I have been involved with INTJs and have many INTJ friends... They do have that sort of arrogance about them sometimes. I love INTJ's for their logical thinking and their certainty but I think they can only figure things out for themselves... I always find that INTJ's come to the game late in terms of social interactions and every time they think they have it all figured out someone behaves in a way that throws their ideas clear out the window and it's a big "WTF" moments.
I am not trying to imply that you are wrong. What I am implying is that your expectations are. 14 months, at your age, is a long time to be invested. I am just not sure why you would have gone along for sooooo long without her reciprocating your feelings at all or actively pursuing the romantic relationship with you. If you made it clear from the get go that you wanted to be more than friends and she either ignored it, didn't clue in or otherwise didn't return the feelings then it was essentially your choice to continue in that friendship with her regardless of what she felt... So to come at it after the fact and try to understand why she's not on the same page as you and everything else it just misses the point of the whole thing.
I was in your exact position with the ENTP I am with now five years ago. We went on dates, we made out, I would have had sex with him but it never got to that point. We exchanged gifts and for all intents and purposes I really saw it developing into a relationship. So when I pursued that he shut me right down and it was a shock to me and I didn't understand it because, as with your situation, everything seemed to align so perfectly and yet somehow he had zero interest in romantic involvement. It blew my mind and it took me a while to understand that the chemistry, on his end, just simply was not there. And now that years have passed we remained in touch but at a distance. I pursued him again and then it just "clicked." We had each dated different people in between but at the end of the day it turned out that we were exactly what each other were waiting for in a long term partner, but it was just that BOTH of us didn't know it until that time... And funnily enough we were both in our very early 20's when we met also. We just had to grow as people to get to the point we're at now.
So at the end of all this all I am saying is that maybe in the future the two of you can work it out years down the road.
Ahhh. Once again, I think we agree, and I thank you for this.
I'm not holding out hope, but I'm leaving the door slightly ajar.
I just can't be her "just a friend" just so that, one day, a guy will enter her life romantically and I'm supposed to pretend that I'm happy about that situation.
I REALLY, REALLY liked this girl. It may have even been the closest to "love" I've gotten.
I do agree with you with what you say about my expectations being wrong. I invested such a long time because I've read EVERYWHERE "with ENTPs, it's all about persistence." She even told me that the friends that persisted to stay in her life were the friends that became her lifelong friends.
Perhaps I should have mentioned it earlier, but about a month or so after we hooked up (I was in South Africa), I was going through a period of growth. I think this was my Fe developing. Because of this, I just wasn't right. I sort of projected a lot of shit onto her, and she told me one night "I don't want a relationship with you. This is a blunt proclamation. I don't trust you, and there is no chemistry between us."
I stopped talking to her. On PerC it appeared as if she was trying to reach out to me. I didn't take the bait.
About 5 WHOLE months later, she was "reaching out" to me on Twitter, it appeared (started Favoriting my tweets, started making snarky comments about my Tweets, starting some short arguments, like when I mentioned "how bad MTV shows are"). Then, I went to my college to visit friends. I saw her at a bar, we were both drunk, I went to go talk to her, she was VERY defensive and kind of bitchy.
Next day, she apologized to me via Twitter (I think she was seeing an ISFP guy at the time -- saw her with him at the bar, though there body language didn't shout out "dating," and then saw her with him the next day at a fair at our school where, once again, it seemed like he was moreso following her around than actually being with her).
We started talking. We were both VERY guarded. Then, I managed to ask her out to a haunted house -- not a date, but just as friends. A day before, she got a concussion. We decided to hang out. The SECOND I went to her dorm room (her door was ajar for me), she took out her hairpiece and spit out her gum (hmmm......).
We hung out again about a week or so later....a couple of days before we were going to go to the now RESCHEDULED haunted house. We drove around for about thirty minutes. She must have called me "friend," "bro," and "dude" a thousand times, and she referenced her crush (who she claims she is over since her trip) a couple of times. She told me I was never allowed in her room again because her best friend (lives across the hall) heard "male voices" (she actually LITERALLY puts her ear against her door -- ENTP told me it drives her crazy. Her friend is xSTJ).
I dropped her off, had an awkward hug with her, left. A day before the haunted house, I told her I wasn't going to be taking her because nothing changed, I still REALLY liked her, and I don't think we are on the same page. This is when I tell her "I can't hang out with you in a 'just friends' context because even if I try, I can't see you as "just a friend" right now. Because, frankly, I don't want to sleep with my lady "friends."" She commended me on my honesty and told me how "I'm always so honest and upfront with her, something that no other guy is, and she REALLY appreciates how there are no 'games' with me."
We don't talk for a month. Then, she reaches out AGAIN. She seems really depressed. I'm careful NOT to become her therapist, but I am always VERY clear that I like her. One night, I told her how I wanted to go so badly to this wolf reservation, but no one wants to go with me. Her response? "PICK ME PICK ME." A week before, I reminded her, and "oh crap. I haven't seen my dad in a LONG time, and he told me he's coming up that day. Can I reschedule?" We set dinner DATE (and I do call it a date), and tell her we can reschedule wolves for March 15 (which, obviously, isn't happening anymore).
I've been a few "first dates" before, and this was perhaps the most relaxed, comfortable one I've been on. It never seemed force, LOTS of laughing, it just made sense. There is DEFINITELY a comfort between she and I, she even made AT LEAST two dick jokes, about MY dick.
Everyone I tell the story to in its entirety tell me they don't know what to say. They think she likes me, but internally, she's fighting it or she's just unsure or too nervous to accept it. I don't know what it is. I don't want to analyze it.
It seems like you and I have EXTREMELY similar stories. Perhaps coach me?