Homely face?

Really, it's the face they make when someone at too much Sriracha at dinner and didn't have anyone to wipe their ass for them later b/c of their broken arms.

(holy jeebus that was a run-on sentence)

I could never eat too much Sriracha.
No one answered my question :(

Is there really no universal definition for homely? This one of those things that, when you look it up in the dictionary, there should be a picture of someone's face.

Websters Dictionary say's this:

home·ly adjective \ˈhōm-lē\
: not pretty or handsome : plain or unattractive

: plain and simple in an appealing or pleasant way

Unfortunately there were no pictures.
[MENTION=1360]TheDaringHatTrick[/MENTION] -And the Urban dictionary say's this:

A person who should really stay inside their home due to their horrible fashion, unattractiveness, and the embarrassment that they bring to others who are seen with him/her.
Matt what the fuck are you doing out of your dorm, I don't want to be seen with your homely ass in public!

: plain and simple in an appealing or pleasant way


There are two meanings for the "homely" word.
The first one implies a derogatory sense, unattractiveness.

The second one is not meant to be derogatory...I think it means a person who is very simple and plain, but pleasant in manner of behaviour and communication... a 'homely' person, a person that is unexperienced and naive with the real world, because that person was the "home boy" or something like that.
It also could mean a person that does not have a strong personality, a person with influence...just a 'little somebody' person.