butt fros and asian purrs
- Enneagram
- 4
Sounds like ISFJ to me.
Can I ask what brought you to that conclusion? I'm actually really interested in your process.
Sounds like ISFJ to me.
Can I ask what brought you to that conclusion? I'm actually really interested in your process.
Everything that was stated in the meme sounded like me. lol
ENTJ description:
The ENTJ or Fieldmarshal - 2% of Us
decisive, fearless, planner, thrill seeker, engaged, social, self centered, comfortable around others, image conscious, likes to be center of attention, adventurous, outgoing, manipulative, emotionally stable, leader, ambitious, hard working, dominant, prepared, hates to be bored, confident, opinionated, analytical, prepares for worst case scenarios, organized, orderly, clean, driven, resourceful, finishes most things they start, achieving, risk taker, desires fame/acclaim, image focused, narcissistic, arrogant, perfectionist, driven, academic, scientific, critical, avoids giving in to others, does not like to compromise, skeptical