Hitler's Type

Can I ask what brought you to that conclusion? I'm actually really interested in your process. :)

Everything that was stated in the meme sounded like me. lol

"I hate to disappoint people" typical ISFJ perfectionist overachiever, lives up to other's expectations and thensome, pushing themselves further beyond what they thought were capable of.

".... doesn't have the same crystal clear understanding as ...". Doesn't matter who he was talking about. ISFJs understand people through the behavior they display. If he knew both people well, he can predict their behavior quite accurately.

"He was respectful, even diffident and even careful to adhere to the forms of the address." ISFJs are extremely cautious with words, nearly always in public. We can step outside of our own thoughts to say what is appropriate.

" ... his conscious has exceptional access to his unconscious". What people don't understand about the ISFJ is that they BELIEVE they know us, funny thing ...after 17 years of marriage my ISTJ husband is still wondering what is going on in my head. He has no idea, and what is there is heavily guarded. What is there is stored away and cataloged until needed.

"responds to the vibration of the human heart with the delicacy of the seismograph" ... ISFJs understand people, moreso we understand people in need. We know how to respond to different people in different situations. We aren't shy to respond either, which is why we are suggested to be in "helping" professions. When it says delicacy of seismograph, this makes me envision being behind the scenes making an impact ... this is very true of ISFJs.

The only reason I would not choose Hitler as an ISFJ is because of his leadership qualities. ISFJs are NOT known for wanting any part of the lime-light. It's not that it is not possible, I just cannot envision it.
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I remember a long debate some time ago about his type around here. From what i know about him, which is not much, ENFJ.

His speeches were very calculated pieces of theatre designed to whip a crowd up into a frienzy

He started softly and then built up the volume and intensity as the speech went on, becoming more animated as he went

INFJ's won't be that calculated; they're more from the heart

If you look at a list of famous ENTJ's it reads like a who's who of world dictators

All the dictators are ENTJ's

ENTJ's tend to push their way to the top of hierarchies as they like to rule as unilaterally as they can; INFJ's on the other hand always bring other people on board

The ENTJ leadership style is the dictator

The INFJ leadership style is consensus democracy

I hear people complain about their bosses at work and what insensitive pricks they are...they're probably ENTJ's as well (see article in my next post)

I doubt ENTJ's are very good at art which explains hitlers failure in that area

It amazes me that more people haven't cottoned on to this dictatorial role that ENTJ's play in our society, but its pretty obvious when you get into it; i honestly think the level of freedom and happiness a society will have will depend on how they manage this aggressive and dictatorial type

Here's a list of famous ENTJ's:

  • Napoleon Bonaparte
  • Margaret Thatcher (british prime minister whose cabinet has now been revealed to have been populated by a pedophile mafia which she protected. She forced neoliberal policies on the UK that have fucked our economy and society)
  • Julius Ceasar
  • Bill Gates (mass murdering eugencist also known for creating the widely used spytechnology 'microsoft')
  • Dick Cheney (mass murderer)
  • Joseph Stalin
  • Adolf Hitler
  • Hilary Clinton (the 'butcher of benghazi')
  • Hannibal of carthage
  • Jeb Bush (supported his brothers illegal war in iraq that killed over a million people. His father is said to be a horrendous pedophile)
  • Angela Merkel (a CIA asset who is destroying europe)
  • Simon Cowell (smarmy freemason who likes to cheapen humanity anyway he can)
  • I'd also put the war criminal tony blair on the list

Fictional ones include Sauron and the Emperor from Star wars

Fictional INTJ's include Voldemort and Darth vader

heres a brief description of entj's from a website:

  • No-nonsense, efficient organizers with a flair for strategic optimization
  • Strongly linked to the Compulsive personality
  • Somewhat linked to the Sadistic personality
  • More common in men than in women
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The article below shows what personality type your aggressive boss is likely to be

As you can see it calls the ENTJ the 'field marshall' (ie leader of an army like hitler was)

It also describes them as 'angry', 'impulsive' and 'controlling' and 'intimidating'

All this fits the bill for hitler perfectly

he fits into any list of famous ENTJ's seemlessly. he doesn't fit into a list of famous INFJ's at all...he's like the polar opposite of famous INFJ Ghandi


Can Your Personality Type Determine Your Salary Potential? [infographic]


Jen Hubley Luckwaldt, PayScale
Oct 19, 2013
Personality tests like the Myers-Briggs can tell us a lot about ourselves: our comfort with crowds, our preference for certain types of activities, even which careers to pursue. But can knowing your Myers-Briggs type tell you how much money you're going to make?


(Photo Credit: Hey Paul Studios/Flickr)
A recent infographic from Career Assessments Site argues that it can. Using data from the Myers & Briggs Foundation (among other sources) the authors posit that our personality types can, to a certain extent, predict our earnings potential.
A few notes:

  • The infographic divides earning potential by household, not by individual. While that probably means that each personality type is contributing, one way or another, to the total, it's important to note that the data doesn't necessarily mean that the type is solely responsible for the salary range indicated.
  • Introverts and extroverts, bury the hatchet. Both were equally well-represented across the full range of earnings.
  • The highest earning type, by a wide margin, was ENTJ, a.k.a. "The Field Marshall." This type is supposedly, "Frank, decisive, and notices inefficiencies." They're also good with money and taking criticism. Sounds like a recipe for success. Famous ENTJs include Margaret Thatcher, Bill Gates, and Dick Cheney.
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I don't think anyone wants to claim the guy but he was willing to separate intellect and human compassion. That's not an INFJ characteristic.
ENTJ description:

[h=2]The ENTJ or Fieldmarshal - 2% of Us[/h]
decisive, fearless, planner, thrill seeker, engaged, social, self centered, comfortable around others, image conscious, likes to be center of attention, adventurous, outgoing, manipulative, emotionally stable, leader, ambitious, hard working, dominant, prepared, hates to be bored, confident, opinionated, analytical, prepares for worst case scenarios, organized, orderly, clean, driven, resourceful, finishes most things they start, achieving, risk taker, desires fame/acclaim, image focused, narcissistic, arrogant, perfectionist, driven, academic, scientific, critical, avoids giving in to others, does not like to compromise, skeptical
ENTJ description:

The ENTJ or Fieldmarshal - 2% of Us

decisive, fearless, planner, thrill seeker, engaged, social, self centered, comfortable around others, image conscious, likes to be center of attention, adventurous, outgoing, manipulative, emotionally stable, leader, ambitious, hard working, dominant, prepared, hates to be bored, confident, opinionated, analytical, prepares for worst case scenarios, organized, orderly, clean, driven, resourceful, finishes most things they start, achieving, risk taker, desires fame/acclaim, image focused, narcissistic, arrogant, perfectionist, driven, academic, scientific, critical, avoids giving in to others, does not like to compromise, skeptical

I have a few choice words to describe several I have met…hehe.




''Hitler's cock is on the loose!''

''If it could talk it would say kill today!''

ve have vays of making everyone do what i want zem to do or else ve vill kill them...i am a dalek....i am a dalek!!! Exterminate! exterminate!


Ve don't vont zees people around so vat will ve do vith them?....i know ve shall exterminate zem yes zat is the LOGICAL thing to do
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''that's the amazing thing about evil....it's incredible work ethic'' - Glenn from 'in the thick of it'
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