Bottom line. Bonobos do it. Therefore, it is observed in nature.
You can blame my Christianity for that, too, should you like.
I'm not blaming Christianity for people's choices anymore. That is what you wanted. If you choose to hold the misconception that homosexuality is unnatural, then that is solely your misconception. And to be frank, I don't really care if you choose to be ignorant of what actually occurs in nature, or whether you choose your conception of nature as your source of morals. I don't care whether you stay, go, or get pissed off, because since you choose to ignore any ideas that are contrary to your own, you have no use in a discussion. Feel free to preach your faulty ideas, I've already clearly explained why they are wrong, and at this point, you can only make yourself look like a bigot.
Got a mirror, Satya?you can only make yourself look like a bigot
Got a mirror, Satya?
Are you accusing me of being a bigot?
Well no. I am more accusing you of accusing "Just me" as being a bigot, and I am just a little tired of you throwing these charges of bigotry and juvenileness and other such things at others here on this forum. What I would in essence ask of you is to not call any others of us by names and charges you would not cast upon yourself. That seems reasonable, don't you think?
From the nature viewpoint, another bottom line might be that nature does not allow homosexual activity to breed children. Just pure scientific naturality. It lets them have all the sex they want, but it doesn't let them breed as a result.
Satya, I am not going to expend my weekend trying to argue with you.I'm not blaming Christianity for people's choices anymore. That is what you wanted. If you choose to hold the misconception that homosexuality is unnatural, then that is solely your misconception. And to be frank, I don't really care if you choose to be ignorant of what actually occurs in nature, or whether you choose your conception of nature as your source of morals. I don't care whether you stay, go, or get pissed off, because since you choose to ignore any ideas that are contrary to your own, you have no use in a discussion. Feel free to preach your faulty ideas, I've already clearly explained why they are wrong, and at this point, you can only make yourself look like a bigot.
I am glad the majority of people in this world see things rather my way than yours.
I wonder if this would be stupid to say.. oh well: What of hermaphrodites? I know that people born with both sexes are usually sterile, that both reproductive systems are not fully functional or even formed sometimes.. but what if it was discovered that there was such a person who could reproduce with themself? What would that do to sexuality and what is considered natural and right? What if that is what nature is working on perfecting?
I am a Christian, but I have questions that I can't deny myself from asking and wondering about.
I wonder if this would be stupid to say.. oh well: What of hermaphrodites? I know that people born with both sexes are usually sterile, that both reproductive systems are not fully functional or even formed sometimes.. but what if it was discovered that there was such a person who could reproduce with themself? What would that do to sexuality and what is considered natural and right? What if that is what nature is working on perfecting?
I am a Christian, but I have questions that I can't deny myself from asking and wondering about.
I am glad the majority of people in this world see things rather my way than yours.
As an ordained minister with a PhD in theology, I am qualified to judge whether or not someone is practicing their religion correctly when it is my own. Again, this does not make me right, just qualified.
haha... yeah....I think earthworms can do this.