[PUG] homeopathic remedies

Well obviously very few people are going to find a duck and personally slaughter it for its liver. Come on now guys.
Well obviously very few people are going to Or even know how to go out, find a duck and slaughter it for its liver. Come on now guys.

  1. find a duck pond(easy for me there's one in my village)
  2. lure a duck to the bank, bread should work, ducks are easy
  3. put duck in bag, again helpful if you stuff a load of bread crumbs into the bag beforehand, and make sure the bag has a zip and isn't see-through, wouldn't want the little bugger escaping, or anyone seeing your duck, the youths of today will steal anything.
  4. take your new duck back to your slaughter house, your kitchen should work
  5. place your duck onto the table, you can use a table cloth if you don't like mess, a red cloth would be preferable.
  6. strap your duck down, duct tape should work well here
  7. Get a big knife
  8. Use big knife on duck
  9. Now you'll need a rudimentary understanding of duck biology for the next bit, or for the layman google image search.
  10. Once you have located the liver, by whichever means suited your skill, you'll need to prep the area for liver extraction.
  11. Just shove all the other duck innards out of the way.
  12. Get a smaller knife
  13. Use smaller knife to cut ducks liver away from the rest of the duck stuff.
  14. Place new duck liver on a silver platter, or a plate, if you're not a ponce.
  15. throw away the rest of the duck, if you're living with someone, it might be an idea to put it in the outside bin, and not the kitchen bin, also you should tidy up all the duck blood and guts before they see it.
Alas, a rudimentary understanding of duck biology, I have not nor the heart to kill the fowl.
Remedies I know of:

Put sage into a jar of water, allow it to sit out for a couple of days like sun tea. (If you are Native, you leave an offering of tobacco and preferably sit next to a cedar tree) Sage is a natural astringent. You strain the water and use it to clean your face. It is far less toxic to your skin than something you buy or that has alcohol in it.

Tea tree oil is also supposed to work on actual breakouts on your face. You can find it most herb shops.

The Elders also say that you can cure a earache by blowing tobacco smoke in the affected ear. Of course, Cedar is the panecea for all ills of a spiritual nature.
I've used tea tree oil.
It works alright.
Pure distilled lavender oil works best. Though it is very potent.. just a drop in a bit of lotion is enough.
Lavender oil is also good for keep scalp healthy and making your hair shiny.
I just put a few drops in a shampoo bottle
Apple Cider Vinegar has been known to help acne and other ailments.
Apple cider vinegar also helps restore the ph balance in your hair. Dilute 1 part Cider to 3 parts water and use it as a rinse. It will really leave your hair soft and shiny.

Edit: I also worked with one guy who drank the stuff for 2 days so he could pass a drug test....
Hot apple cider vinegar with honey can help a sore throat, as well as help "clean you out" as my Mom used to say. Similar to lemon water, I think. Just make sure you don't use more than a few tablespoons to 8 ounces of water. Otherwise it's too acidic.

yar! my grandfather used to do this almost every morning when he woke up with a sore throat.

At a guess, i'd suggest you look in a duck, seriously though i share Dara O'briain's view on "homeopathy"


In a duck.

This was my thought too, but didn't have the heart to say. :[

Muscovy. duck.

Not sure about the pug thing... why, exactly?

I am not sure of the exact definition of homeopathic.

Also, I find that encouraging probiotics, which you can get easily from yogurt and a high-fiber diet, can generally help your immune system and help keep you from getting a cold or the flu. Unfortunately, once you have one, probiotics don't help.

well, i wanted people to post their thoughts about homeopathic rememdies, a lot of people think that homeopathic remedies are just plain quackery. Deathjam's video gives sort of a good definition of homeopathy. it is kind of just well...water.

i'm doin' the yogurt with the probiotics. i think it's healthy. they used to sell a milk here with acidophillus in it, but they took it off the market. it did taste a little weird to be honest, but i thought it was okay.

MUCHOS JALAPENOS and water throughout the day.

omg. i wish i could tolerate jalapenos. they are so tasty. i have to put like half of one in my salsa when i make it.

Of course, Cedar is the panecea for all ills of a spiritual nature.

i want to live in a cedar box. hmm, that sounds creepy.
I don't know about fever remedies, but clove oil has often helped with pain from cracked wisdom teeth.
Valerian root has helped me to get to sleep without feeling drugged out. The pills smell like gym socks though.
I don't know about fever remedies, but clove oil has often helped with pain from cracked wisdom teeth.
Valerian root has helped me to get to sleep without feeling drugged out. The pills smell like gym socks though.

mmm,MMM i <3 gym sox. maybe it is the smell that knocks you out, lol?

do you just apply the clove oil directly to the site? does it have antiseptic qualities? this is so interesting.