I'll be your huckleberry...

Mind you I only did a quick Google search, nothing in depth.
Additionally, the
New York Times quoted administration sources who
debunked the "ban" claim, explaining that the new guidelines were merely (non-mandatroy) suggestions about how to present topics in budget-related documents,
not scientific or medical content. In other words, the justifications for media hyperventilation over alleged Trump-imposed authoritarian word purges were slowly falling apart. But it gets even worse. Writing at
National Review, former Bush administration official
Yuval Levin did some digging and has now revealed the perfect punchline for this sadly-typical episode of journalistic laziness and confirmation bias. The anti-Trump narrative was "
too good to check," then disintegrated completely when someone finally bothered to check:
These [terms] are “avoid when possible” terms in
a style guide specifically intended for budget documents. They’re not words that are banned in the department. Second, these three terms to avoid apparently came up in the course of a meeting among career officials at the CDC late last week about preparing next year’s congressional-justification documents. That discussion then led to a conversation in the meeting about other terms that might be best avoided...
This meeting did not involve any political appointees, and apparently the conversation about terms beyond “diversity,” “entitlements,” and “vulnerable” was not about terms that anyone in the department had said should be avoided but about terms that it might be wise to avoid so as not to raise red flags among Republicans in Congress. In other words, what happened regarding these other terms (“transgender,” “fetus,” “evidence-based,” and “science-based”) was not that retrograde Republicans ordered career CDC officials not to use these terms but that
career CDC officials assumed retrograde Republicans would be triggered by such words and, in an effort to avoid having such Republicans cut their budgets, reasoned they might be best avoided.
Oh... sorry, I didn't see the not you EG part of your post, I withdraw my last post, in that case

Please continue your regularly scheduled conservative libertarian bashing... Just as aside though has it occured to anyone that Trump has kept, or is the process of keeping every campaign promise he made... nevermind I guess it doesn't matter, he's an alleged mysoginist am I right? Burn him!!
Well it's good to see both sides of the issue anyhow...then we can all try and make more informed decisions.
I have never had issue with another viewpoint...I only take issue when someone tries to ram it down my throat or someone else's.
If it's suggested they don't use those words or not....it comes off kind of as - don't use them or you may get fired sort of threat....which is a whole pile of BS.
Was not suggesting you....was in fact calling out everyone's favorite pseudo-liberatarian who doesn't seem to understand the basics of what his party stands for as he starts threads praising the idiocy that is the man child Trump especially when they are attacking basis tenets of our "freedom" in this country.
Brilliant fucking tax give away...Trump has the actual gall to claim it will hurt his tax bottom line...hahahaha.
The demented old pathological liar can't handle a few words that might trigger his ape-like midbrain to tweet at 3am...same goes with Congress.
We wouldn't want to use any words that could trigger the fragile egos of those stealing the wealth in this country as they lie to the nation all in the name of more $$$$ now would we?
The so called party of "fiscal responsibility" has just blown the deficit sky high....the so called part of "family values" is passing a bill transferring 2/3 of the wealth to the top 2%.....paid for by the working class, poor, and the destruction of social programs and safety nets.
Trickle down certainly won't work if the unemployment rate is as low as it is...not to mention that any tax breaks that go to the middle class in in this bill are temporary, decreasing each year until 80% of Americans will be paying HIGHER taxes and 13 million people will lose healthcare...9 million children....this is from the GOPs own CBO score...but don't worry while the tax cuts for the middle class run out in a year or so....the corporate income tax breaks and things like the carried interest deduction, the destruction of the estate tax and various other giveaways to those who are already rich will NOT be phased out but are permanent - pretty slick BS if you ask me.
The banning of words is just an example of the petty and frankly stupid, idiotic, moronic, fascist, lameness that we have seen from Trump and co so far...how about we just burn books we don't like?
Of course blowing up net neutrality can turn into a figurative "book burning" if we don't pay attention and don't continue to oppose the "legal" ability the FCC now has to block any content they see fit.
Party of "family values" can't even renew CHIP so children have health insurance and don't die from wholly preventable but priced-out services.
The party of "fiscal responsibility" want to blow up the deficit by $1.5 trillion+.....but don't worry...they are totally going to pay for it by destroying Planned Parenthood, Medicaid, Social Security, Medicare, public education, public libraries, WIC, food stamps, tax credits that are being eliminated altogether - but only for the middle class and poor.
Healthcare takes an automatic 10%- 50% jump in premiums when the tax scam passes - so all you who voted for the GOP to run the show...enjoy your own stupidity as we let the rich gouge us into abject poverty.
Once again the poor, non-whites, and ill get blamed for the monetary woes Congess creates themselves by letting lobbyists write legislation that is the real issue that never gets touched with a ten foot pole - corporate welfare.
Enough said....sorry, didn't mean to mix you up, as if I was attacking you...just a misunderstanding.