How can we take it back?

I'm beginning to wonder if there should be a test before the right to vote, maybe containing things like what is being voted on. Surely the mentally challenged in homes do not vote: surely not the criminally insane. Guarantee there would be less votes to count and a much better outcome. Some people don't have a clue about anything but what they want for themselves.
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I'm beginning to wonder if there should be a test before the right to vote, maybe containing things like what is being voted on. Surely the mentally challenged in homes do not vote: surely not the criminally insane. Guarantee there would be less votes to count and a much better outcome. Some people don't have a clue about anything but what they want for themselves.

I think @Stu explained that better with his post and link than I could have.
I think that you would be correct @just me , I’m sure the criminally insane don’t really care about voting....but then you get into questions of who decides what is on this “test” it just what is being voted on?
I mean, they do send out voter’s pamphlets with plenty of time for people to read and understand what side of each issue they wish to vote on.
And anyone who really cares enough to go out and vote (which is a pathetic percentage btw) is probably also taken the time to learn about the issues?
I mean...the article is pretty scathing...but I would add that it’s more a product of the broken system...not the voters themselves.

An intellectual question: How can we take it backwards?​
I mean...the article is pretty scathing...but I would add that it’s more a product of the broken system...not the voters themselves.

The system, to me, includes education. I do not view our government as the system. What is it to you?

To vote for people who will make decisions that could change the world, or even end humanity for all that, is serious business. Freedom is wonderful, but limited. A person must show me they can operate a piece of equipment before I will turn my back and walk away. They must learn. The brochures are not even looked at by a large portion of people. Maybe there should be a class in the 12th grade, but would the liberals write the book? I see it as a major problem, but not blowback from our lawmakers. I see it as a unique problem bigger than civil rights.
The system, to me, includes education. I do not view our government as the system. What is it to you?

To vote for people who will make decisions that could change the world, or even end humanity for all that, is serious business. Freedom is wonderful, but limited. A person must show me they can operate a piece of equipment before I will turn my back and walk away. They must learn. The brochures are not even looked at by a large portion of people. Maybe there should be a class in the 12th grade, but would the liberals write the book? I see it as a major problem, but not blowback from our lawmakers. I see it as a unique problem bigger than civil rights.

Come on now...don’t make this a partisan issue with making fun of liberal thinking people.
I agree with you, imho, it does begin with education...I know I had to take Economics and Government in HS and college.
Granted, they were only half a year each, but this was the mid-90’s so I don’t know if it’s changed or how.
I know that they have constant trouble funding schools it seems...which implies that those who have the money and the means to make education changes to our system either don’t want to fork out the extra money to educate our children further, or they just don’t care, and don’t feel obligated to make sure we have an educated society.
So that is most of the “system” of which I speak.
I am an advocate for free basic college for all...but also would like to see more trade-job training.
My little brother just got hired at an alarm company after he dispatched at the Ambulance company I used to work for and moved up north.
His boss is taking him on as an apprentice electrician...or whatever the proper terminology is.
I think that’s great...there are just few positions and places that seem willing to do that these days...or train their employees at all for that matter.
They want people with experience...if you look through the job listings on Craigslist there are very few jobs for people without experience in that field...but how to get experience in that field without experience? driving a fork lift...almost everyone learns to do that on the job...I’m sure someone somewhere has a forklift school, I know you can go get certified , but I have never seen a school.
Even myself...when I went from working the ER to working in the OR...I did a year of internship and a year of externship...followed by a year of basically learning on the job all the things they can’t put in a book.
Again, I agree with your take on freedom...I served in the USCG, and know all about what that entails and sacrifices people Father was drafted to Vietnam which gave him PTSD for the rest of his life until he died from cancer at 57, a year before retirement...still makes me upset when I think that he really never got a break from working.
He worked for Shell Oil, he was a corrosion control foreman, so he worked hard, and this was outside of Bakersfield, so it was always hot.
I feel like he was slighted.
He is who instilled my own work ethic...I remember how when the car broke down when I was a child and they were less financially secure...he got up an extra two hours early and rode his bike 10 miles or so, out into the oilfields, work all day, then ride home until the car was fixed.
He could have called someone for a ride, but that isn’t how he was.

Okay back on topic.
What would you propose to fix the situation?
Testing for education like you suggested is illegal as far as I know.
So clearly we need to to go about that?
And how do we do that in a way that doesn’t allow any given teacher to push their own biased agenda for any side?
Raise the voting age? This has been suggested, but I don’t know that that would make a difference.

What is the blowback right now, in current affairs, that has been derived from uneducated voters?
And who is in your definition of “uneducated”?
How do you feel about Al Franken, Stephen Colbert, or George Clooney running for president? Is it now a necessity for future American presidents to be like Ronald Reagan or Donald Trump and have a background in entertainment? I don't think a Hillary type can ever become president in this country in the future. Politicians are now multimedia celebrities. If you are boring, people tune you out, regardless of what you have to say. I have a theory I'll share with you later. I think this is a crucial subject with regard to winning elections. @Skarekrow, what do you think?
How do you feel about Al Franken, Stephen Colbert, or George Clooney running for president? Is it now a necessity for future American presidents to be like Ronald Reagan or Donald Trump and have a background in entertainment? I don't think a Hillary type can ever become president in this country in the future. Politicians are now multimedia celebrities. If you are boring, people tune you out, regardless of what you have to say. I have a theory I'll share with you later. I think this is a crucial subject with regard to winning elections. @Skarekrow, what do you think?

I don’t think that they belong in politics at all.
Reagan whom everyone seems to love, really fucked this country up, badly and permanently in some cases.
He was probably a nice man, but he wasn’t qualified to run the country just like Trump imo is not qualified.
It seems that we have a group of people in the country that equate qualified people as nerds...or they don’t beat their chest enough.
Really though, it’s going to be the same old shit until the Boomers are out of government.
They have been the single most destructive and selfish generation to this country...and it continues with all the old white fucks running things now.
How is this very representative of our society?
It’s not.
As for winning elections...we definitely have people who are being disenfranchised from voting, not to mention the out of control redistricting and gerrymandering that is rampant around the nation.
I say we divide the states up in an equal and more representative manner - then let’s see how the votes actually fall.
Of course...we have to roll back Citizen’s United and get the big money out first or it will always be skewed to benefit the rich and the rich corporations, insurance companies, etc.
Look at the new “healthcare” plan...the AMA even calls it dangerous to the public.
You are making even more unaffordable...premiums will rise...deductibles will rise...22 million + (8 million children) will lose coverage.
But those who are in the top 1% are getting huge tax deductions...they are even trying to make them retroactive.
So we are giving rich people millions and millions of dollars in tax deductions at the expense of millions and millions of people losing.
They are not going to go out and use that deduction to create a business which will then provide healthcare to their employees...just won’t happen, they will hoard the money just like they already do.
It’s we are going to destroy Medicaid...people will die...children will die.

I saw that same fucker and his pals outside the grocery store yesterday...pushing his petitions to try and create a bathroom bill here in WA state.
As I walked out he was trying to explain it to some lady and I yelled - “It’s so they can discriminate against transgender people!”
He says “It’s to protect our women and children.”
My Son was with me and I yelled back so everyone in the parking lot could hear me - “This is my Son, I teach him to treat everyone how he would wish to be treated, to treat everyone with kindness and compassion - the very things that Jesus taught!”
Children are fucking starving in our own country...people are losing health coverage...and these guys can’t seem to find anything better to do than to try and create more hate and discrimination in our society.
That bill won’t protect anyone but their backwards religious morals that our Constitution says should never be legislated.
Why not do something to help our society?
Go out and feed the homeless.
Go volunteer somewhere and help people.
Shit man...go pick up trash at the park.
But instead you plant yourself in front of the grocery store to try and take the rights of tax paying Americans away.
Fuck that.
How would they like it if they were told they had to use a special this or that...a special drinking fountain for example.
If some perv is going to get pervy in the women’s room, they will just go in.
Let people fucking shit and piss where they’s not an exhibition anyhow.
And most of all fuck them for spreading more hatred, animosity, and for working toward more discrimination against a group of people that you don’t personally agree with - too fucking bad...this is the US.
I didn’t serve in the Coast Guard and my Dad didn’t kill people in Vietnam so we could take away people’s rights.
They are Americans and pay their taxes and contribute to society just like the rest of us.
To group them all together as some kind of dangerous group that is going to rape or molest women and children in bathrooms is just ignorant, hateful, and asinine. topic.
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I know that they have constant trouble funding schools it seems...which implies that those who have the money and the means to make education changes to our system either don’t want to fork out the extra money to educate our children further, or they just don’t care, and don’t feel obligated to make sure we have an educated society.

Enough of this: education starts at home.
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I don’t think that they belong in politics at all.
Reagan whom everyone seems to love, really fucked this country up, badly and permanently in some cases.
He was probably a nice man, but he wasn’t qualified to run the country just like Trump imo is not qualified.
It seems that we have a group of people in the country that equate qualified people as nerds...or they don’t beat their chest enough.
Really though, it’s going to be the same old shit until the Boomers are out of government.
They have been the single most destructive and selfish generation to this country...and it continues with all the old white fucks running things now.
How is this very representative of our society?
It’s not.
As for winning elections...we definitely have people who are being disenfranchised from voting, not to mention the out of control redistricting and gerrymandering that is rampant around the nation.
I say we divide the states up in an equal and more representative manner - then let’s see how the votes actually fall.
Of course...we have to roll back Citizen’s United and get the big money out first or it will always be skewed to benefit the rich and the rich corporations, insurance companies, etc.
Look at the new “healthcare” plan...the AMA even calls it dangerous to the public.
You are making even more unaffordable...premiums will rise...deductibles will rise...22 million + (8 million children) will lose coverage.
But those who are in the top 1% are getting huge tax deductions...they are even trying to make them retroactive.
So we are giving rich people millions and millions of dollars in tax deductions at the expense of millions and millions of people losing.
They are not going to go out and use that deduction to create a business which will then provide healthcare to their employees...just won’t happen, they will hoard the money just like they already do.
It’s we are going to destroy Medicaid...people will die...children will die.

I saw that same fucker and his pals outside the grocery store yesterday...pushing his petitions to try and create a bathroom bill here in WA state.
As I walked out he was trying to explain it to some lady and I yelled - “It’s so they can discriminate against transgender people!”
He says “It’s to protect our women and children.”
My Son was with me and I yelled back so everyone in the parking lot could hear me - “This is my Son, I teach him to treat everyone how he would wish to be treated, to treat everyone with kindness and compassion - the very things that Jesus taught!”
Children are fucking starving in our own country...people are losing health coverage...and these guys can’t seem to find anything better to do than to try and create more hate and discrimination in our society.
That bill won’t protect anyone but their backwards religious morals that our Constitution says should never be legislated.
Why not do something to help our society?
Go out and feed the homeless.
Go volunteer somewhere and help people.
Shit man...go pick up trash at the park.
But instead you plant yourself in front of the grocery store to try and take the rights of tax paying Americans away.
Fuck that.
How would they like it if they were told they had to use a special this or that...a special drinking fountain for example.
If some perv is going to get pervy in the women’s room, they will just go in.
Let people fucking shit and piss where they’s not an exhibition anyhow.
And most of all fuck them for spreading more hatred, animosity, and for working toward more discrimination against a group of people that you don’t personally agree with - too fucking bad...this is the US.
I didn’t serve in the Coast Guard and my Dad didn’t kill people in Vietnam so we could take away people’s rights.
They are Americans and pay their taxes and contribute to society just like the rest of us.
To group them all together as some kind of dangerous group that is going to rape or molest women and children in bathrooms is just ignorant, hateful, and asinine. topic.

Jesse The Body Ventura for president in 2020! Body slam congress!
Everyone in our county that can get out of public and into private schools do just that, which takes more money than what they already pay in school taxes. Most of the time, a better education is offered in private schools. What does that leave? Poor folk in the public school system? Not always, but there is a larger percentage. School taxes always seem to rise when a person owns things. Those that don't own a home don't pay school taxes? Larger majority are home owners that pay it. Does that mean the poor don't pay school taxes? The poor go to public school? Let's say the middle to poor people. Only the rich do not worry about property taxes that pay them. Why not donate more money into the private sector, knowing it works better? Enough of this: education starts at home.

Build a new public school. Hire the same guys that are "in" with your system. Think they get the best? No. They are out for profit. The children don't care about the building. It needs replacing faster because of who built it and other things. Same people, same ethics, same goals self-oriented. All of a sudden one notices how much education money is being spent on finer facilities to draw more children? Maybe, but let's surely keep those in the "system" making their bundles. It becomes work ethics. It becomes waste. It becomes pockets to fill every year with school funds. There is less to educate with left. Raise the taxes or mil rates, right? Gosh. The taxpayers are all retiring and dying off....just when they were learning what was going on. New folk take their places.
Properties are sold by those aging because they just cannot keep up with the taxes. They are fighting now to keep a home, so please don't allude to their not caring.

Raise the voting age? Some adults only vote for a black person, or a woman, or a Hispanic, or for who is after more help for the poor so they can sit it out a while longer. Some vote for all kinds of things. In the meantime, They are loading khemical weppons
onto a fighter jet right now to kill innocent people. Some belligerent child is trying to go to war by pushing the system. Tens of thousands of refugees of the millions are dying just in Nigeria. Everything eventually affects us some way. Wait. It's alright: Clint Eastwood is our President now. Everyone liked him. It's going to be alright. Let's take care of our own first. Meanwhile, a Russian bomber is flying next to Alaska. Maybe there should be a test for who runs for office, but like you said: who would write and give it.

The Romans had games to keep the people entertained so they would not look elsewhere at other things. My phone is ringing, let me check all the social sites, and maybe download another game. Get rid of the WWW: it has closed businesses and left people jobless, which gives less tax money for the system to work with. It has given terrorists a way to communicate. Slow down. We need to get back to the basics. Dads, play some ball with your sons. Moms, teach your daughters to cook and do their homework. When someone steps in and starts telling everyone what to do, you will know it is a failed system. Maybe that needs to happen. I think it will one day. Fighting like clubs to run America sux. I love America, but it isn't the same and is getting worse because of adults infighting in politics, and children fighting in the streets. Too many people want too many things. I want to get paid. What do you want?

From that quote you extrapolated all that?
I am aware of how property taxes are paid and what they go to thanks but no thanks for the big lesson.

You missed my whole part about - How can we keep the educations system unbiased...non-partisan.
Are we going to teach the kids which party to join now?
It seems like that is the problem now...parents passing outdated biases and things like racism to their children.
I don’t own a smart fact, mine doesn’t even take pictures.
I agree with parents spending more time with their kids, and that education starts at home.
Moms should teach their SONs and daughters to cook...I’m teaching my Son.
He should be able to sew on a button, do his laundry and dishes, cook, clean properly, balance his paycheck for bills, etc., etc.

As far as the “system” making money...yeah, that's why no one wanted Betsy DeVos and Co. to turn all our public education systems into private for-profit schools with little oversight and even less funding to actual programs that benefit the learning of our children.
As far as paying taxes goes...that’s just part of living in society.
Right now though the playing field is not level.
For instance...this new “healthcare” plan, will give multi-million dollar, retroactive capital gains taxes to millionaires and billionaires (prior to the ACA, to the very wealthy who have been supposedly “paying the burden of taxes”.)
And the cost of that is to raise the price of healthcare services...if you are over 55...expect to pay triple what you do now, with fewer patient protections and guarantees that exist with the ACA.
And it is expect to price out in the first year alone - 22 million people, on top of the 25 that already can’t afford it and don’t have it.
50 Million in the first year alone.
To destroy Medicaid is to literally kill people...this will kill men, women, and children.
Many our elderly of which you speak....and 8 million of whom are children.

Yeah...when the country is divided as such -

So there is probably a good majority of people who can’t afford to own a home and pay those property taxes, but they still pay taxes in their state and federally in other ways.
Most are working people.
They don’t just sit at home and collect welfare.

I am well aware, more so than some on this forum about the terrible atrocities going on around the world.
Us attacking Syria for them committing terrible acts will pull us into a war with Iran and Russia...we are acting idiotic.

We are never going to get rid of the WWW.
That just isn’t feasible.

Some adults are very biased in their voting...but they have every right to still vote.
I swore an oath to protect that right.

Which is what I told the gentleman outside the grocery store getting people to sign petitions for a bathroom bill in WA.
I know this seems very important to them...but just as you outlined, we have huge and greater things amiss in the world that we should be concentrating our efforts on...not trying to take away the civil liberties of someone whom has been judged by assumed sexual identity and orientation but mostly appearance...they pay taxes just like us all...they are humans just like us all.
But we as humans jump to conclusions and generalize the group as molesters and rapists that must be kept from our bathrooms.
It is they who are more likely the victims of sexual assault and rape there goes that argument...nor have I ever (though I’m sure it’s happened) have seen a news story of a transexual sexually assaulting someone.
Wasting time in front of the grocery store.
But I’m sure they feel strongly in their convictions and I can respect that....just not the taking rights away from people because your moral judgement is stuck on “hate what you don’t understand” when Jesus taught just the opposite.

I was married to a HS teacher and was with a Special ed teacher for some time...I can tell you first hand that it is not the teachers who are the problem in 98% of the cases.
They work many unpaid hours to when they get after school, before most of their own supplies for the kids, etc.
Take a look at how much college costs now compared to when you probably went.
It’s unjustified.
Where did those increases come from?
The administrative costs...the teachers sure haven’t seen the raise.
As a matter of fact....wages have stagnated in the US since Reagan, and we have a whole party fighting to pay hard working people as little as possible, and to give them as little as possible in return for the taxes they pay.
That’s a joke.
We need affordable everything here in the US....because the middle class is dipping down in to the working poor.
We are gouged relentlessly here.
If we want people off food stamps then maybe we should pay them enough so they no longer qualify - which would also hopefully mean that they have enough then to support themselves.
Instead we demonize them and make it seem like our social programs are the huge drain on our already borrowed budget.
It is war which is the number one destructor of realizing a more utopian society here in the US.
You can disagree with me and say it’s necessary...I don’t disagree that it is....just not funded to the point that it is.
We should pull out of any and all with allies on humanitarian disasters, instead of carpet bombing runways that we called ahead and gave warning to with $60 million dollars worth of bombs.
Or how about corporate you know how much sits in offshore accounts?
How many tax subsides huge, profitable, stocks that gain year after year - then we turn around and hand them the hard-earned money taken from people’s paychecks.
That is BS.

I don’t want to get paid....I want my taxes to fund the society I live in representative to the amount that people pay.
That isn’t happening.
People see that and are pissed off.
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Deleted my message last night. Will talk later: must go.
California To Add Monsanto's RoundUp To List Of "Cancer-Causing" Herbicides

by Tyler Durden
Jun 27, 2017 3:25 PM

Back in March, we highlighted official evidence divulged in unsealed court documents which seemingly revealed collusion between senior executives at the $60 billion ag-chemicals powerhouse, Monsanto, and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to kill "inconvenient" research which suggested that Monsanto's key herbicidal product, RoundUp, might be literally killing people.

We've shared the entire sordid tale below but here is one of the key emails from Jess Rowland, the EPA's Deputy Division Director for the Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention, to a Monsanto executive regarding a piece of damaging research that was pending release:

" "If I can kill this I should get a medal." "

Apparently those rather unsettling court documents were all that California needed for the state's Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) to add RoundUp's key ingredient, Glyphosate, to a list of chemicals known to cause cancer. Per Reuters:

" Glyphosate, an herbicide and the active ingredient in Monsanto Co's (MON.N) popular Roundup weed killer, will be added to California's list of chemicals known to cause cancer effective July 7, the state's Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) said on Monday. "

" Environmental groups cheered OEHHA's move to list the chemical. "

" "California's decision makes it the national leader in protecting people from cancer-causing pesticides," said Nathan Donley, a senior scientist at the Center for Biological Diversity. "

And while agriculture may not be the first thing to come to mind when you think of California, many would be shocked to learn that over half of the United States' vegetables, fruits and nuts are grown in the Golden State.


Of course, California's decision doesn't mean that Monsanto has to stop selling their carcinogenic products, they just have to add a tiny label to the bottom of canisters letting consumers know that the product they're holding could kill them.

" Listing glyphosate as a known carcinogen under California's Proposition 65 would require companies selling the chemical in the state to add warning labels to packaging. Warnings would also be required if glyphosate is being sprayed at levels deemed unsafe by regulators. "

" Users of the chemical include landscapers, golf courses, orchards, vineyards and farms. "

" Monsanto and other glyphosate producers would have roughly a year from the listing date to re-label products or remove them from store shelves if further legal challenges are lost. "

Meanwhile, Monsanto has vowed to fight on...because colluding with the EPA to corrupt/kill 'independent' studies simply wasn't a strong enough effort.

" Monsanto's appeal of the trial court's ruling is pending. "

" "This is not the final step in the process, and it has no bearing on the merits of the case. We will continue to aggressively challenge this improper decision," Scott Partridge, Monsanto's vice president of global strategy, said. "

California is the biggest state in the US. This will have a direct effect, and bigger effects down the road. :innocent:
New Study Finds Marijuana Users Are Happier And More Successful In Life

by Tyler Durden
Jun 26, 2017 10:15 PM

Authored by James Holbrooks via,

Shattering the stereotype of the lazy pothead, new research suggests cannabis users are actually more satisfied, more successful, and even more likely to volunteer in their communities than their nonsmoking counterparts.

Last week, the Independent described to its readers how the research was carried out:

“The study, conducted by market researchers BDS Analytics, surveyed consumers and abstainers across a wide variety of mental, social and financial factors. These included life satisfaction levels, attitudes towards parenting and employment data.

"The survey analysed extensive data from two US states that have voted to legalise the sale of cannabis — California and Colorado.”

Among other surprising findings, researchers discovered that weed consumers make significantly more money than those who abstain, with Californians who use the plant earning nearly $24,000 more a year. This could be related to the fact that 20 percent of California pot consumers hold a master’s degree while only 12 percent of non-smokers in the state can say the same.

Researchers found a similar situation in Colorado, where 64 percent of cannabis users have full-time jobs versus 54 percent of abstainers. Given those numbers, perhaps it’s not surprising that weed consumers in the state generally feel better about their personal lives than non-smokers.

Marijuana consumption is also associated with healthier habits and a more active social life, researchers for BDS Analytics found. In Colorado, for instance, 36 percent of smokers described themselves as “very social people,” compared to 28 percent for those who avoid the plant. Additionally, in both Colorado and California, those who consume cannabis enjoy outdoor recreation at significantly higher rates.

Perhaps the most surprising discovery, however — given the cliched image of the slacker on the couch eating Cheetos and watching reruns of Family Guy — is that users tend to be more generous with their time. Nearly 40 percent of California’s weed enthusiasts volunteer in their communities, researchers found, whereas only 25 percent of abstainers have decided to do the same.

In a press release, head of consumer research for BDS, Linda Gilbert, says all these data points lead to a very real and increasingly apparent conclusion:

“Cannabis consumers are far removed from the caricatures historically used to describe them.”


Being a marijuana smoker and a slacker are not mutually exclusive. You are allowed to relax while smoking.
Brazilian President Temer Officially Charged With Corruption

by Tyler Durden
Jun 26, 2017 7:29 PM

Just over a month after O Globo newspaper first brought the world's attention to the fact that Brazil's President Michel Temer was 'allegedly' involved in "hush money" payments, then vehemently denied by him; and just a week after the police confirmed it had evidence that Temer received bribes, O Globo, reports citing court documents, that President Michel Temer was formally charged with corruption by Prosecutor-General Rodrigo Janot.


As we noted last week, almost exactly one month after Brazil's stock market crashed, and the Real plunged after the country's never-ending political drama made a triumphal return following accusations that president Michel Temer had encouraged a "hush money" bribe to former House Speaker Eduardo Cunha in return for not getting dragged into the Carwash scandal, Brazil’s federal police force said it has found evidence that the embattled president received bribes to help businesses, Brazil's O Globo reported.


A president of a large nation going on trial for corruption. This is a global trend by now. Western countries are expected to catch up. :m043:
"They Can And Should Do More" Australian State Slams Banks With $280 Million Tax

by Tyler Durden
Jun 23, 2017 9:50 PM

Australian bankers are furious after the country’s smallest state levied a “surprise” tax on the country’s five biggest banks that could siphon off $280 million in profits during its first four years on the books, according to Reuters. The tax was imposed by South Australia, which is struggling with the country’s highest unemployment rate and thanks the banks should be doing more to pitch in.

The decision, which provoked “howls of outrage from the sector,” represents an added financial burden on the largest banks beyond a $4.2 billion federal tax that was imposed last year - not to mention the country's record-low interest rates. The banks, struggling with low public favorability after a series of scandals and unified support in the country’s legislature, accepted that tax with minimal pushback. However, some are already threatening to pull investment as a form of retaliation.

The head of the Australian Bankers Association Anna Bligh called the tax "an outrageous cash grab without policy substance". Westpac Banking Corp and Australia and New Zealand Banking Group said the move could provoke a backlash from banks as they could decide to curtail investment in the state.



Let us call the bluff.
Who is going to take it back? Nobody in this thread.