How about a little survey/questionnaire for everybody?

[MENTION=1669]Framed[/MENTION] I strongly sympathize with you in terms of attraction x)

[MENTION=9350]Mary Shelley[/MENTION] Yes, I seem to bond with my friends pets more than they do as well! Most recently, my old lady I take care of has a cat who I didnt get along with for literally a year, up until a week or so ago. Now her cat comes to see me more than she does her owner! Needless to say my old lady is not happy about this haha. I think its because I treat them like little humans. I also appreciate Johnny Cash, Heart, and the Foo Fighters.

[MENTION=9672]lawruhn[/MENTION] I loved your raspberry answer haha. I also love those colors. And I am a big fan of mellow music, I was very into the fray for a while there. Have you ever listened to Damien Rice or the Freelance Whales? If not, give them a listen.

[MENTION=8332]isabellajay[/MENTION] We do pretty much the same things in our spare time lol. I'm always running, if not that I try to spend time with my family or friends, which also generally includes watching movies haha. Man, the last guy that I dated could really sing, I was so attracted to that. He was also a great cook and was sensitive and talkative as well. Possibly too sensitive although he didnt show it a lot. We were a great match but it seemed that some things I said went in one ear and out the other which is such a pet peeve of mine, or anyones probably.

[MENTION=680]just me[/MENTION], I really liked the description you gave of your favorite colors, it was similar to how I view that topic :) All colors are lovely, especially in nature. You can always message me if you want to talk about the latter question, Its interesting that that was a very personal question for you.

[MENTION=9054]BrightWhiteHeart[/MENTION] I also really appreciate jewel tones, they are beautiful. Fire topaz is super cool if you've ever seen it. I don't think this is considered a jewel...more of an ore, but look up azurite. Its awesome. I also love music that evokes emotion, but sometimes, especially in my weaker moments, I find it very hard to listen to a lot of my own music- it'll make me break down and cry x) I connected with a lot of your answers

[MENTION=3998]niffer[/MENTION] We share the same favorite color :) I also love the humanities, heavily interested in other languages and cultures. I especially appreciate asian cultures (very attracted to Buddhism)

[MENTION=3212]oddgirlout[/MENTION] My favorite color to wear is certainly black although oddly enough I dont consider it one of my *favorite* colors. I feel ya on many of the attraction aspects you named, I love a guy with a nice ass ;) Oh god, and when they're wearing a nice cologne too I turn into some sort of animal haha. I find myself attracted to all sorts of people, so I sympathize with your uncertainty. Ive been facing a lot of this lately especially in the dating/relationship aspect. Sometimes my wants are very inconsistant and shifty.
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1. What is your MBTI and/or enneagram?\

INFJ.... maybe. Who knows.

2. Whats your favorite color?


3. What do you like to do in your spare time?

I like to get out with friends, have a drink now and again, dance(If there was a single decent law in the world, it would be banning me from a dance floor), play basketball and football, write pretty bad poetry, write science fiction, draw maps (cartography), listen to music...

4. What are your favorite kinds of music (or favorite musician)?

Oh so much but I am really into Lindsey Stirling, she has won my heart for sure

5. Cats or dogs? (or other/if you don't like animals)

I love them both and have owned both. Cats are easier to take care of but dogs are more fun

6. Have you ever participated in sports? If so, which?

Football, basketball, running, bowling, swimming, karate, golf, tennis

7. Are you creative or artistic? If so, in what way(s)?

Yes, I think I am a pretty creative writer.

8. In general, what are you most interested in?

People and space. Two of the more complex aspects of life

9. Physically and mentally, what are you most attracted to in a potential partner?

Oh gawwd eyes and legs. It doesn't matter what color the eyes are, it's just something about girls eyes that break me down and turn my brain to mush.

Mentally, a little bit of a wild side. Not too much, no too little just the right amount.
1. What is your MBTI and/or enneagram?

What an insipid, dull question. Are you incapable of having a single original thought. INTJ.

2. Whats your favorite color?

That particular shade of blood which gushes out when an artery is cut.

3. What do you like to do in your spare time?

Thinking deep profound thoughts, creating, then dismissing revolutionary ideologies and just being your average tortured genius.

4. What are your favorite kinds of music (or favorite musician)?

I don't have one. There's no genre of music which doesn't have something to interest me.

5. Cats or dogs? (or other/if you don't like animals)

Both are good, but dogs are a better way of distracting the police.

6. Have you ever participated in sports? If so, which?

Urban running, or chasing in my case.

7. Are you creative or artistic? If so, in what way(s)?

There is creativity in my work.

8. In general, what are you most interested in?

New ideas which alter my thinking.

9. Physically and mentally, what are you most attracted to in a potential partner?

Oh, I'm all about the crazy cat ladies.
Physically and mentally, what are you most attracted to in a potential partner?

Have a wife; don't know if she is a partner, though, any longer. As old as I am, my likes have been through a washing machine and dryer a few times. Yes, my likes are personal. Why? Each individual is unique. Why should I say what attracts me the most, when it could be a surprise or something totally different?

Tried something different earlier in the week and it was too hot(sausage sandwich for breakfast). While waiting, I saw someone that I felt was attractive in many ways. My loneliness cause this? Is it meant to? Am I being forced to wonder? Maybe I could work with her awhile?

Now, if I say all the things that I am most attracted to in a potential partner, someone else will come along and knock my shoes off with something entirely different. Had enough thorns.
1. What is your MBTI and/or enneagram?

AFAIK...INFJ and 4w5

That said, I am close to the border of extroversion and introversion. Too aloof for exotown, too needy for introtown.

2. Whats your favorite color?

A middling to dark shade of green.

3. What do you like to do in your spare time?

I don't know anymore. Procrastinate?

4. What are your favorite kinds of music (or favorite musician)?

Leonard Cohen and Bob Marley.
If I can pick three genres I'd say Classic Rock, Reggae and Deep/Melodic House.

5. Cats or dogs? (or other/if you don't like animals)

If I could get a friendly cat, I would like that. If it was uppity and distant more often than not I would go for a dog even though I find them a bit much.

6. Have you ever participated in sports? If so, which?

I'm not much of a joiner but I played a bit of basketball. It was fun but it also attracts show-offs like crazy.

7. Are you creative or artistic? If so, in what way(s)?

I'd say so. But I'm also lazy and a little scared of expressing myself fully (what with all the crazy). I'm not as skilled as I could be perhaps since I don't like practicing things.

8. In general, what are you most interested in?

Life. How it works...what the Robin Williams is going on. I'm actually getting somewhere...s'nice. Using the world as a tool to develop the self...sort of.

9. Physically and mentally, what are you most attracted to in a potential partner?

Physically...expressiveness. Maybe that's a mirroring thing cause I deny myself that too often. I like goth/alternative too but that could, that's just sexy.
But that is no good if it is purely aesthetic. Mentally, being on the same wavelength and having at least the desire to know more about themselves is hawt.
For me to be with someone a lot, we should be vaguely going the same way. If your problems/hurdles/successes are alien to my way of's not going to work.

I'm coming out of my existential crisis now and I'm not sure I could be with someone who didn't feel their unique thing naturally or is at least in the process of trying to find it.
1. What is your MBTI and/or enneagram?

2. Whats your favorite color?

3. What do you like to do in your spare time?
Time and space travel, catch up on shows on the telly, visit friends so I can get my puppy fix, solve a variety of puzzles, journaling, to name a very few.

4. What are your favorite kinds of music (or favorite musician)?
Ambient, atmospheric, space music, alt rock, instrumental jazz, Native American singing/drumming, sounds of nature,

5. Cats or dogs? (or other/if you don't like animals)
Dogs! I cannot have them where i live, so I live vicariously through my friends two sister puppies, who are six months old and a mix of Chihuahua, Pomeranian and ShihTzu.

6. Have you ever participated in sports? If so, which?
If shooting (gun), archery, crossbow, swordsmanship, martial arts and knife fighting are considered sports, then yes. If not, then ignore. LOL

7. Are you creative or artistic? If so, in what way(s)?
Creative, yes. Artistic, no (unless stick figures are considered artistic?)

8. In general, what are you most interested in?
Cosmology, time and space travel, physics, astronomy, medicine, drama type shows on the telly, travelling (on Earth), 1/6 scale action figures, music, singing, writing song lyrics, counseling, listening to and inspiring others, sociology, psychology, people watching and reading, investigating, to name a few.

9. Physically and mentally, what are you most attracted to in a potential partner?
I am not looking for a partner and have not been in a relationship for over 17 years. So this question is moot.
1. What is your MBTI and/or enneagram?

2. Whats your favorite color?
indigo blue or purple. i like orange too

3. What do you like to do in your spare time?
nothing much

4. What are your favorite kinds of music (or favorite musician)?
electronic is usually good. i like me some reggae. i kind of enjoy most every type of music, with the possible exception of heavy metal.

5. Cats or dogs? (or other/if you don't like animals)
cats because they're low maintenance. i can't spend enough time with a dog to make them happy, they become so affectionate and attached and then howl when you leave them. it's painful to watch.

6. Have you ever participated in sports? If so, which?
yeah, most. hockey is a favorite, but i haven't played for years. i like running.

7. Are you creative or artistic? If so, in what way(s)?

8. In general, what are you most interested in?
information and entertainment. entertaining information is pure bliss :D

9. Physically and mentally, what are you most attracted to in a potential partner?
i'll just go ahead and describe my current partner :
-tall(er) than me
-dark hair
-dark eyebrows
-deep voice
-knows how to dress himself.

-practical knowledge (ie. knows how to fix things)
-open minded and spontaneous
2. I never used to consider myself having a favorite color. Perhaps each color has meaning to me but all are important in their own way. When I speak, I wear gray. When I love, I wear white. When I am listening, I wear blue. When I am serious and determined, my gray darkens into charcoal.
3. Learn
4. Violin, piano, symphony. I like music waiting to be formed by imagination. I don't often like music with words. I find the repetition tedious and the meanings to be mundane.
5. Dog, most INTP are cat lovers. I find dogs to have some positive traits that I even look for in humans. Loyalty, love, patience. Of course that would require the dog be properly trained, not that humans are much different in nature vs nurture.
6. ...
7. No, not artistic. My creativity is in every day solutions to problems. My creativity is intuitive and intellectual as apposed to emotional.
8. What I spend most of my time doing. See 3.
9. I don't put any one attribute on a pedestal. People change and those thing you thought you liked will be lost or different. It is about flow. Connection. Understanding. Most of all it is not about what you seek from them. It is about what you can give them. It is not about feeling loved but instead if you are capable of loving them. The question we should be asking is who can benefit the most from your love?
1. What is your MBTI and/or enneagram?

I scored as ESFJ, but I wouldn't type myself as such because my preference of E over I is only 1% and my preference of J over P is only 1%, so I'm borderline E/I and borderline J/P.
My Enneagram is Type 3 (58%) with three equally strong wings, Type 4,6 and 8, all of them at 54%. My dominant instinct is SP. That's according to the Enneagram test I did today. But I see MBTI and Enneagram types as something changeable and relative, not as something fixed that should be used for putting people in certain categories.

2. Whats your favorite color?

Emerald green.

3. What do you like to do in your spare time?

Lately I spend most of my free time walking, reading books and articles, and watching films and TV shows.

4. What are your favorite kinds of music (or favorite musician)?

Pop and rock from 70's, 80's and 90's.

5. Cats or dogs? (or other/if you don't like animals)


6. Have you ever participated in sports? If so, which?

Only if you consider dancing a sport.

7. Are you creative or artistic? If so, in what way(s)?

Yeah, I always need some art/creativity in my life, I used to go to dance classes for years and now I'm doing amateur photography.

8. In general, what are you most interested in?

Right now in meeting new people and exploring other people's attitudes and preferences regarding relationships, love and sexuality, as well as exploring my own newly discovered bisexual tendencies.

9. Physically and mentally, what are you most attracted to in a potential partner?

As for men, physically I have a soft spot for tall men, nicely built body and deep eyes, even though it's not a must. I like free-spirited men with casual attitude towards sex and relationships. They need to be gentle, caring, protective (but not jealous, possessive and controlling) and very understanding about my bisexuality.
As for women, I generally find a woman's body very attractive as long as she is average weight/slightly slim type and somewhat fit, and what I find mentally attractive in a woman is confidence, curiosity and a bit of mystery, and I find a strong bisexual vibe very sexy in women.
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1. What is your MBTI and/or enneagram?
INFJ, 4?

2. Whats your favorite color?
Not sure. Depends on what the colour is on. I'd say orange but a 4 would say that.

3. What do you like to do in your spare time?
Socialise and study things nobody wants to talk about. Economics, psychology, neuroscience. I don't watch tv but I like game of thrones.

4. What are your favorite kinds of music (or favorite musician)?
All kinds. Mingus, Davis, Four Tet, Bonobo, Radiohead, Debussy. I like texture, unforced emotion with a bit of cleverness and to be taken on a journey.

5. Cats or dogs? (or other/if you don't like animals)
Had a touch of OCD for a log time which ruined my relationship with dogs but I have a soft spot for them. Cats I can take or leave.

6. Have you ever participated in sports? If so, which?
Hurling as a child and actually won a couple of medals. I play 5 a side soccer once a week with friends.

7. Are you creative or artistic? If so, in what way(s)?
Yeah, in a musical capacity. Guitar, piano, voice. I collaborate with a friend of mine on stuff.

8. In general, what are you most interested in?
Music I suppose. But it's always about trying to turn what your interested in into a metaphor for everything else isn't it? So I suppose it's the expression I'm chasing. Philosophy maybe. I like finding the connections between things. The theory of the conservation of energy is a better expression of Buddhism than most western translations - that sort of nonsense! I think I'm constantly trying to disprove my intuition that everything can be expressed in a singularity and so I go from topic to topic looking for my mistake. If that doesn't sound too arsey.

9. Physically and mentally, what are you most attracted to in a potential partner?
Expressive eyes, full lips, intelligence, curiosity, honesty, generosity with emotion and time, and a mischievous or silly side.
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1. What is your MBTI and/or enneagram?
infj/ 1w9/2

2. Whats your favorite color?
like all the colours, it depends on context. variety is nice, colourful is nice, sometimes colour schemes are nice. i like rainforest green, sky blue, ocean blue, and gold. I love being at the rainforest and being at the beach. Theres a particular shade of violet that i love. Bronze. Deepest blood red. Ocean turquoise. Chocolate brown. Cheesecake cream, with blueberry sauce. White and gold.

3. What do you like to do in your spare time?
play with my daughter, talk to people, see new places, get out and about, read, create things, meditate, walk, dream, paint, garden, cook, eat, sleep, write,

4. What are your favorite kinds of music (or favorite musician)?
all sorts. have a soft spot for grunge. Like folky, classical, classic rock, indie, jazz, reggae. Music from other cultures. Anything with lots of emotion and real. Listen to a lot of meditation music, tibetan chanting, 'alpha wave' stuff, binaural beats and high frequency music. Almost anything live. I love listening to someone/people play live music.

5. Cats or dogs? (or other/if you don't like animals)
i cant have pets because of my lifestyle. Cats seem lower maintenance and interesting. Dogs seem nicer and high maintenance. I had chickens for a while- they were very sweet and pooped everwhere

6. Have you ever participated in sports? If so, which?
dont really like partcipating in or watching sports. played hockey which was fun for a while. i used to rollerblade a lot and i enjoyed ice skating for a while. i do yoga and i like walking and running.

7. Are you creative or artistic? If so, in what way(s)?
in all ways- i like painting, writing, music, gardening, cooking, thinking, imagining, creating etc

8. In general, what are you most interested in?
Im all about the love! Im curious about anything and everything- for no specific reason- just because i think eveything is interesting

9. Physically and mentally, what are you most attracted to in a potential partner?
Physically- i like people that are a bit androgenous and low maintenance. Intense and kind eyes. People that are confident in their attractiveness and beauty. Someone that likes having fun and being true more than worrying about their hair/nails/clothes/image getting wrecked and doesnt take a hour to get dressed. Guys that are a bit grungy looking, and i have a soft spot for girls that have red or dark curly hair. But appearance is pretty irrelavant in itself, the function is more beautiful and relavant. People that smell nice
Mentally- someone with similar values, lifestyle, and path. A Freebird to fly with- free spirited, intense and open. Honest, loving, kind, joyful, peaceful, intelligent, funny. People that have made the mystical marriage within themself. A lover, a joker, midnight toker, plays their music in the sun
1. What is your MBTI and/or enneagram?

INFJ, I think. Unsure of my enneagram.

2. Whats your favorite color?

Orange and white.

3. What do you like to do in your spare time?

Spare time... who has that? I'm usually on the Internet, visiting with friends, or watching a movie if I'm not occupied.

4. What are your favorite kinds of music (or favorite musician)?

Alternative rock, pop, and electronic.

5. Cats or dogs? (or other/if you don't like animals)

I prefer cats, but like most animals.

6. Have you ever participated in sports? If so, which?


7. Are you creative or artistic? If so, in what way(s)?

I do ASCII art and fiction.

8. In general, what are you most interested in?

Hands-on technology, writing, and social subjects.

9. Physically and mentally, what are you most attracted to in a potential partner?

1. What is your MBTI and/or enneagram?

ENFP. 3w4

2. Whats your favorite color?

I'm undecided. I like Green, but I also like deep reds, like burgundy and maroon.

3. What do you like to do in your spare time?

Read. Talk to people. Run/work out. Window shop.

4. What are your favorite kinds of music (or favorite musician)?

At the moment, I'm really enjoying alternative and bluesy rock. I like ZZ Ward, The Black Keys, Bastille, Sam Roberts, Scissor Sisters, etc.

It changes for me all the time.

5. Cats or dogs? (or other/if you don't like animals)

Dogs! I like cats too, but I'm allergic :(

6. Have you ever participated in sports? If so, which?

Street Hockey, Rugby, Tennis and Volleyball, but my number one is always soccer.

7. Are you creative or artistic? If so, in what way(s)?

I think I'm more creative than artistic. I'm good at brainstorming solutions to problems and alternative ways of looking at the same thing. I did creative writing for a bit as well, but I'm no longer pulled in that direction.

8. In general, what are you most interested in?

Psychology, decision-making, literature, philosophy,

9. Physically and mentally, what are you most attracted to in a potential partner?

Sense of humor and ambition, mentally. Physically, I like a man with nice set of broad shoulders.
3.Paint, Read
4.Most Genres
5.Dogs but cats are cool
6.not organized
7.Most definitely, im good with my hands
9.lust comes first love second