This has been my lifelong struggle. It's even harder if you go to school not knowing and then you end up without the initial training and experience to move into something that is actually right for you....but you already have a bunch of debt.
I think INFJs (and maybe all NFs) really need to find our Purpose. I found a really helpful diagram that helps define that:
After taking all of this into consideration, I think it's also important to think about what you want your day to day life to be like. Do you want to work for yourself, or would you rather go to work and be able to come home and leave work at work? Are you willing to work on call or have a flexible schedule? Are you willing to travel for work? Do you want to work with others closely or be mostly autonomous?
I went through so many different things and had many different ideas. And I have a lot of regrets about not pursuing certain areas and opportunities. It's a lot harder now that I have a bunch of debt and I have to work full-time, living paycheck to paycheck, and trying to help my family out, and trying to go back to school little by little to do all the prerequisites I need to move on to get a masters degree.
I've always done art, and I am good at it. The first painting I ever sold was for $1000. But I'm too afraid to try to make it my career. And it doesn't feel meaningful enough for me' it doesn't have enough impact on other peoples lives. So art will remain my hobby.
I originally went to school for Journalism and Political Science and was minoring in Art and Music. Way too ambitious. Then I changed to Art and Psychology and my plan was to be an Art Therapist (after taking a class called "Major Decision" to help me pick my path). And I changed schools. Then I realized that wasn't like a real job and I would invest a bunch of money into my education for nothing. So I changed to a Psych minor, thinking I would figured out what to DO otherwise. I almost left University to go to Culinary School but decided against it. I almost started BioChem. I started Sustainability. I started Nutrition/Dietetics. Eventually I just was racking up so much debt and I wasn't sure what I was doing so I just graduated with a major in Art and a minor in Psychology. I thought "I'll just figure out what I want to do and then I'll go on to do a Master's" - EASIER SAID THAN DONE.
I almost went to do a Master's in Food Studies (learning all about sustainability, growing food, storing, processing, food policy, nutrition, etc etc etc). It was an awesome program. I was in LOVE love with it. But when I went to speak to old Professors to get letters of recommendation one said to "What are you independently wealthy?" I said "" and she said "What job is this degree going to lead to?" and I said "Um....I think I'll figure it out while I'm there..." and she said "Ok, listen. You don't go get a Master's degree because you are interested in something. You do it because there is a specific job you want, and you know that degree will get you that job. It's an investment. And it is an expensive one". So that, as hard as it was to hear...seemed like solid advice, so I listened.
So I thought, well I don't want to be a Farmer. I love gardening, but I'm an Intuitive, not a Sensor. I want to work more with ideas than actual THINGS. So I thought I would go back to Nutrition. I was going to become a Dietitian but I was worried about how much time and money the investment would be for the fairly low income. More importantly I have found that the industry is massively corrupted with bad science and false information, for political and economic reasons. I had a Dietitian teaching a Nutrition class I took who told us that vitamins in enriched cereals were the same as getting it from regular foods like fruits and vegetables. Another one (when I went back to take more Nutrition classes after college) was telling outright lies about GMOs and I almost lost it. I cannot be part of that.
So then I was going to go become a Naturopathic Doctor, and I was really excited for it. I think I would be great at it. But my friend is a Naturopath and she recommended against it because it's a LOT of money and work and you can't even practice in most states, and insurance does not cover it, and you have to be really good at having your own business. I also have met more than a few people who went to school to become an ND and ended up unemployed or underemployed. So I was hesitant to do this. It would have been like 7 years to achieve this.
Then I started learning about childbirth and I was astounded at how passionate I felt about it. So I thought I would become a Midwife. Certified Nurse Midwives make around 100K a year. But I don't believe in the over-medicalized hospital version of birth so I knew I couldn't go become a Nurse and then a Midwife. The other option is becoming a Certified Professional Midwife and train directly in Midwifery and learn more about Natural childbirth. I would rather have the skills to save women's and babies' lives rather than defaulting to major surgery (especially since the over-use of antibiotics has lead to antibiotic resistant bacteria and we are speeding toward a time where we won't be able to fight infections with antibiotics and surgeries will become EXTREMELY risky). But CPMs do not make very much money. Most of them work non-stop just to get by. That would be a viable option if I was married to someone who could provide, and had kids already that were grown up enough to be ok if I was suddenly gone for days at a time.....but that's just not the case. maybe someday....
So now I am working in the Supplement Industry in Sales. ok, but it's really not what I'm best at. I'm really not a salesman, and I wouldn't even be able to do it if I was selling something that wasn't truly good for people. This is a growing Industry, and its a viable career for sure. But I'm just not a salesperson. So while I do this job I am working on going back to school to do the prerequisites I need so I can get a Masters in Nutrition, possibly with a Didactic Program in Dietetics (I found one who teaches in line with my beliefs). My plan is to be a Fertility/Genetics Counselor and do Prenatal and Postnatal and Child Nutrition. I think this is a viable area. And I think it is SO SO SO IMPORTANT. It combines so many of the things I love. I can work with midwives and doctors. And someday maybe I will also train as a midwife. Also, someday I will probably end up in an off-the-grid community and just say FUCK IT to this whole system. So there's that....
What I Love: Women's Health, Pregnancy/Birth, Nutrition and Food, Alternative Healthcare, Epigenetics
What I'm Good at: Teaching, Counseling, Writing, Speaking, Creating, Inspiring, Making Systems and People Better, Nurturing, and Cooking
What The World Needs: Healing, the lifting up of the Divine Feminine, Support for Mothers and Babies, Proper Nourishment, Returns of Ancient Wisdom, Community-Building
What People Will Pay Me For: Midwifery, Fertility Counseling, Genetic Counseling, Kitchen Management (Dietitian), Nutrition Counseling (Dietitian)
So I guess....I'm still getting there.
Oh and: