faces and try and figure out what was going on in their heads, but i think you cant really figure out what they were thinking about why they were doing the things they did. it makes me want to be sick.

i definitely think that there is a side to infjs where we can become so obsessed in our vision of an ideal world for people that we actually lose sight of what people are going through to bring that vision to realisation. that is a very dark side for us and i dont think many people go there. but in a way, i dont think it is necessarily difficult for us to go there, under certain circumstances. i think we need to look at ourselves and our objectives in a sober way if we can, and ask ourselves, "what is the true cost of my objective?"

We were fortunate to be taught to value human life. I guess sometimes there needs to be a bridge built to see the people you hate as if they were wayward family. In a way they are anyway. There's heaven on Earth anyway. When I blah blah blah about conditions for the world making it easier not to go crazy, this is what I'm talking about. Not that execution of such things doesn't get difficult, and that's a huge understatement... it starts at home and school, in turn products of their times.
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Hey, everyone's put a case against him for not being their MBTI type, lol. You might as well give him to the ESFJs... where all the bad people are... Taylor Swift, The Pope, Ariana Grande xP

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Oh I'm not disputing the fact that he may very well have been an INFJ, lol. The whole -"Let's exterminate an entire ethnic group to match my own ideals for what my view is of a better future! I will do this for mankind whether they like it or not and regardless if it makes sense!"- is actually rather unhealthy INFJy. I don't peg him as a thinker. A strategic mind, sure, but thinkers aren't the only ones capable of that. I believe a thinker would have foreseen the folly of this vision. But again, I just don't think there is enough evidence to form a judgment upon him as this or that based off what we know of him historically.
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He is likely one of the most difficult people to type, but definitely an IN. What I am not sure of is the final two letters. He was good at getting others to do his dirty work. His actions were strategic and manipulative. He knew how to work an argument to incite people to do his bidding. This could indicate strong T or highly developed F. Regardless of type, shows you how anyone, even the most unsuspecting type can use their influence and talents for evil. No one is immune.
He is likely one of the most difficult people to type, but definitely an IN. What I am not sure of is the final two letters. He was good at getting others to do his dirty work. His actions were strategic and manipulative. He knew how to work an argument to incite people to do his bidding. This could indicate strong T or highly developed F. Regardless of type, shows you how anyone, even the most unsuspecting type can use their influence and talents for evil. No one is immune.

Very good points, as always. :w:

Silly me, I never considered the fact that his motive could have been absolute power instead of an idealistic future. And you are so right, no one is immune.

Oh I'm not disputing the fact that he may very well have been an INFJ, lol. The whole -"Let's exterminate an entire ethnic group to match my own ideals for what my view is of a better future! I will do this for mankind whether they like it or not and regardless if it makes sense!"- is actually rather unhealthy INFJy. I don't peg him as a thinker. A strategic mind, sure, but thinkers aren't the only ones capable of that. I believe a thinker would have foreseen the folly of this vision. But again, I just don't think there is enough evidence to form a judgment upon him as this or that based off what we know of him historically.

Unhealthy is the key, here. I am of the opinion that any sociopathy or ills exist entirely separate of typology.

I don't think someone can be "typed" if they are unwell. Negative characteristics, hatred, and injustice may arise, but I believe it is a coincidence when it is found with one "type" or another.

I see this as specific to the individual, and their circumstances. I cannot see type as being involved. When I think of Hitler, for instance, I have never once thought of MBTI. I see him merely as a human specimen who is grossly unwell, resulting in the slaughter of millions of people.

And he was not alone. He couldn't have accomplished this by himself. It wasn't just Hitler, it was a vast assembly of people disturbingly advocating for hatred and the suffering of their fellow humans.
This concerns me, most of all. Not the actions of a singular entity, but the banding together of many to destroy other people.
Unhealthy is the key, here. I am of the opinion that any sociopathy or ills exist entirely separate of typology.

I don't think someone can be "typed" if they are unwell. Negative characteristics, hatred, and injustice may arise, but I believe it is a coincidence when it is found with one "type" or another.

I see this as specific to the individual, and their circumstances. I cannot see type as being involved. When I think of Hitler, for instance, I have never once thought of MBTI. I see him merely as a human specimen who is grossly unwell, resulting in the slaughter of millions of people.

And he was not alone. He couldn't have accomplished this by himself. It wasn't just Hitler, it was a vast assembly of people disturbingly advocating for hatred and the suffering of their fellow humans.
This concerns me, most of all. Not the actions of a singular entity, but the banding together of many to destroy other people.

Completely agree. He was a very sick individual with a dream and power to bring it to fruition. Which is why I feel he's untypeable. Most people point the finger at him solely, when there were many that contributed his disgusting visage of utopia. It is frightening what can be accomplished if enough people jump on the bandwagon.
I wouldn't be very surprised if he was an INFJ. He was obviously very passionate about his country and who he saw as his people. Throw in some hugely traumatic war experiences, the blow to his psyche from the loss of WWI, and the struggle and alienation he must have felt for example being in prison over what he saw as his patriotism, a lack of valuation for peace, and whole bunch of kooky ideas and there you have the road to it. Obviously, that doesn't excuse it, but everything has a cause. WWI, understandably, messed a lot of people up. There's something there. If it isn't clear yet, war often traumatizes people into being future traumatizers. It's comfortable to think that it doesn't happen to us, but the truth is that if you put people into war situations, people end up doing awful things, and it doesn't matter what colors are on your flag and has quite a lot more to do with what you are taught. Social war fervor teaches us that war and killing aren't so bad.

Fluffy INFJs strongly preferred.:-)

I think it was the malignant narcissism, megalomania and possibly paranoid schizophrenia that was more of the problem than his "patriotism" and imprisonment for his um "kooky" ideas.
I think it was the malignant narcissism, megalomania and possibly paranoid schizophrenia that was more of the problem than his "patriotism" and imprisonment for his um "kooky" ideas.

He wasn't born that way. Personally, I think seeing people gassed and blown to pieces has more to do with the changes toward seeing death and destruction as a matter of course. He wasn't thrown in prison for kooky ideas but for trying to overthrow the government. The kooky ideas I'm referring to are some of the occult influences that played into the idea that racial cleansing had to happen (and not the idea that racial cleansing was a good thing, or should be downgraded to "kooky"). To me, it seems obvious that he was mentally unstable, and iirc, he wasn't always that way. PTSD tends to make people unstable and increases the tendency toward anger and violent behavior. Preventing recurrences is mostly what I'm after.
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Hey, everyone's put a case against him for not being their MBTI type, lol. You might as well give him to the ESFJs... where all the bad people are... Taylor Swift, The Pope, Ariana Grande xP

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Taylor Swift is awesome.
The scary thing about Hitler was never Hitler himself. It was all the people who followed him and carried out his orders.
Hitler's type? Aryan, I would presume!

I think that he was an extrovert. From what I've seen and read about him, he could very well be an ENTP. He focused outwards, was sharp and developed Wagner's valküre ideas and operatic visions into an actual society. Super douchebag, of course.

The scary thing about Hitler was never Hitler himself. It was all the people who followed him and carried out his orders.

I get what you're saying, but that's just a piece of the puzzle. Germany had been anti-semetic and racist for the better part of 200 years before the rise of the extreme right. After the financial disaster of 1928, communists and extreme right people were the talk of the town. Extremism comes from uncertainty. So basically, sure the followers were crazy, but so was Germany, Hitler, the times and you know.
Hitler's type? Aryan, I would presume!

I think that he was an extrovert. From what I've seen and read about him, he could very well be an ENTP. He focused outwards, was sharp and developed Wagner's valküre ideas and operatic visions into an actual society. Super douchebag, of course.

I get what you're saying, but that's just a piece of the puzzle. Germany had been anti-semetic and racist for the better part of 200 years before the rise of the extreme right. After the financial disaster of 1928, communists and extreme right people were the talk of the town. Extremism comes from uncertainty. So basically, sure the followers were crazy, but so was Germany, Hitler, the times and you know.

What are you basing your assessment on? Are there any articles that give a similar opinion?
ISTJ? I don't know about that.

I remember listening to a lecture years ago by a historian who escapes me at the moment, but anyway he talked a lot about Hitler as a man and how he behaved in his private life, and by all accounts he sounded very NF. I don't think Hitler was a sensor.
How on earth would one type someone who was on meth and a cocktail of other drugs? He very well could be ISTJ or INTJ. I would never coin him as INFJ.
This is an interesting topic. Several online sites claim he is an INFJ, and just as many claim he is another type. It's difficult to weed through the information to type him. And what do we base that on- his journals, his habits, his actions? I'm not entirely convinced that's enough to properly type him, but it could be.




Sounds like ISFJ to me.